Chapter 292: 169  

Euphorion's days became suddenly busy. He was surprised by how much the company of one person could change one's daily life. He found himself not only thinking about himself, but about someone else as well.

Every time he would eat, he would stop and remember that he had a guest who also needed food. Whenever he went out, he didn't just leave. He went to tell Irene that he would be gone for a while, so she would know. If he bought something, he would also think of buying something for her. Otherwise, he felt strange.

It wasn't just all about him anymore. It felt like he had a duty to take care of someone else as well.

Surprisingly, Irene got used to staying in the water kingdom quicker than he thought. She became friends with a few females and went out to spend time with them. She looked happier than when she first arrived, but he knew she still missed her family.

Somehow, he wanted her to leave. Her presence affected him too much. He was getting used to having someone to spend his days with. He found himself looking forward to waking up every morning so he could see her face or hear her laughter, and when she wasn't there with him, he felt lonely.

This was what he had been avoiding. He didn't want to need or want someone. He was fine by himself. Why was this happening to him?


He had been in denial, but the connection was too strong. He knew she was the one. His mate. What an ironic thing? After all those years, the woman he takes from land to annoy the devil would turn out to be the one.

Unable to contain himself, he laughed at his fate. And that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that she was originally a witch. She didn't feel the same pull for him as he felt for her. She wasn't bound to him. She could just walk away anytime, and he knew she would.

Irene was still healing. She wasn't looking for love. She wasn't ready to give away her heart yet and get it broken. Was it not the same for him? He didn't want to deal with heartbreak, either, but now it was too late.

He had already bonded with her. Not physically, but emotionally, and there was no way he could escape it. Unlike her.

Tonight, as he sat with her, she was thinking of home. She thought it was time for her to go back. He knew it was only a matter of time before she decided to go back to where she belonged.

"I think it is time for me to go home." She said.


He nodded. Maybe this was for the better.

"You should at least sleep before leaving. You can leave tomorrow morning."

He wanted to bite his own tongue and swallow it. What was he saying? He should let her leave as soon as possible.

She nodded. "Yes, I could use some sleep."

That night after saying good night to her, Euphorion couldn't sleep. His heart felt hollow just thinking of her absence, and the next morning he didn't feel as excited to wake up.

She, on the other hand, was eager to go back home. She already waited for him outside his room. Euphorion took a deep breath, gathering his strength to let her go.

"You are going now?" He said.

She nodded. "Yes."

"I can escort you home."

She shook her head with a smile. "No. I will be fine. You have already done a lot for me and I had a really good time here. Thank you for taking care of me while being here."

Euphorion swallowed the lump in his throat. "I hope you arrive safely and stay happy with your family."

After everything she went through, he wished happiness for her. She deserved it.

He could tell that she healed a little while she was here, and he hoped she would continue in that direction.

"I will. And I will miss being here." She said, looking around. Her eyes seemed to tear up. "You live in a beautiful place. The ocean has a unique breeze and colors that evoke joy and peace."

He realized that she wasn't just happy to go back home, but she was also sad to leave this place. She had made good memories here.

"You are always welcome to visit again." He told her.

He shouldn't have said that. He was causing himself more pain.

She smiled. "I will. It won't be the last time we see each other."

He knew he shouldn't be happy hearing that, but he was.


Things weren't going well for Lothaire. The possession was affecting him much more than he thought it would. He couldn't control his emotions and focus. He tried to distance himself from everyone else so they wouldn't notice the change in him. His daughters were already thinking of how to save themselves if he messed up, knowing very well that he wasn't in a stable state of mind.

He agreed with them. Despite knowing that he wouldn't be able to find the water kingdoms, he still went under the ocean to look for Irene. But what would he do if he found her? He couldn't force her to stay with him. Zamiel knew that and probably waited for him to take away someone's free will again and lose his kingdom.

Lothaire was losing sight of what was important to him. The only way to get Irene without risking his kingdom would be through manipulation, but now she knew his plans.

When he didn't find a way out, he thought of revenge. What if he just killed them all and saved himself this agony? The only way to stop caring for her was to eliminate her. Eliminate the punishment sent to him. And if God sent another one, he would eliminate it as well. He refused to be weak.

What would make Irene come to land? Killing her granddaughter or her son might be a good idea. He laughed at his own ridiculous idea. He knew he was lying to himself that he could do it, but he would try. Maybe anger would take over and he would end his misery.

He went to his son's room and loomed over him while asleep. A stab in the spine and then everything would be fine. Then he would kill Heaven and Irene... well, she would follow them on her own.

The only problem was Zamiel would remain and he would live just to have his revenge on him.

Being stupid, Lothaire ignored all logic and looked at his son, sleeping alone. Hazel had gone to sleep with her daughter. He looked at him for a long moment, without doing anything, until Lucian stirred in his sleep. Lothaire made sure his presence couldn't be sensed, but Lucian still knew that someone was with him in the room. He sat up and looked around with squinted eyes.


It was like he expected his actions and waited for him. Lothaire revealed himself, and Lucian frowned.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to kill you."

Lucian nodded, not the least fazed. "What are you waiting for? Or do you want to torture me first?"

Lothaire smirked. "Now that you reminded me of it I might as well do it."

Lucian shook his head at him. "You must be bored. You know that I have gone through the worst torture and death."

"Then I might just kill you and not waste my time."

"Your entire existence is a waste," Lucian said.

Of course he would think so.

Lucian had somehow always managed to see through him. He never fell for his lies and despite trying to like him because he thought he should as a son, he never did. His gut feeling told him he shouldn't fall into his trap.

"You never liked me," Lothaire said.

"You are not likeable and you never liked me, either. I never felt a fatherly love from you. You did like Heaven a little more, but even with her, you didn't love her as a grandfather loves his grandchild. You only ever loved yourself and even with mother, it was always about you."

'Love is not just a feeling.' Heaven's words echoed in his mind.

"I am glad she is away from you," Lucian continued. "I have a lot to do tomorrow. You are disturbing my sleep. Whatever you are going to do, do it quickly."

He lay down again and turned away to sleep.

Lothaire watched his back for a moment. He was indeed wasting his time. He knew he wouldn't be able to kill him. To never see Irene was something he couldn't imagine. He was already losing his mind because he could not see her for a few days.

Then who would he kill or destroy?

He went to Zamiel's work place. He could burn the whole place and get rid of all his workers, but for what purpose? Zamiel could easily start all over again. If he was going to have his revenge, it should be in a fun way. Heaven wanted to become the first female ruler. Reputation was very important for people to like her and accept her as their ruler. Maybe he could start there to make it difficult for her. He would stand in her way every time she tried to take a step forward. Life wouldn't be fun as his enemy.
