
Nearly four entire days pass in silence as I laze around occasionally hunting a random demon that gets close before moving again. And throughout that time, the battalion has grown weaker and weaker to the point that I’m pretty sure I can take them now.

Their healers in particular seem to be out of mana entirely at this point, considering how they stopped healing and started focusing all of their attention on searching for me. Which lets my plagues grow more severe.

Something else that I find rather nice is that I’m getting life energy just from the minor damage my plagues are doing to them. A very nice benefit that I hadn’t realized was a thing at first.

“It’s a little too powerful if you ask me…” Tar comments before suddenly snorting from his place on my shoulder as I stand atop a tree. “I just realized you might end up getting more plague and corruption related skills and achievements just from this rather cruel method of warfare you’re conducting.”

Maybe. Probably. Okay, yeah, I’ll absolutely be getting achievements related to this. But skills? I doubt it.

Anyways, I think it should be fine to attack soon. I’ll just give it a few more hours to make sure they don’t heal up again before I attack.


“You going all in right away?” Tar asks, sounding a little bit excited for this fight. Which I understand completely, considering how I haven’t really gotten much hunting in even after coming here.

I purse my lips for a moment at his question before shaking my head.

No. I’ll fight personally to whittle them down and maybe let them gain some confidence before I use Blood of Ruin to wipe out the rest of them.

It should make for a good plan.

Start off by frightening them with my sudden appearance while they’re so weak, take out a lot of them in the midst of their surprise, then finish them off when they’re gaining confidence and won’t just run the moment they see Blood of Ruin.

“Sounds like a plan,” Tar says with a nod of his head. Then he vanishes and I stretch my arms a little.


Looks like it’s about time to start the hunt.

I transform into my beast form before stretching a little again to get any kinks out from my lazing around.

Let’s go.

I jump from the tree to the next one in the direction of the battalion, then the next, and the next.

The Demon’s Second Base Camp

Yeta lets out a sigh as she leans on her spear while looking around the trees at the edge of the camp, only to look back and find the rest of her team all exhausted around her just like she is. But all of them are mostly out of mana by now thanks to the diseases that have been going around the camp for the last several days.

I don’t even care anymore… please just make this end…

At first, Yeta, just like all of the other yetis, wendigos, and frost salamanders were all livid at whoever spread the diseases through the battalion. But now she’s just exhausted and hoping to go home. To get out of this place and recover from the diseases.

If it weren’t for the Demon King’s orders, Yeta suspects several demons would’ve already deserted by now. But that’s not a possibility. Not with his orders.

Yeta feels the exhaustion in her body still growing thanks to the plague. And even if she knows that it won’t kill her just based off of instinct, she’s not stupid enough to believe that the culprit behind the diseases will simply leave them be after they’re weakened.

I’m surprised the force of humans hasn’t attacked already… several hundred humans should easily be able to wipe us out at this rate with us in this condition. So it means they probably only have a few hundred and are waiting for us to get at our absolute breaking point.

The yeti feels real fear at that thought before she shakes her head and stands up straight, using all of her strength to stand rigid and with the power that she has shown in the form of ice coating her skin. But when she reaches her full height, she frowns. Because a flash of red catches her eye in the snow-covered trees.

“Everyone, watch out, I see something in the trees,” she tells the others, her voice carrying through their team’s antinol’s telepathy skill. “It might-”

Her words are cut off when a blood lycan of all things rushes out of the trees in it, no, her, bipedal beast form, making Yeta physically jump in surprise as abject terror appears on her face.

|[REDACTED] – Hu/bl-ood-ma/\ly-/cann – Level 532|

The blood lycan, or at least, Yeta thinks it’s a blood lycan, has blood red eyes that shine with an eerie light in the dark of the snow-covered night. And that red light is joined by the red, black, and blue electricity running across the blood lycan’s body and armor. She – and Yeta can clearly tell it’s a she considering the blood lycan’s figure despite her being in her beast form – is wearing armor made out of blood metal and radiating with enchantments and blood runes that Yeta can sense with her own rune magic.

Yeta’s eyes are drawn to the black and red claws that are quickly covered in blood metal as the blood lycan rushes out of the trees towards them. Then, as Yeta raises her spear to block the strikes of the blood lycan, she sees the blood lycan suddenly change direction towards one of her team members. And under her eyes, the blood lycan draws her claws straight across the chest of Icefang, one of the wendigos in her team.

“No!” Yeta shouts, but the blood lycan just ignores her as she tears the throat out of her teammate. Then the girl – Yeta is assuming the blood lycan is a child since it’s only Class IV and is as small as she is – sprints towards another one of her teammates while seemingly drawing blood from the corpse of Icefang.

Right when the girl is about to tear the throat out of her other wendigo teammate Frostmoon, Yeta shouts, “Why would you help those disgusting humans?! Why would you betray your own clan?!”

The girl pauses for a split second before proceeding to tear apart Frostmoon, followed soon after by every other member of Yeta’s team, each of whom are too exhausted from the diseases to put up much of a fight against her. Then she finally walks up to Yeta while flexing her claws a little and controlling the blood dripping off of them to absorb into her claws and harden.

“I don’t owe an explanation to a pawn who’s just attacking on the orders of someone else out of blind devotion,” the blood lycan answers, her voice having a terrifying note to it despite the voice itself sounding beautiful. Like she didn’t have the head of a wolf right now and were still in her lycan form.

Yeta’s eyes widen in shock at that, only for everything to go black right after the blood lycan sprints at her, making the last thing the yeti ever sees be the blood lycan’s claws meeting her gaze.
