Chapter 294: 171  

The Royal army packed, and her father said his goodbye and left. Heaven knew she didn't have to worry. Her father had never lost a war before, and he ended it quickly. They didn't even need her plan that much. It was only made to be strategic.

Before leaving, her father ordered to spread the word that if they won the war, she would get married soon after. It would be interesting to see if this would stop the rumors.

Her father had told her it was probably her grandfather who spread the rumors about her. Heaven knew he wouldn't give up easily, but she wouldn't feel defeated by his attempts.

Callum and Oliver stayed behind to defend the castle with her in case of an attack. From what her father found out, the enemy was indeed thinking of attacking the castle. Heaven quickly set her plan in motion and told everyone how to prepare and what to do. When she prepared the castle's defences according to her plan, she could finally relax. She made sure to eat well and rest now that she was pregnant. It wasn't only about her health anymore but also her child's.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Her mother asked, feeling bad that Heaven was doing so much work.

"Everything is as it should be." Heaven assured her mother.


Their castle already had strong defences. It had the most well-built curtain wall and many deep moats around it. The castle towers were high and roundly shaped to give an unobstructed view of the countryside around the fortress in order to spot approaching attackers. The castle was symmetrically designed to give a broader view.

They had the best gatehouse to protect the entrance, which was usually the weak point. Many obstacles lined the entrance: metal portcullis gateways; arrow slits to fire at intruders; different doors, gates, and drawbridges and notorious murder holes so that boiling water could pour out of.

Her plan was to even add more obstacles. Hidden pits around the curtain wall where the enemy would fall inside and then archers would shoot their arrows from above. Some pits would have oil in them and the archers would shoot fire to burn the enemy.

Heaven gave clear instructions to everyone, and now they just had to wait for the attack. She went back to her room to rest and, as soon as she walked in, she froze. This scent. She had missed this scent so much.


Her grandmother stood in her room and a smile lit up her face. "Heaven!"


They ran to each other and hugged. Oh, how she had missed her grandmother. When she told her parents about her pregnancy, she felt like something was missing. She wanted to share the news with her grandmother as well.

"Grandma, you are radiating." She said, looking at her from top to toe. Heaven wasn't sure if it was only her eyes, but her grandmother seemed younger and her skin and hair glowed like never before.

"It must be the weather under the ocean. Now I understand why everyone there looks so good." She smiled.

"I should spend a few days there as well, then."

Her grandmother chuckled. "You look beautiful as you are and you seem so happy." She said.

"Yes. I have some news for you."

Her grandmother became curious.

"I am pregnant." Heaven said.

"You are? Oh, dear…" Her grandmother hugged her and started crying.

"Why are you crying?" Heaven chuckled. She knew her grandmother loved having a big family. She always spoke of having grand- and great-grandchildren.

She already began caring for her unborn great grandchild. "You have to eat and rest." And then she began speaking of what kind of food she should eat and what she should avoid.

But Heaven didn't want to just talk about herself. She wanted to know how her grandmother had been doing.

Her grandmother happily told her everything. She spoke of her adventures under the ocean and the people she met. There was a calmness and a feeling of gratitude as she spoke about her journey and the people she met.

Heaven had been worried for nothing. It seemed like her grandmother not only had? a good time under the ocean but also found great things. She seemed happier, and they spent the rest of the evening chatting before falling asleep.

Heaven woke up from her body, aching and feeling cold. She looked around. She wasn't in her room anymore. She woke up lying on the floor in a completely empty room.

When she tried to sit up, she realized that she couldn't move her legs. It was like they were paralyzed. Panic settled in as she forced herself to sit up with the help of her arms. Then she realized the bloodstain on her dress and felt wetness between her legs.

No! No!

Please, it couldn't be!

She lifted her dress with her heart pounding loudly. She looked down to see where the blood was coming from and she started crying in panic.

"N0!" It couldn't be what she thought it was.

Her child! She had to make sure it was safe, but she couldn't move.

Where was she, and what had happened to her legs?

She tried to teleport back home, but it wasn't working. Oh Lord! What was happening? Who had abducted her?

With tears streaming down her face, she tried to crawl toward the door when it opened.

Heaven saw a pair of boots and then her grandmother's body fell right in front of her.


Heaven looked up to see the person, but they had already turned around and left, closing the door behind them.

"Wait!" she yelled but got ignored.

Heaven crawled to her grandmother's unmoving body.

"Grandma!" She shook her.

She couldn't see any blood that indicated that she got stabbed in the spine, so it was a good thing.

"Grandma! Please, wake up!" Heaven shook her again, and her grandma slowly opened her eyes.

Heaven let out a breath of relief. "Are you alright?"

Her grandma nodded as she sat up. Heaven realized she couldn't move her legs as well.

"What is happening?"

"Witches." Her grandma said.
