
I let out a relaxed sigh as I continue lying down on the mostly dead and snow covered tree, simply listening to the sounds of the demons panic due to the seven different plagues I let loose in their camp. Something that is probably a little cruel, but considering that we’re at war, not something I need to care about. And since the plagues only infect those I consider my enemies, I let them spread into the air and basically in any way possible.

Each of my plagues created by Blood Plague is highly contagious, and since they’re magic based, they don’t exactly build up any sort of immunity to the plagues. And while I’m not really sure how that works, I don’t really care either.

“It’s magic,” Tar comments from his place lying on my chest.


Anyways, this is a rather easy way to hunt an entire battalion of demons. After all, there’s no way I’d be able to deal with several hundred Class III and IV demons on my own without whittling them down first.

They also can’t find me considering that I’m several hundred kilometers away from them. Something that they don’t even consider to be possible thanks to how active my plagues are and how they’re getting reinfected after being healed.


Now if only I could target those with healing skills from here. That would make this rather easy.

“Well, the demons wouldn’t die just from your plagues,” Tar says as he stretches a little. And I admit, he’s right. My plagues I currently have aren’t really designed to kill. They’re mostly to weaken the infected targets.

Although you said that the skill should give me fatal plagues at the higher levels?

“Yeah, but those will probably cost a lot more mana to spread,” Tar answers, making me hum a little in response.

Sounds about right.

The plagues they have right now should significantly decrease their fighting capability, both in terms of focus, physical strength, mental strength, their speed, and basically any possible way. They do have seven different plagues after all, even if they keep healing them.


It’s also burning their mana while they’re healing. Which is a win-win situation.

I just have to sit here as they spread the plague more, because the only way they could possibly get rid of it completely is by healing every last person there at once. Since every infected individual literally breathes and coughs out the plague into the air around them, not to mention that they’re spreading it to everything they touch.

And from what I understand of their forces, which are mostly made up of a bunch of ice and cold focused magic users, they aren’t going to be able to heal that much at once.

While sitting in on Gramps’ strategy meetings, I learned the structure of the demon army. They have squads which are their lowest groups of troops consisting of just about ten or so demons with one captain leading them. Then they have a platoon consisting of about fifty demons, a company with about one hundred demons, a company with about two hundred and fifty demons, a battalion – which is what the demons I’m spreading the plague through are – with about five hundred to a thousand demons, a brigade, which is controlled solely by Nobles and has tens of thousands of demons, and lastly, the legions.

Overall, the legions are the main forces of the war. They’re each army as a whole, so I guess I could just call a legion an army on its own.

Meanwhile each level has their own Class along with one Class below them serving in them. Except troops, which are just Class I demons. And legions, which are basically everything combined into one.

Platoons have Class IIs and Is and are led by a Demon Commander, companies have Class IIIs and IIs and are led by a Demon Elite, battalions have Class IVs and IIIs and are led by a Demon General, and brigades have Class Vs and IVs with a Demon Marshal leading them. And all of those groups are a part of a legion, which is led by a higher ranking Noble demon, with the current clan demons on Earth controlling all of the legions.

But because of the size of each force growing exponentially, I can’t exactly run in and attack. These are all organized forces of demons, each with magic of their own. And this particular battalion has about seven hundred and thirty or so demons in it. Not a force that I can take on without some… extra precautions.

I look down at my skin to find the faint white glow still there, shining in the darkness of the snowy night.

Good thing Amelia used a skill of hers to nullify the sight of any human or human technology from seeing me. So I don’t have to worry about humans seeing me transform, nor do I have to worry about them recording it.

And as long as I transform before attacking them, the demons won’t know what I look like in my human form. Although they’ll be rather confused as to why a blood lycan is attacking them.

The only ones who’ll know the truth are the Nobles who will just ignore me since they should know I’m on Earth and will be fighting them. Well, ignore me as long as I don’t cause too much trouble. Which I’m planning on doing. But I can deal with them when that happens.

Although this particular skill of Amelia’s only lasts for about three or so months. So I’m going to have to get it refreshed periodically.

But three months is a pretty good amount of time.

“Have you decided what you’ll do for that particular issue?” Tar asks, making me purse my lips with a sour look on my face.

I don’t have much of a choice. I’m going to have to get a skill similar to Amelia’s to redact my own name from now on, since hers is running out of uses on me quickly.

Something I find rather annoying. That she can only use that particular skill on someone a few times.

Then again, it’s not a mythic skill she’s using to redact my name. It’s a legendary one.

Also one that she doesn’t have etched, unfortunately. So it doesn’t have the boost that the original etcher of a skill gets for etching the skill.

“If you get another etched skill slot, the current redaction on your name won’t be able to hold it and will shatter,” Tar comments.

Yeah… and then my identity will be revealed to all of Earth in the process.

So my only option really is to get a skill to redact my own name before that happens.

I glance in the direction of the battalion as I listen to what’s happening over there once more.

Although… maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if I were… no, never mind.

I let out a sigh as I look up again and close my eyes.

Those demons sure are taking a while to tire out.
