Somewhere in the Mountains

Yetara clenches his fist as the yeti looks out over his camp at the hundreds of other yetis move around, many of them preparing to head to bed for the night while the others take their places during watch. And he can’t help but feel honored at the esteemed privilege that he – a level 731 yeti – was given, being placed in command of an entire battalion of yeti. Class III and IV yeti at that!

Everything has been going well for the demon world recently. They managed to reclaim their lost Princess, the frontline was broken in the war and the stalemate along with it, and to make things even greater for Yetara, he was designated a General even without being level 1000!

Even if it was because of his Noble father.

But Yetara doesn’t see that as a downside. His need to use his father’s connections. Because everyone, even Yetara, needs a chance to achieve greatness.

And if he needs to rely on connections to do that, then he will.

Yetara unclenches his fist, showing a smile on his face that reveals the sharp fangs on his white-fur-covered face. The yeti has, unlike the other yetis around them, a set of glowing red patters on the fur in his face that are unique to his ancestor’s etched skill. Patterns that spread onto his tusks as well. Meanwhile the rest of his two-and-a-half meter tall body is covered entirely in stark white fur as he flexes his claws a little.


Also unlike a lot of the other yeti here, Yetara’s armor consists of blood metal, making a stark contrast in color from his fur.

The yeti continues looking out over the base camp from his place on a cliff’s edge, ignoring all of the snow falling down around him until he finally turns around and begins to enter his tent. But right when he’s doing so, he feels a slight itch in his body, followed by a twitch in his head that both give him pause.

Yetara turns around and looks at his surroundings for a moment before studying the yetis below the cliff, only to turn around again and head back into the tent.

Must’ve been my imagination.

A few hours later

Yetara grimaces as he gets up from his bed in the tent, feeling a dull pain radiating throughout his body, along with another stabbing pain in his head. Then he walks over to the entrance and leaves the tent before shouting, “Again!”


One of the healers now currently busy healing any other demon in the area rushes over to him and uses a healing skill on him that grants him relief from the faint pain, and more importantly, the stabbing pain in his head. But they once again fail to do anything about the fogginess he feels in his mind.

Just what in the Demon King’s name is going on?! Is some sort of major disease running through this camp? Or did the humans release a disease on us? But how is it coming back every time we heal ourselves?

The yeti’s grimace grows larger as he steps up to the cliff and looks out over the base camp, finding all of the demons under his command in various degrees of sickness all over the camp. And along with that he notices all of their water, their food, their resources, and even the air around them filled with a very faint reddish-black tint to it.

His eyes narrow at the sight of the mist. A mist that he didn’t see until this time leaving his camp.

Looks like it’s a skill, and whatever it is has been building up for a while now. Since it wasn’t visible when I first used Magic Sense to check out the camp.

“Search the nearby area for any humans!!” he shouts despite having already given that order once before. “And pack up the camp! We’re moving locations!”

The enemy will just find us again and continue their assault after moving, but we’ll at least move out of the heavily contaminated area.

Yetara continues using his Magic Sense skill to search through his surroundings for any sort of sources of mana or magic at all, but no matter how hard he tries to search within the few kilometers surrounding the base camp, he can’t find anything out of the ordinary. Except for the disease in the air itself.

Damnit, they have to be somewhere nearby!!!

The yeti grabs a potion crafted by the witches – an incredibly expensive item on Tartarus that costs thousands of gold coins – and downs it to recover his mana.

“Yaltal!” Yetara shouts, making a female yeti standing just a bit shorter than him approach from her post outside of his tent. “Send forces outside of the base camp to search for the enemy as well. I suspect they’re trying to wear us down and drain us of our mana to give them an easy time when they assault in mass.”

“As you command, General,” the woman states before rushing off to do her job.

I have to prepare for an army of humans. There’s no way whoever’s targeting us has any less than a force of a thousand Guardians with them, and if they attack us while we’re weakened like this…

Yetara’s grimace returns at that thought as he considers the ramifications for him if he were to lose his very first campaign on Earth. One that he was given control of simply due to his father’s rank and no actual achievements on his part.

If it comes down to it I can just give out my stock of potions.

His father had given them to him for a reason, but he really didn’t believe he’d have to use them all this early on.

Just the thought of burning dozens of potions on the campaign this early on irritates the man enough to finally rouse him from his Sloth.

Whoever this bastard is, I will make them pay tenfold for what they’ve done. They can’t keep this up forever after all.

Yetara immediately redoubles his efforts into searching for the enemy.
