Chapter 180 Game One: Sunset Preparatory 2  

There wasn’t much time to do anything else but to relax. I made sure my shoes were tied and my glove was ready to go for warmups. Then I took off Mr. Atkins jacket and stuffed it into my bag, but I was going to keep my sweatshirt on until I got warm. With my spare time, I looked over my bat and made sure there weren’t any cracks or dents I would have to worry about in my first at bat.

Coach really does switch up the lineup every chance he gets. I wonder if Noah’s hits encouraged coach to let him hit right before Zeke? I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to bat after Noah, but at least this time I felt more prepared to go up first, knowing that it’s all so I can get the most at bats.

In this tournament, we were one of the lowest ranked teams so we would have to be the visitors for every game. Which means having the dugout on the first base side (unless the home team says otherwise) and having to bat first. So even if we were winning, we get to bat the full seven innings.

An hour before game time we started to go through our whole warmup process. We took turns using the field with the other team to practice fielding and throwing. There was a batting cage in the outfield that we also switched off with the other team, making sure to get batting practice in.

Once properly warmed up, I took off my sweatshirt and replaced my hat with my helmet.

"Do your best!" Noah handed me my bat. "I’ll be right behind you." He started to put on his own batting gear.


I left him with a nod and stepped out of the dugout. I surveyed the field filled with Sunset Prep players, doing last minute warmups so their pitcher could throw some practice pitches off the mound. I studied him as he threw a few well placed pitches with speed towards the strike zone.

Finally the umpire called for the balls to be thrown back in, and for me to step up to the plate. For the majority of my hits, I’ve hit left-handed so with Zeke’s advice, I got back in the lefty’s box.

As I looked for a safe place to hit the ball, I couldn’t help but notice how tall the infielders were and how they offered no gaps to hit through. Popping it over their heads would be a bit difficult given their heights. I got into a comfortable stance to watch the first pitch.

The right-handed pitcher came at me with a curveball that looked to be outside, but it would definitely drop into the strike zone. I tightened my grip and met the ball with my bat as fast as I could, sending it down the first baseline. I dropped my bat at the end of the swing and took off after it.

The first baseman dove but to no avail. The ball snuck past him and the right fielder came in to field it. I safely tagged first, not bothering to round the bag since I had no chance for second.

"One, two, three!"


"BAMBI!" My dugout yelled at me from barely ten feet away, making me flinch. That only resulted in the team laughing some more.

Coach Luis didn’t say anything but gave a pat on my helmet to let me know I did well. Mahki stepped up to the plate, and I saw Noah move to the on deck circle, with Zeke in the hole.

Mahki tried swinging on the first pitch like me, but ended up whiffing for strike one. He tried to defend the plate, swinging at anything close, but ended up sending a high fly ball to left field, not giving me any chance to advance.

Noah stepped up next, ready to go. His stance looked steady, his hands were choked up on the bat, and most importantly: he looked confident. He fouled the first pitch back. 0-1. Good swing. Noah no longer looked off balanced like before. The next two pitches were balls on the outside making the count, 2-1. I could tell that the speed of the pitches were a bit too fast for him, but he fought hard and fouled off another. And another. Then another ball. 3-2. The following pitch was up high and well above his strike zone.

"Ball four! Take your base!" The umpire’s voice was clear.

Noah lightly tossed his bat to the dugout and ran to first as I jogged to second. I looked back at him with the intention to give him a thumbs up for hanging in there, yet he didn’t look happy with the walk and was busy staring at his hands.

I sighed, not fully understanding what he was thinking. We’re both on base, with one out, with Zeke up to bat. This is perfect. I checked Miller out by third to see if there would be anything I specifically had to do. He gave a few signs to Zeke, basically telling him to hit as he pleased. Mr. Miller did sign that the runners should go at first contact. Right. Can’t waste this run scoring opportunity.

Zeke stepped into the batters box and I began to inch off the second base bag, making sure I was closer to the bag than either of the middle infielders. The pitcher looked back making me freeze, then he looked over his shoulder to check on Noah, who stood calmly two feet off the bag, no trace of nervousness.

The pitcher ignored us, and turned his attention solely on Zeke. He started with a fast inside pitch, which Zeke let him pass by for ball one. The pitcher then threw one in the strike zone, but Zeke let that one pass by as well. 1-1. The pitcher seemed to gain confidence after the called strike and went after Zeke with another fastball inside that looked like it could pass as a strike. Zeke planted his left foot forward, opening his stance as he started his swing. The barrel of the bat connected perfectly with the ball, sending it well over the infielders.

I reminded myself not to watch the ball, and to watch Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller was waving me on as fast as his arm could go around, trying to tell me I should just sprint all the way home. I complied.

I did my best to round third and run home as fast as I could...which isn’t too impressive. Garret, who picked Zeke’s bat up and got it out of the wave was screaming my favorite phrase, "No slide!"

I touched home and held my hand up for a high five to Garret. Unexpectedly, he grabbed my raised hand and dragged me a few feet out of the way. Before I could ask what was going on, I heard him holler, "The relay is coming!"

I turned and watched just as Noah and the ball were coming to home plate. The catcher stretched out his body to block the plate, while catching the ball on a one hop with his glove, then he turned to tag Noah. Noah slid under his outstretched arms and tagged home plate between the catchers legs.

"Safe! Safe!" The umpire gave the signal for a valid run.

Noah jumped up and held up a fist and the cheering crowd. He found me in Garret’s grasp, and sauntered up to us, smiling as wide as ever. "Wasn’t that exhilarating?"

I think my heart stopped. That could have easily been another collision. I let out a long puff of air and gave Noah a smile. "Nice."

Noah laughed and put his arm over my shoulders, dragging me back to the dugout with him. "2-0! Quick lead!"

Garret slapped him on the helmet. "Well done! Take this back with you though." He handed him Zeke’s bat. Then he got in the lefty’s box. That’s right. The inning wasn’t over yet. We still had more chances to score with Garret up to bat and Zeke on second base.
