Chapter 223   - 100

"Hatred eats the soul of the hater, not the hated." -Alice Herz Sommer


After his meeting with Lucian, Zamiel was on his way back to his carriage when he came across Irene in the halls.

She greeted him with a smile. "Are you here to see Heaven?" She asked.

"No. I came to see His Majesty." He replied. Heaven had told him she would be busy, so he didn't want to disturb her.

"May I speak to you for a while?" He then asked. He hadn't thought of talking to her, but he might as well do it now that he was here.


"Of course." She said and led him to the garden where they could sit in private.

Zamiel was curious about her relationship with the devil and how she felt about him, but she had used some kind of spell to conceal her thoughts. It wouldn't be that difficult to make her drop her walls. With an easy trick of his own powers, he could make her bare her mind to him. He had to know who he could trust. He was not the type to trust easily.

"I am guessing you want to talk about Heaven." She began.

"Yes. You told me that Lucifer's son died, and he needed someone to replace him. Do you think that is all he wants?"

"I think he wants diversity in his kingdoms and among his rulers. Demons, half demons and half witches."

Zamiel regarded her in silence. She truly believed what she said and blamed herself for getting used to conceive a half-breed with witch and demon blood. But Zamiel didn't believe that Lucifer was only looking for diversity. It could be one of many reasons, but not the only reason. The devil would not go through so much trouble just to have some variation between his followers. Zamiel knew that Lucifer was after something very valuable to him.


"You don't think that is what he wants?" She asked when he remained silent.


She nodded thoughtfully. "What do you think he wants then?"

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe you knew."

Many thoughts and ideas swirled in her head, but she couldn't come up with anything valuable.

"I can't think of any other reason he would want Heaven. She is unlike his other children, who are demon or half human."

Zamiel nodded. He was wasting his time. He should have known that they had no idea after all those years. And he was right about Irene. She held so much hate for Lucifer in her heart just to fill the void, but also in a desperate attempt to replace the love she had for him. Somewhere deep down she longed to be with him.

Lucifer was her weakness, and he was the master of using people's weakness against them. Zamiel couldn't trust her because even she didn't trust herself. She knew her weaknesses very well. The only thing that kept her strong was her love for her family, but how much more would she be able to stay strong?

Somehow, he felt bad for her. She had no one to confide in about what she truly felt because the person she had feelings for was someone who wanted to hurt her family.

"Hatred blinds us." He told her. "If you can't allow yourself to love, then at least don't hate."

Irene nodded with a smile. "I knew my spell wasn't strong enough to keep you out of my mind. Thank you for the wise words."

He smiled to himself, knowing that even if it was his words, it carried Heaven's wisdom.

Heaven might not be very smart, but she was wise, and that made her special. He had known that she was special from the first day he met her. It was visible in her eyes. The wisdom, the courage, the strength and the will.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_14205835806705305/chapter-100_52353753851944605 for visiting.

Today he realized the affect she had on him. On his way of acting, thinking and speaking. She brought out the best in him. He should speak to her instead of being here.

"You are welcome." He said standing up. "Thank you for lending me your time. I'll be on my way."

Irene stood up as well. "I am worried for Heaven. I am sure you heard about her friend. I am worried she will do something reckless because of him. Maybe you can talk to her."

"Heaven cares about her friend, but she also cares about you and her parents. Even if she has a strong desire to help others, she knows which people are her priority. If you are worried for her, then you should find out what your mate truly wants."

Zamiel knew he was being a little harsh, but this was about Heaven's safety and he didn't mind being the villain in order to protect her.

Irene had a special bond with Lucifer. She had to be able to use that to her advantage to find out more information. He wondered why she hadn't done it yet, but then he remembered the hate was restricting her. She would have to put that aside if she wanted to help her granddaughter.

He gave a slight bow. "I'll be on my way then."

She gave him a nod, looking a bit surprised before he turned around and left the garden. When he found himself alone in the hall, he teleported to Heaven's room.

Heaven was sitting at the table in her room with her face almost buried in a book. She was so focused on reading that she didn't sense his presence. He wondered what she was reading that made her so occupied.

Walking behind her, he looked down at the book. She was reading something about society structure and rules.

"What are…"

Before he could finish speaking, she hastily stood up, pulling a dagger from her hip she turned with a swift movement, swinging the dagger at his neck. She stopped right when the sharp tip touched his skin.

Her eyes widened when she realized it was him. "Zamiel?" She breathed out, dropping her hand. "You scared me."

He wondered what would have happened if she stabbed him in the neck and he couldn't heal in her presence. She would have to leave him there.

"Do you always carry daggers?"

"Most of the time. What… are you doing here?" She asked, eyeing him from head to toe. Her shocked expression turned into one of admiration.

"I don't know what I am doing here, but there is a lot I want to do." He said leaning down and kissing her.

He drew her into his arms, feeling the softness and warmth of her body while he kissed her with an unwavering need.

"Zamiel." She pulled her lips away from his. "You are very distracting." She said breathing heavily.

He tightened his hold around her, and she dropped the dagger. "You will have to get used to it." He nuzzled her neck and then suddenly he felt it.

Her body stiffened in his arms and fear caused her heart to beat faster. Zamiel took a step back and looked at her face. "What is wrong?"

Heaven took a deep breath as if calming down. It seemed to work. Her heart slowed down and then she smiled at him. "I am still fighting my fears, but it is better today."

He frowned. "Are you sure?"

She nodded while putting her hands on his shoulders and squeezing lightly. "Don't worry. This frown…" She put one finger between his eyebrows, straightening the lines so that he wasn't frowning anymore. "Doesn't belong here. You look better without it."

Then she let her hands slide down his shoulders and chest, feeling his velvet coat under her palms. "And this color looks good on you."

She said it innocently, yet she seduced him. "Don't blame me if I distract you after this." He warned.

She chuckled. "There are other things you can do for me." She picked up her book.

He shook his head like a little boy. "No, no." He took the book away from her and drew her into his arms, holding her tightly.

She tried to push him away while she giggled. "Yes, yes. You help me understand the book and I'll let you distract me." She smirked at him.

"I didn't know you were mischievous." He said.

"I am not. I am only practising negotiating. As a future ruler, I need to be good at it."

"You certainly know how to negotiate and take advantage of someone's weakness."

"I learned from the best." She smiled, referring to him.

Zamiel smiled, impressed. She learned quickly.

Heaven raised one eyebrow questioningly. "It is give and take."

"Why do I feel like you are getting more out of this?"

"That is good bargaining skills, when you get more out of the bargain."

"I feel swindled."

She laughed a genuine laugh. "I am not that kind of person. You can trust me."

She took the book from him, flipped through it, then handed it out. "I need this page explained, dear husband."

This woman was playing with his emotions.
