Chapter 221   - 98

"God gave us mouths that close and ears that don't. That should tell us something." - Eugene O'Neill.


Lucian was walking out of his study when he almost bumped into his daughter.


"Father. I think I left one of my books in your study." She explained in a hurry.

He just motioned for her to walk in. "Thank you." She smiled, walking past him and into the study.


Lucian didn't ask what book she was looking for. He proceeded to walk away and as he walked through the hall Lincoln came to him.

"Your Majesty, you have a guest." He informed.

"Who is it?" Lucian asked.

"His name is Zamiel. I took him to the parlor."

Lucian nodded. "I will go see him." He said.

Lucian made his way to the parlor, wondering what brought Zamiel here. Hopefully, he had only come to visit him to spend some time together, and that it was nothing serious.


When Lucian walked in, he found Zamiel sitting comfortably on a couch wearing an expensive wine red velvet coat with black embroideries and a black shirt underneath that matches his pants. High leather boots that seemed well sewn and a silver ring with a red stone around his finger. Lucian could only guess the value of that ring alone. Clearly his business was doing well, but he probably had wealth even before that.

Zamiel sat with one ankle resting on the other knee, but when he took notice of Lucian, he stood up with a slight smile and bowed. "Your Majesty."

A man of his power didn't have to bow for him, but being polite and respectful was his thing, Lucian noticed.

"I apologize for coming uninvited."

"You are always welcome here." Lucian said. "Please sit." He then motioned for him to sit and both sat down facing each other.

Lucian noticed that even while bowing and apologizing, Zamiel never lost his powerful demeanor. He was confident in who he was, and bowing or apologizing to someone didn't make him feel less powerful.

The memory of when Zamiel came to the castle for the first time came back to him and when time they spoke privately afterwards. Lucian had seen the pain in the man's eyes, but Zamiel never let himself be pitied. He had made it clear from the beginning that he was there for Heaven, and he didn't need anyone's permission or approval to be with her. He was only acting out of respect.

"I won't take much of your time. I came here to speak about Heaven and to ask what your plan is to protect her from your father?" Zamiel didn't waste time to get straight into the topic.

What plans could Lucian have? He had been thinking for so many years, yet he didn't know what his father was planning. It was impossible. Every time he tried to gather information, his father would already know and manipulate the information to his advantage.

"My plan is no plan. My father would know any plan I come up with." Just like Zamiel knew exactly what he was thinking right now. The advantage of being an ancient.

"Why does your father want Heaven when he had you?" Zamiel asked.

He had been the target in the beginning, but Lucian and his father never had a good relationship. Even after forgiving him, Lucian never found himself being comfortable around his father and they never got very close.

But Heaven was a different story. His father spent more time with her and took well care of her. Lucian thought his father was trying to compensate for the time he missed being a good father to him by being a good grandfather, but maybe he was wrong.

Maybe the plan was to get closer to Heaven all along.

"I think Heaven is easier for him to manipulate. They were closer." Lucian replied.

Zamiel furrowed his thick dark brows, and his lips pressed into a thin line. It made him look more dangerous.

"What is it you have as a half witch? An advantage?" He asked.

Lucian was about to reply when he felt a maid walking into the parlor. She held a tray in her hands to serve them tea, but as she neared the table, she took notice of Zamiel and her pace slowed down. She looked hypnotized and stared at him instead of looking where she was going. Lucian was about to warn her when she collided with the table and almost dropped the tray before Zamiel caught it with a swift movement and helped her place it on the table. Lucian was used to maids staring, but this was something else.

The maid woke up from her trance, and her eyes widened in shock. "I am sorry, My Lord." She said frightened as she noticed the hot tea that got spilled on his hand.

The maid turned to Lucian with a pleading look and he dismissed her while Zamiel wiped the tea away from his hand with a handkerchief.

Lucian couldn't deny that the demon was good looking. Even as a man, he found himself staring for a while when he walked into the room earlier. His face was perfectly carved and symmetrical, with sharp lines and edges that made him look deadly. And those gleaming silver eyes. Lucian found them a bit disturbing to look at, but it made him understand why he had been hated for his eyes. The power and intimidation came from them. One look and you would be either frightened or spellbound.

Despite looking dangerous, Zamiel gave off a feeling of calmness and safety. Lucian didn't know if it was intentional, but he had felt it since the first time he came here. It felt like he could trust the man's words. There was an honesty that was clear in his eyes, and Lucian felt like he was a man with good intentions when he knew he shouldn't have felt that way. He shouldn't have felt that he could give away his daughter to a stranger.

Lucian had always dreaded the day he would give away his daughter to another man. All the men that had come to see her had not been good enough, and Lucian had wanted to kill them all. His daughter was too good for them. And then Zamiel came, and Lucian found himself willing to give his daughter away to this stranger.

This morning his daughter reminded him that she grew up and now there was another man in her life. A man she loved more. A man she thought was more perfect than him, and he knew she didn't easily find men to be perfect. She had always been very critical, but Lucian could see what she saw in this man. He wasn't ordinary. And while he should be concerned about the power this man held, he wasn't.? Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-98_52261058525579557 for visiting.

Why? It was a mystery.

Their eyes met, and Lucian remembered his question. What was special about him as a half-witch? There wasn't much that was special.

"The combination of demon strenght and witch skills which allows me to be able to draw power from demons." Lucian explained.

"I don't think your father will have any use of that." Zamiel said simply.

Lucian agreed with him. He could only draw power from demons that weren't much older or stronger than him.

Zamiel tilted his head to one side and waited in silence.

"I don't think I have anything that would be of advantage to him. He has everything." Lucian spoke.

Zamiel nodded. "Yes, he has. Then why does he want Heaven?"

Lucian remembered what his father had told him. "He thinks she will be a great ruler."

"Did he predict she would be a great ruler here or in one of his kingdoms?"

That was a good question. Could his father have predicted that she would rule one of his kingdoms?

"I don't think he wants a ruler. There has to be something else." Zamiel said.

"What else?" Lucian asked.

"If there is nothing more special to being half-witch, then I don't know."
