Chapter 222   - 99

"What we think, we become." - Buddha


Zamiel wondered what the devil truly wanted. He had been thinking of why the devil would want Heaven, and the more he thought about it, the more it didn't make sense to him. It couldn't be as simple as only wanting a good ruler.

At first Zamiel thought that it might have to do with Heaven being part witch and demon, but the combination didn't seem to bring any special qualities that would be beneficial for the devil.

But what would be beneficial to him?

If Zamiel found out what the devil truly wanted, then he would be able to negotiate with him to keep Heaven safe. The devil loved making deals after all.


"Do you have a plan?" Lucian asked.

What plan could he possibly have? If Lucian or his mother couldn't come up with a plan all those years, then the devil was keeping his plan a secret.

Yes, a secret.

He didn't want Heaven as a ruler. That was only what he wanted them to believe, to cover up what he truly wanted. But even if Zamiel had a plan, he wouldn't share it with Lucian. Lucian's thoughts were exposed to the devil, and sharing his plan with him would be the same as sharing it with the devil.

The only other person he could share his plans with without directly exposing them to the devil was Irene. Lucifer couldn't hear her thoughts because she was marked by him once. But Irene wasn't thinking clearly when it came to Lucifer. He was her mate, and she was still emotionally attached to him, which clouded her judgement of him.

Zamiel had felt her forced hatred when she spoke of her mate. He knew she hated him for many reasons, but she also hated herself for still feeling something for him.


Even though he did trust that she was a clever woman, but buried feelings would eventually resurface and therefore sharing his plans with her wasn't completely safe. The devil could easily manipulate her emotional state because of the bond they shared. The mate bond was nothing to be taken lightly. Ignoring your mate completely was very difficult, no matter how much you hated them.

That both Lucian and Zamiel knew. A part of Irene would always be with Lucifer.

"I don't have a plan." Zamiel admitted.

Lucian nodded. "It is not easy."

Looking at each other, they both agreed in silence.

"Your business seems to be doing well." Lucian spoke.

"It is doing very well." Zamiel replied.

His business was growing bigger each day, and he was getting recognized by more people in the kingdom. Soon he would be someone worthy of marrying a princess.

"If Heaven becomes a ruler, people will talk about you." Lucian pointed. "Not in a good way."

Zamiel knew what Lucian meant. If Heaven became a ruler, as her husband he would be ridiculed and seen as someone incapable of ruling and therefore letting his wife rule instead of him. He would become a laughingstock.

"Your Majesty, people's opinions of me are of no value to me."

Lucian nodded thoughtfully. He was thinking if Zamiel would be willing to wait for Heaven to become a ruler or if he had plans to marry her before that.

Zamiel didn't have a reply to that. He would marry Heaven whenever she was ready and willing. He would never stand in her way to become a ruler. Instead, he would stand beside her and help her accomplish whatever goals and dreams she had.

As an ancient, time was different to him. Waiting was not the same for him as for others. He had waited for Heaven a thousand years already. A few more years or months would be nothing. Just to see her every day was a blessing. He had thought that losing a loved one once before would make him love less, but it made him love more.

"How much power can your body handle to draw?" Zamiel asked curiously.

He knew witches couldn't draw much power from powerful sources because of their human bodies. They could only draw a certain amount that their bodies could handle. But Lucian was a demon, so he should be able to handle more power than other witches.

"I haven't tried to draw power from someone as powerful as you. With your power it might only be a fraction for you but a lot for me."? Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-99_52307366862977214 for visiting.

"Try it." Zamiel said reaching out his with his hand. At one point he wondered what he was doing.

Lucian stared surprised at his hand before taking it, almost as if they were shaking hands. This is odd, he thought. He didn't like people touching him but he was very curious about the half breed. Maybe Lucian could draw more than he thought and that would give him answers.

Lucian closed his eyes and uttered some unknown words. After a short moment, Zamiel felt a strange sensation going through his body. It felt like something was being pulled out from deep within him and out through his arm and down his hand. His power was being pulled by Lucian and with each pull of power he could feel Lucian's strength increasing and the grip on his hand tightening.

Lucian kept drawing more and more power from him, but it didn't make Zamiel feel weaker. He felt like he still kept most of his power, and he could easily throw Lucian across the room if he wanted to or crush his hand.

Lucian's face twisted in pain. Zamiel could tell he had reached his limit of how much power he could handle taking. Pulling his hand away, he shot his eyes open. Zamiel saw flames in them. They differed from the devil's blue flames. These were bright orange and red.

"You have a lot of power." Lucian exhaled. "How much was I able to draw?"

"Not much." Zamiel replied.

Lucian nodded disappointed while rubbing his wrist. It must have hurt. But he was still a young demon and didn't reach his full potential yet. That usually happened after three hundred years. By then he would be able to draw a lot more power. But with magic there would always be consequences of using it, unlike demon power.

"Well, no physical power can help me defeat my father. I don't know what to do." He said trying to conceal his frustration.

He didn't have to. Zamiel already knew his every thought. The first step would be to find out what the devil wanted, and it would be best if he found out first since his thoughts were concealed from Lucifer.

"You will know what to do when the time comes." Zamiel said.
