Chapter 182 Game One: Sunset Preparatory 4  

Garret left to go sit beside Jordan and probably to speak about his pitching. I felt bad not saying anything encouraging like Noah did, but Garret didn’t look bothered. He was strictly focused on his pitching and how the first inning went down.

The top of the second inning brought up Sean, Julian, and Chris so I felt that there was a pretty good chance of me coming up to bat. I set my glove down and changed my hat out for my helmet.

Noah wiggled his eyebrows. "Think I should get ready too?"

I shrugged. "Nothing is guaranteed. We could possibly make it to you again."

Noah dragged me into a loose headlock. "Aw! I’m so proud! Look how positive you’re becoming!"

"We could also go three up, three down." I mumbled.


He shoved me away. "Don’t put that out there in the universe! Take it back!"

"I take it back...?"

Noah sighed with relief. "Thank goodness. Never say that kind of stuff. The universe is always listening."

"Sometimes I wonder if we’re ever on the same page." I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Of course we are." Noah replied promptly. "We’re two peas in a pod. You’re jelly to my peanut butter. Just like Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle."

"What?" I shook my head in confusion.


"I’ll tell ya later." He pointed at the field. "Sean just struck out. You’re in the hole."

I grabbed my bat and moved to the entrance of the dugout to watch Julian’s at bat. Sadly, it didn’t amount to much; he flew out to center field, getting close to the warning track. I moved to the on deck circle and Chris moved to the batter’s box. I, lazily, swung my bat as a lefty; doing it more for the stretch and not to time the pitches like normal players. Chris followed in Julian’s footsteps, by hitting another high fly to center and making the third and final out of the inning.

I sighed and dragged my bat back to my bag in the dugout.

Noah was waiting there. He quickly slapped my shoulder. "You must’ve not taken it back!"

"I did!" I pouted, rubbing my shoulder. "You heard me take it back."

"Obviously you weren’t very sincere." Noah lectured. "Now let’s get back on the field and return the favor."

I nodded and switched out my equipment, then followed him out. Garret took the mound, looking more secure in his pitching. In the bottom of the second, he got the first guy to pop up to me. I felt relaxed as I made to grab and the out. What a good feeling. Garret made the next guy hit a little dribbler to himself. He barehanded it and threw a bullet to Julian. Julian tagged first base and that was out number two. Garret faces off with the next guy with nothing but fastballs and ended up striking him out swinging. Three up, three down.

"What did I tell you?" Noah beamed at me. "I said we would return the favor and we did. The universe is always listening."

"But...we didn’t really do much. It was all Garret and his pitching." I replied as we got in the dugout. I started to switch out my hat for a helmet again. I would be first up this inning.

Noah shrugged. "Okay, So Garret saying he would put in more effort was also put in the universe and the universe answered. Same thing."

I laughed at the way Noah always has to be right and grabbed my bat before heading out. I made my way to the lefty’s box, stopping a few feet away to let the pitcher throw some warmup and so I could take a practice swing or two.

The pitcher threw some low pitches, looking to be on the border of the strike zone. Hmm. Low. But doable. I could hit a grounder between the infielders or something. I took a look at their positioning. The first baseman was closer to the baseline than before, with the second baseman also cheating a little that way. The shortstop was only an extra three steps towards second base, but he created a nice gap between himself and the third baseman.

That’s where I’m going to aim. The umpire called for me to step in the box and I did so. I steadied my back leg towards the back of the box, and had my right leg ready to take that step forward.

"You have a nice hitting streak going on, kid." A voice from behind caught me by surprise and I looked back to see if I was hearing things.

A ’plop’ sounded in the glove.

"Strike one." The ump called out.

I blinked. What. Just. Happened. I squinted at the catcher as he stood up and threw the ball back to his pitcher. He looked down at me and winked. "Hard to imagine you having a perfect batting average when you can’t even keep your eye on the ball." His voice was definitely the one from before.

I looked at the umpire, but he didn’t say anything. Was this allowed? Can the catcher distract a batter in the middle of the at-bat? The catcher squatted back into position and I took my stance once again. The pitcher started his motion.

"Maybe the Atkins did pay your way onto the team. Just like they did for your friend." The voice stated, getting my attention again.

I turned to frown at him, and missed another called strike. I glanced at the umpire for help, but he just shrugged. I took a step back and turned around to face the dugout, looking for help. I found Noah’s face right inside the dugout, waiting in the hole. He caught me staring right at him, and pointed at himself. I nodded.

Noah jogged out and called time. I met him closer to the dugout so I could get away from the catcher and the weird atmosphere he had created. Noah leaned in and covered his mouth, "What’s wrong? Why aren’t you focusing? You keep looking back at the catcher and umpire."

I leaned in to whisper. "The catcher keeps talking to me. It’s distracting."

Noah’s eyes widened. "Is he saying anything offensive?"

I shrugged. "Not really. Just making me uncomfortable. Is he allowed to talk?"

Noah nodded. "He is. It’s all a part of the game. He’s just trying to get in your head to mess you up."

"Boys." The umpire came over. "Thirty seconds is up."

Noah straightened up. "Yes, sir. Just explaining to my friend that the catch is allowed to chat during the at bat."

The umpire nodded. "As long as it’s not offensive or derogatory. Now back in the box."

I swallowed hard. Noah gave me a pat and then went back to the dugout. I fixed my grip on the bat before getting back into the batter’s box.

"Had to consult with your little friend? That’s cute. Thinking you can do something even though you clearly can’t." The catcher made his remark, but I kept my eyes on the pitcher.

Both of his pitches came in low. He’ll probably try and come in high or outside. Maybe both. I watched as he went through his wind up and the ball left his fingertips. The ball would be high, but definitely close to the strike zone. I should just swing and get away from this annoying catcher. I took a step forward, my wrists carried my bat to meet the ball. Then the ball started to rise just as my swing crossed the plate. I adjusted as best as I could, connecting with the ball and sending it towards the direction I was aiming for: between third and short.

Unluckily, it wasn’t a grounder. I hit just under the ball to send a fly ball to left field. I ran to first, praying the left fielder wouldn’t make it in time. He didn’t let his team down, sliding forward to catch that pop. Out. First out of the third inning. The first out of my high school career. The first out of my life.
