Chapter 736 Chaos Brews    Rudra's absence had turned the order of the Elites upside down , Karna hired a team of extremely talented CGI artists and released a clip where Rudra was sitting in his guild office stroking furball as he replied to a conspiracy theory organization.

  Karna had thought long and hard about how to proceed with faking Rudra's presence and finally he decided to recreate his friends playful nature as in the video Rudra was seen saying " Yes cryoforbes I'm dead ".

  The video was posted by the True Elites official guild forum page and the video caused a lot of controversy on the internet.

  The guild members who did not think that the management would play such games with them lined up outside Rudra's office trying to get a glimpse of the guildmaster, whereas the cryoforbes website became even more incensed by the reply and took it to the internet to expose the lie.

  Things became out of control when even after 24 hours of the video posted , none of the guildmembers saw Rudra.

  Karna had somehow stalled the guild for one day by buying fake time , however in the process of doing so he had caused the hysteria to even deepen.

  Although it was not his intention to do so , things came to a boiling point in Purplehaze city with the video.


  The elites refused to listen to the trolls and lashed out violently at anyone claiming their leader was dead , whereas the conspiracy theorists got bolder and bolder every passing hour since Rudra did not show himself in public.

  The biggest blow however came when the cryoforbes website posted a video with proof of how Rudra's body was CGI'd in that video .

  They had apparently scanned it pixel by pixel and showed irrefutable evidence to the world that the video posted by the elites was a fake!

  This piece of news shook up the entire world as for the first time since the start of Omega, the guildmembers fought with management.

  Angry guildmembers half begged half demanded Karna to tell them the truth , as morale within the guild hit a rock bottom.

  The faith that the true elites had in each other and the management was the foundation of the guild. The memebers beleived that the management would never deceive them and hence Karna 's move was extremely counterproductive.


  Sitting in Rudra's office , Karna buried his face in his palms as he contemplated the best course of action.

  However before he could go out and face the guild, an even worse piece of news were delivered to him as Amelia entered the office to say " Vice guildmaster... Emperor Cervantez is here to see the king and there has been a ruckus on the streets ".

  Karna looked at Amelia in shock , the timing could not be any worse!


  ( Meanwhile Rudra's POV)

  Rudra had 5 elements to chose from and he understood the merits and demerits of every single one of them.

  The problem was with the versatility of the moves and his own requirements.

  Choosing future sight was a no- brainer for him as he was the most proficient in the time element and having that skill could give him unprecedented advantages in a peak level battle where hundereds of moves were exchanged in a span of a second.

  Knowing even one of them in advance and using it to dodge the attack would mean that Rudra could potentially counter it perfectly and win a fight.  The problem was in making the second choice.

  Currently for Rudra he did not have a single destructive move in his arsenal that could destroy entire battlefields.

  Facing Mahrez he could now understand the true value of having such a move in his arsenal as for the coming war against Lucifer he would need to personally launch attacks on many cities and in such fights if he had the ability to raze them with a single attack then it would become extremely advantageous.

  For this requirement the tsunami was a perfect fit , however it had a massive mana unit consumption as well as a long cooldown in normal situations.

  Having studied the map of hell carefully, Rudra understood that there was only one critical battle for a bridge that was going to be fought over a river , however other than that going in from the eastern end , the army would not be having any oceans around.action

  Especially in the final battle for the capital city , where using such a move once would mean that Rudra would lose one of his two tier 5 skills.

  Angel's wrath was also a one time move which was suited for PVP battles , however having two one time moves in his arsenal would make him extremely vulnerable against strong tier 5 opponents.

  Space manipulation solved this problem as Rudra could see it's practical use. If he could open wormholes and deliver attacks from unusual angles at an enemy he could master PVP like nobody's buisness! However the move had no area of effect potential and was useless in the important requirement of him having the capability of neutralizing a battlefield alone.

  Dark fire had the same issue as the space manipulation as it was a PVP move. With a cooldown of 1 hour it was the least prefferable choice as although it was an extremely strong combat move for 1v1 battle with the highest attack power of the five , he already had holy lance in his arsenal for that purpose.

  Terrain manipulation was a extremely useful move that if used correctly could become an ultimate support move. However it was just not the right fit for Rudra's fighting style as with him already having to manipulate gravity and at the same time fight while dual wielding. He would not be able to also micromanage terrain Manipulation.

  This meant that the final choice came down between space buster and oceans reckoning.

  Rudra thought long and hard about these two moves and realised that with him already having a massive undead army at his disposal he already had some PvE ability. Although not as effective as the tsunami , it was still passable if push came to shove. However he needed a continuous use move more than a one time use move at the moment , as the outcome of the battle finally would only be decided by the lives and death of those at tier 4 and above.

  Understanding this well , Rudra chose to go for future sight and space buster as his skill moves as he finally completed his tier 5 promotion.

  Rudra called his stat pannel to have a look -


  Player Name : Shakuni / Augustus Won Knight

  Title : Viscount of Hazelgroove kingdom, Honorable Death knight , Saviour of Thol village , Revered Medicine Master , Honorary ArchBishop of the Church of Life , World renowned , Heir of Augustus Won Knight , Achiever , Dragon Slayer , King Of the True Elites Kingdom , First Cultivator , Supreme Overlord , Legendary Demon Slayer , Superior Human , Pope Of The Church Of Death , History maker , Powerhouse

  Class :Death Knight ( Mythic )

  Subclass : Explosion Artist

  LVL: 507

  Tier : 5


  AGI : 56,000 VIT : 52,000

  INT : 54,000 STA : 51,000  PHY : 54,000 MANA :57,000

  HP : 38,818,000/38,818,000

  Unassigned stat points : 0

  Hidden stats

  Luck : 52/100

  Charm :99/100

  Infamy : 0/100

  Status : No Abnormalities

  Equipment : Lich's Ring , concealer mask , Sun God's bracelet ( Legendary) , Doom armour( legendary) , Death knights Black Shield , Pope's token , White lion's kneecaps ( dark gold ) , Supreme Wood Charm , Kings helmet

  Weapons : Grim Reaper , Siege breaker

  •Skills : Darkness bind , Summon Knight Durahal , Windslash , Critical absorb , Berserk, Darkness blast, Death Slash, Eyes of God , Earthquake , Critical block , Blink , Stormbringer , Swift Retreat, Illusionaey multi- sword , suppresion art, three point stab , twin blade hurricane , twin blade cross Slash , Claymore , Overheard slash , Solar restore , Solar flare , Solar blast , Solar descent , Solar beam, Shadow Dopplegangers , Knight's courage, Holy Lance ( divine) , One legged leap ( rare) , Cloud Feet , Circumvent , Dance Of Death ( Divine ) , Object Manipulation (???) , Gravity manipulation ( Divine), Space Buster (Tier 5) , Future sight (????)

  Class specific skills : Death Knights Summoning, Death Emperor's s Aura Suppression , Black Ratio , Enhanced Full counter , Death Legion,

  ( Knight of the empire ) ( complete ) , Time Dilation , Undead Ruler

  Mount : Grey Wolf

  Pet : Furball ( Divine nine tails )


  Rudra let out a loud and deep sigh after seeing his stat panel , he understood how big of a monster he had now become.

  Although still not nearly as strong as the gods that Lucifer and Hades were having stats of over 100,000 for each individual stat , he was still impressive by human standards.

  Finally , he was one step closer to being prepared for the war that was to come.


  ( Meanwhile Cervantez)

  Cervantez felt it in his bones when Rudra ascended to tier 5. The cosmic energy that boomed from Purplehaze city might be undetectable to the mortals , but as a tier 5 existance who had mastered the laws himself , Cervantez felt it through and through.

  He knew at that moment that there was only one man in Purplehaze city that could have ascended , however the timespan really shocked him.

  It was only a few years back that he tried to make the kid his lieutenant and now he was his equal.

  Taking the teleportation instantly, Cervantez arrived inside purplehaze city with haste .

  /// Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter , thankyou everyone who took it to the comments in the last one. I've read every single one of them carefully and took the best bits from every one of your reasoning to provide you all with this chapter.

  Thanks for the support you all ! ///
