Chapter 737 Questions asked    Cervantez was on his way to Rudra's palace, he was riding his brilliant mount the Gallagher Horse and was escorted by Patricia and 3 other tier 4 generals.

  The procession naturally garnered a lot of attention as emperor Cervantez was a legendary character in Omega. Players would pay insane amounts just to be in his presence hence seeing him in the streets was akin to once in a lifetime golden opportunity.

  The NPC citizens of Purplehaze city who remembered the good king all bowed in respect as they were all smiles to see the emperor of Hazelgroove empire come to their humble city.

  However the players caused a ruckus as the streets became inadvertently blocked to see the emperor.action

  Naturally because of the intimidating tier 4 guards around Cervantez nobody could come close to the procession, however it was still a slow March to the inner city.

  After about 15 minutes the elite police showed up and started to take crowd control, the Emperor was one of the most esteemed guests of the kingdom and the elites were not going to let him suffer the slightest of inconvenience.

  Battons were used to dispell the crowds as well as barricaded shields to push them back. Those who refused to comply were arrested and the path infront of Cervantez was royally guarded by an army of policemen now.


  After a while the police were successful in opening a clear path with people lined up on the left and right corners of the street but nobody blocking the middle lane.

  The horses hence galloped freely towards the inner city. However, Cervantez had came at a peculiar time as the conspiracy theorists had just banded together to create a ruckus inside Purplehaze city ..... And since the emperor was here it gave them an unprecedented opportunity.

  The conspiracy theorists were convinced that Rudra was dead and that the elites were hiding the whole scandal , however they had no means to peacefully expose the elites.

  The elites had too strong of a hold on Purplehaze city and there was no physical threat that could force Rudra to personally show up with Neatwit, Medivh and other tier 4 elders around.

  In such a situation the presence of emperor Cervantez gave great hope to the conspirators as they now had leverage over the supreme lawmaker of the kingdom , by approaching the supreme lawmaker of the empire.

  One of the chief conspirators , named ' Bob ' waited for his turn to stop the caravan as only when the first policemen came 10 meters infront of him did he jump infront of the procession and shouted " MERCY MY LORD , MERCY "


  The policemen reacted immediately as they forced bob down on the ground and constrained him , however now thousands of citizens as well as Cervantez himself had their gazed fixed on Bob , he had one chance to make it count.

  Bob shouted " My emperor, these people are scamming us commoners , only YOU can give us justice now!".

  The policemen who restrained bob frowned as the captain of the police instantly said " Put the man In jail , he is spouting nonsense".  The police started to drag Bob off the ground as he kept pleading " Please my lord , please , hear to the pain of ' your ' citizens".

  Initially Cervantez showed a pokerface as he read the power level and the body structure of the man. Only when he was convinced that he was indeed a human and that too a weak tier 1 human did he finally say " Stop ! Let the man speak".

  The policemen looked at each other and then released bob. Although Rudra was the boss of True Elites Kingdom, Cervantez was the Emperor! His word was even superior to Rudra's in terms of ranking and the police being government officers had to comply to his commands.

  Cervantez had no question about Rudra's capability to run a kingdom , the rapid pace at which the True Elites Kingdom was developing was for anyone to see. According to the reports he had it would become the most formidable kingdom in the entire region in next 2-3 years both economically and in military might as the tactical projects that Rudra undertook stimulated both these sectors.

  Cervantez knew that the natives of the kingdom loved Rudra more than anyone else in the world and if push came to shove , they would rebel even against himself for Rudra.

  This brought the threat level of the true elites Kingdom to an extremely high level , Cervantez was not sure if he could afford to conquer this Kingdom even if he wanted to , unless he found some significant advantage.

  This meant that any complaints against the elites was a rare opportunity for Cervantez to find some political issue ongoing in the country that could be used as leverage should the need arise in the future.

  Hence looking at bob he said " Speak . If justice is to be done , justice will be done ".

  Cervantez made a bold statement and theaudience instantly gasped and started to murmur amongst themselves.

  Bob kowtowed his head on the ground several times as he said " My lord , as you know we the citizens of True Elites Kingdom love our King Shakuni more than anything in the world.

  If you ask us to chop our fingers off for his long life , I'm sure thousands of us would not even hesitate for a second".

  Many people nodded at these words in the audience as Cervantez was shocked to see the level of dedication the people had for Rudra.

  Bob continued " However, we have strong reason to beleive my lord that there has been a coup inside the palace! someone has assassinated our beloved king! ".

  Chaos broke out amongst the crowd at these words as even Cervantez's poker face broke as he stared at bob with wide eyes.

  " The king is dead? "

  " What nonsense is this lad spouting, our King is invincible! "

  " Oh my god , no! No! Which bastard did this , I will kill him myself "

  " This is all a lie , i-it can't be true *sobs* it can't be "  " MY KING ..*sob* *sob* .. NO!!!!"

  The atmosphere started to get out of control as the elites looked at Bob with murderous eyes , him suggesting that the elites orchestrated a coup against their own leader was propostrous.

  However before anyone could do anything, Patricia banged her spear on the ground and the earth shook and rumbled violently as the shockwave followed by a suppressive aura silenced everyone in the crowd.

  Murder intent at its full display , Patricia glared at bob as she said " Boy , I DARE YOU TO SAY THOSE WORDS AGAIN "

  Patricia's fierceness sent a shiver down bob's spine as he started to tremble at her presence. Bob felt like the world was spinning around his feet as he could not dare to look at even Patricia's feet.

  He questioned his very life at this moment as he did not wish to go through this anymore , especially not if scary people were going to mess with him.

  However gathering some courage he mumbled very weakly " After the fight with the great demon we could see that the king was heavily injured and retreated into the palace for recouperating. However its been 33 days now and nobody has seen a trace of the king.

  I have confirmed reports from the doctor at the royal palace that he has not treated the king in 32 days , and that the queen has started to worry.

  To top it all up , the elites claim that the guild master of theirs goes to the guild everyday to work and that he was sitting in the office just a day ago.

  If that is the case my emperor then why would the queen be worried and why would the pious king Shakuni who has not missed church more than 4 days in a row not show up to his papal duties for over 33 days? ".

  Bob's words made sense , and everyone became silent to hear them , as when they thought about it this way it did seem as if the elites were indeed hiding something.

  For the elites present at the scene it was unthinkable of their leader to be assassinated by their own guild members , and hence when the evidences started to point towards that direction they became agitated and broken at heart.

  Cervantez on the other hand let out a deep sigh as he knew better than anyone that Rudra was most likely in secluded cultivation as he was breaking through to tire 5.

  He hoped for some better political issue , but this was just plain garbage, losing interest in the subject he only said " Move" In a cold tone as he started to gallop once more.

  Bob was shocked to see such a cold reaction from Cervantez as he was hoping something much more grand, however not only did Cervantez gallop past him , but Patricia also gave him a death stare that was going to haunt him for the rest of his life.

  To make matters worse he was still dragged to the police station and blacklisted from entering Purplehaze City again in the future.

  However his speech was not completely useless, a few questions had been raised amongst the masses and for the stability of the nation the answers needed to be provided fast!

  /// Special shoutout to Thomas_Sanders for the 5000 coin magic castle! Thankyou so much for the patronage!

  Gifts are blessings that readers give authors and I feel blessed whenever I recieve them. Beleive me it makes me feel extremely motivated and happy.

  So thankyou.

  However I'm sorry the bonus chapter for the gift will only be given on 24th since I'm on vacation till 23rd ///
