magicChapter 181 Game One: Sunset Preparatory 3  

Our teammates greeted us with slaps on the backs, high fives, and smiles all around. We went back to our bags and switched out our gear. As I was putting on my hat, I heard the ’ding’ of a bat hitting a ball. I turned to watch Garret run to first as the ball was fielded back to the infield. Zeke was held up at third.

Jordan stepped up to the plate next. I remember Noah saying he was one of the better batters, but only played in games where he would catch for Garret. It was a weird dynamic for me and I wanted to ask more about it, but that was all Noah knew.

"You boys ran well out there." Coach cake over to congratulate us. "Especially you Noah. I think you may be the fastest on the team. Besides some of the seniors. But you’re aggressive out on the bases and that’s what we need right now."

"Easy-peasy." Noah grinned.

Coach studied his face for an extra second or two. "But, I also want you to watch for Miller’s signs. He’s the third base coach. He’ll know best whether or not you can score."

Noah rubbed his nose, looking a little contrite. "It was the heat of the moment. I felt 100% positive that I would be able to score."


Coach sighed. "But you don’t factor in the chance for a collision and getting hurt. Trust Miller." He left to go back to the end of the dugout to watch the game.

I stared intently at Noah.

He finally felt me looking at him. "What is it?"

I grimaced. "Don’t get hurt."

Noah immediately smiled. "Of course I won’t. Coach can say that Miller knows best all he wants, but really, I know my own body better than anyone else. He was just saying that to scare me."

I hope so.


The sound of a hit made us look to the field. It was a hard grounder to the second baseman. He smoothly fielded the ball and gave a short toss to the shortstop on second, who tagged the bag and then threw to first. A 4-6-3 double play. Noah and I sighed in sync.

"Hey, hey. Don’t look so down. It’s only the first inning." Mahki hit the tops of our heads with his gloved hand. "Let’s get out there and show some defense of our own. We’re off to a good start!"

As a team, we switched to defense and ran onto the field for some warmups. We took a little longer than normal since Jordan was the last out and needed some time to get his catchers gear on. Once he came out, Garret was able to throw some warmup pitches. They looked fast, but not as sharp as they could be. Maybe he’s trying to fool the batters coming up, I decided, not worrying about it. I hardly know anything about baseball itself, let alone a complicated position like pitching.

Soon enough, the ump called for the balls back and for the batter to step up to the plate. Garret came at him fast...but wasn’t able to place his first two pitches in the strike zone. 2-0. I looked at Noah on my right to see if I should be worrying, yet Noah was in the zone, focused on the batter. I snapped out of it and tried to do the same.

On the third pitch, the batter swung even though it was slightly inside and could have been a ball. It was a pop up foul on the third base side. I watched to see if Chris would go for it, but to my surprise I saw Noah sprinting on over. He tracked the ball, called for it, and made the perfect catch for out number one. His smile was bright once the clapping from the stands picked up. However it didn’t last long as Chris exchanged words with him.

I was tempted to go over there, but their conversation didn’t look like a pleasant one so I held off. Finally, Noah was able to get away and threw the ball back to Garret, adding some words of encouragement.

Garret nodded, showing no expression. He faced down batter two. His first pitch was another to the inside, but still close to the strike zone. The batter swung, popping it high in the air, and again, on the foul side of third base. Noah started running over, but Chris waved him off, got under the ball, and caught it for the second out. He threw it back to Garret, then turned to glare at Noah. I saw Noah stick his tongue out and I let out a little laugh.

Garret didn’t pay any mind to us and just stared at the ball in his grasp. Four pitches, two outs, but he didn’t look happy. If anything, he looked a little frustrated. He fixed his grip on the ball a couple of times before turning to face the third batter.

He started off with a fastball right down the middle. I flinched, expecting a hit that didn’t come. The batter took it as a called strike. Garret followed up with another inside pitch that didn’t make it in the strike zone. 1-1. Garret’s frown deepened. He tied the rubber lightly, but his attention was on his fingers and the ball within. His third pitch was his fastest, but the batter let it pass by for a high ball. 2-1. The next pitch was too far outside to even get the batter to chase after it. 3-1. Garret settled on throwing the next pitch for a guaranteed strike...right down the middle. And it would have been a strike if the batter didn’t swing like he had done for the first pitch. However, the other team will never play like how you want them to. He swung and sent the ball sky high towards the left side of the outfield.

I gulped as I watched it fall on the other side of the outfield fence. A solo homerun, making the score 2-1. What a bomb. Mahki didn’t even have a chance to jump at the fence to steal it.

I turned back to Garret to see how he was taking it. I found him and Jordan on the mound, talking it over I presume. I glanced at Noah and finally got his attention. He reassured me with his steady attitude and a smile still in place. He must have confidence in Garret. I tried to feel as calm as Noah looked.

Jordan went back to his spot behind the plate as the cleanup batter stepped in the box. He was the guy from earlier today and from the cages a few weeks ago.

"C’mon Garret! Let him hit it here!" Noah excitedly clapped with his glove a few times. Enough to grab the batter’s attention and have him send a glare his way.

Garret smiled at Noah’s encouragement and came at the batter with fast pitches. They weren’t well placed, but they had enough speed to catch him off guard. He ended up hitting a grounder with the end of his bat. It rolled past Garret’s right side, but Noah was there to greet it. He was able to pick it up, barehanded, and threw it perfectly to Julian’s glove. Three outs!

We headed back to the dugout, happy to be holding our 2-1 lead. Noah bounced over to Garret, beaming, "That was too perfect!"

Garret shook his head, bitter. "What? The homerun I gave up? Or the way we got the first two outs?"

Noah raised his throwing hand. "The last out! The grounder! It really came right to me! It’s like I spoke it into existence. Maybe you should do the same. Say ’I’ll shut them out from here on.’"

Garret’s lips pulled into a thin line. "No need. I have a more concrete way to make it happen: effort. Max effort."

Noah shrugged. "Speak for yourself."
