Chapter 293: 170  

Heaven was so nervous to tell her parents about her pregnancy. Her emotions kept going back and forth between being excited and nervous. Feeling embarrassed, she went to her parents' room. She hoped to only find her mother. She would be more comfortable only telling her first.

As she hoped, only her mother was in the room. "Good morning, mother." She greeted, feeling a thousand butterflies in her stomach.

"Good morning." Her mother smiled while having breakfast in her room today.

"Is father is busy with the war?" She asked.

Her mother nodded.

Heaven went to sit with her.


"Did you eat?" her mother asked.

"I will soon. I just wanted to tell you something first." The butterflies in her stomach went wild. It suddenly became hard to breathe.

Her mother narrowed her eyes and waited patiently.

"I am pregnant, mother." Heaven blurted as fast as she could. She was afraid to hear her own words and looked down, afraid to meet her mother's gaze.

It became dead quiet in the room. Heaven could hear the breeze and the birds singing outside. It felt like forever before she looked up at her mother.

Her mother was in shock. She opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, but no words left her lips. Heaven wished the earth would open up and swallow her.


"Please say something." She said.

"How long?" Her mother asked.

"Not long." If she got married soon, she could conceal it.

Her mother was still speechless. It seemed like she had a lot to say, but didn't know where to start.

"Well, we need to tell your father."

Heaven looked down at her hands again, feeling uncomfortable. Her mother was clearly distraught by the news.

"Heaven. I am just worried about you and want to make sure that everything goes right." She said, noticing her reaction.

Heaven nodded again. What could she say or do? She just waited for her father to come. Waited to be scolded. But her father's reaction shocked both her and her mother.

"I am going to be a grandfather," he beamed.

Her mother looked at him as if he had lost his mind, but her father was truly happy about becoming a grandparent. Maybe he just needed time for everything to sink in. He could enjoy the good news first, then move on to the bad.

"Well, now that you are pregnant you have to get married as soon as possible." He told her.

Heaven nodded.

"Then we should arrange it." Her father was quick to think of the solution instead of worrying.

Heaven turned to her mother to know her thoughts. "Are you alright with the way things turned out?" Her mother asked.

Heaven smiled. "Mother, I am happy and I was thinking of getting married, anyway."

"You look worried," she said.

"I am only nervous." She knew nothing about pregnancy and she wasn't really prepared for it. She didn't think it would happen this soon.

Her mother took her hands. "You will do great and I am here for you."

Heaven squeezed her mother's hands. "Thank you."

"Well, I have to interrupt. Heaven, I hope you have your plan ready. It is time for a meeting," he said.

Right. It was time to go back to duty, and she was glad her father didn't dismiss her now that she told him about her pregnancy.

Heaven went to the meeting with her plans and her speech ready. She was nervous to speak in front of so many men, and her eyes searched for General Kian and Lincoln. The two men supporting her. They were seated and waited for her to present her plan. General Kian gave her a nod and Heaven thought of what Zamiel had taught her.

Stand straight, shoulders relaxed and not look down or bow to anyone. She presented her plan and explained her strategies confidently. A few of them threw questions at her, but she had prepared so well that she could give them answers that either satisfied them or made them quiet.

Her father sat amongst the men and watched quietly. General Kian's father, who was the head chief commander of the royal army, nodded thoughtfully after she was done. She nervously waited for his response.

"I like your plan, Your Highness." He said.

He was a man of few words. Heaven was so happy to know that she had impressed him. He was an important man. But others weren't so happy about her achievement.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty. There is a concerning rumor spreading outside the walls of the castle." One of them began to speak. Her father narrowed his eyes, as if knowing what he was going to say. "People are saying foul things about Her Highness."

Heaven frowned. What was he talking about? It looked like he wanted to say more, but was too afraid. Instead, he was hinting at something.

"What are they saying?" Her father demanded.

"I don't want to offend…"

"I asked a question." Her father cut off.

The soldier looked around nervously. "They are saying she isn't a bare maiden anymore."

What?! Heaven froze in shock. It seemed like many knew about this rumor, since only a few in the room seemed surprised. There was no way anyone could have known about her and Zamiel.

Her father remained calm, but she could see the flames in his eyes.

Heaven remained standing frozen, and the others joined in to take this opportunity to bring her down.

"I think it is important as a princess and a future ruler to think of her reputation, Your Majesty." Another one added.

"I think she should get married and save her reputation."

Heaven turned to yet another one who spoke.

Her father remained silent. He probably wanted to see who else would join the plan of taking her down before he put them all in their places. Or maybe he wanted her to defend herself. But before anyone else could add anything, General Kian spoke.

"Sir Harris. Are you questioning princess Heaven's innocence?" General Kian asked bluntly, and the man's eyes widened at the direct question.

"I wouldn't dare." Sir Harris said.

"Princess Heaven had been sick for several days and without fully recovering she had not only made a good plan for the war but also a plan for the castle defences. Whatever the rumors are accusing her of, we all know is not true. We all should know better than listening to gossip."

"General Kian, with all due respect even if we know the rumors aren't true they will still affect her image." One of the council's spoke.

"I will take full responsibility." Heaven said.

Now they all turned to her, curious to know how she would take responsibility. They probably thought she would give up her attempts to rule.

"After the war ends, I'll get married." She told them.

Many of them nodded with satisfaction. They thought they would finally be rid of her, but they didn't know what was coming their way.

"Alright, let's focus on the war now." General Kian's father suggested.

Heaven proceeded as if nothing had happened. She wouldn't let these men's negativity affect her.

She presented her other plan to defend the castle.

"They could attack the castle as well, so we should be prepared for that."

Lincoln nodded. "Protecting the castle is the most important part."

General Kian was thoughtful before he spoke. "I think Your Highness should stay here and lead the castle defences in case of an attack."

His suggestion came as a surprise. She had wanted to go to war and prove herself.

"Since the castle is the most important part to protect, we should assign someone with more experience." A council suggested

"Princess Heaven will do well. She planned everything after all." General Kian said with finality.

Heaven wanted to protest, but didn't want to defy him in front of everyone. She waited until the meeting ended and went to speak to him.

"General Kian. I really want to go out and fight on the battlefield."

"Your Highness. I can understand your eagerness to do well and I am on your side. You don't look well enough to go on a war and it is my duty to protect this Kingdom and the Royal family. I want you to stay here where you are more safe and where I know you will do well. There is no one I can trust to protect the castle as much as you since this is your home." He explained.

Heaven thought that it probably wasn't a bad idea. Even though fighting humans would have been easy and she didn't need to worry about her child, staying here would be even safer. She should just take it easy now that she was carrying a life inside her belly.

"Alright. I'll stay and protect the castle."
