Chapter 738 Grand Return    Cervantez marched straight towards the royal palace of Avalon and was stopped right outside the door of the palace by none other than Karna.

  Karna said " Greetings my emperor, I'm Karna the vice guildmaster of the True Elites Guild , the Commander of the Avalonian army and the Cabinet minister of domestic affairs for this kingdom. It is my pleasure to host you today in our kingdom".

  Cervantez checked the aura of Karna and was impressed to see that the man had reached tier 4 naturally. However his shock only deepened when he noticed that the three men surrounding Karna were also tier 4!

  Cervantez could understand that Rudra was once in a millennium freak and an brilliant and unprecedented talent , however to see the strength of Purplehaze city to be this deep it meant that not only was Rudra extremely strong but the men around him were extremely talented and capable as well.

  Just when the shock was settling in , 8 more tier 4 generals walked out to greet him as now his shock turned into a frown.

  The one month of absence of Rudra had changed a lot of things within the guild as the elders felt like they needed to become a lot stronger faster while the peak tier 3 core players who felt their strength was insufficient in the fight against Mahrez poured their souls into training to get stronger.

  Finally - SMG , PoisontoadGamabunta , PoisontoadGamakichi , Tank, Rhino , Cola , Skyla and Oregon all reached tier 4.


  This meant that the elites now had 12 tier 4 generals , a number that in itself would make the country a local powerhouse but add a tier 5 leader above it and it could become a continental powerhouse.

  Cervantez could not understand how the players were ascending so rapidly as if there was a secret to their fast ascension then he wanted to learn it as well.

  However the truth of the matter was that not only did Rudra gather the best talents from across Omega right at the start of the game to make the core foundation of the guild, but he also them nurtured them into the proper direction by providing ample resources and guidance to turn them into the powerhouses that they were today.

  Before his seclusion he had already published a guide in the guild that taught the easiest and best method to progress to tier 4 with an A rating or lower.

  It was a method that the elites would have otherwise only learnt after 10-15 failures as the majority of the upper player base who was trying to reach tier 4 at this moment was experiencing however the elites did not need to go through that learning curve since Rudra was their guildmaster.

  Finally Cervantez said " Greetings vice guildmaster, I'm here to have an audience with the king, please let me pass ".


  Karna felt helpless as he looked at the thousands of elites that had surrounded the place in the inner city.action

  Since the normal citizens had restricted access to this part of the town not many were present in the place , but there were a lot of elites who were now waiting to see his reaction to understand what was the truth behind the matter of the guildmaster's absence.

  The elites understood well that there was no smoke without a fire and although they would give the vice guildmaster the benefit of the doubt and not actively question him , they were all very curious as to what actually was going on.

  Karna stuttered at this moment as he choked on his own saliva. This was the worst possible moment to tell the Truth after all the drama that had already been caused however Cervantez was not someone that could be manipulated or lied to.  Feeling pressured Karna suggested " Why don't we have a talk in private, my lord ".

  Cervantez raised an eyebrow at the suggestion, he wondered if the assassination rumor was true and if Karna was truly trying to undermine Rudra in someway , as he could feel Rudra's presence from within the palace but Karna acted like he was not there.

  Chuckling, Cervantez unleashed his aura as the elites all around except the tier 4 ones felt the strength sapped from their feet instantly being floored to the ground.

  Cervantez was tired of these silly games and wanted to draw Rudra out himself and naturally he did!

  Cervantez's eyes widened in shock as when Rudra unleashed his death aura it was so thick and dark that even he felt lightheaded under it's influence whereas all the tier 4 generals including Patricia dropped to a knee as they gasped for air under the pressure of two tier 5 Aura 's .

  The only one still standing who was not tier 5 was Karna as he struggled to keep a dignified straight face , but ended up making a weird expression.

  Slow footstep sounds could be heard as one man covered in the aura of death walked out of the palace gates in all his majestic glory.

  The world was shocked to see him in flesh as he said " Now now , my emperor, it's not very polite to use your aura in my city like this is it? I might take it as a threat you know... ".

  Karna's eyes widened in disbelief when heard the voice as something from the bottom of his heart released endorphins so strong that he felt like he was in a bliss.

  A wide smile cracked up on his face as even under duress he smiled at emperor Cervantez with a straight face.

  This was the effect of Rudra's presence, as with him around Karna had the confidence to challenge the heavens!

  Although he had no idea where Rudra was the past few days and he was going to give him a huge lecture on this later , at this moment he was just happy and on the verge of tears that he was safe and more importantly alive!

  Cervantez was more shocked than Karna himself, as his hypothesis that Rudra was tier 5 was proven to be true , not only that but the aura that he possessed was even stronger than his own!

  How was a kid who had just ascended to tier 5 exerting more pressurethan a veteran like himself?

  Cervantez sighed in his heart , he always knew that there was going to be a day when he would need to treat the kid as his equal , however never did he think that the day would come this early.

  Taking back his Aura, Cervantez said with a smile " Ofcourse, I see that you have ascended to tier 5 my king ".

  Cervantez's voice was laced with respect, and Rudra naturally liked this change of tone , giving equal respect in return he said " Haha ,its nothing worth mentioning ".

  However, while Rudra casually brushed it off everyone else in the guild , from all the tier 3 core members to the tier 4 players stared at Rudra wide eyed as they could not beleive their ears.

  They were feeling a myriad of emotions upon seeing Rudra, as for one they were extremely happy to see him fit and fine however the news that he had reached tier 5 completely shattered their worldview.  They had all started from the same platform in the same guild with equal opportunities , however Rudra was now tier 5 while most of them were struggling to break tier 4!

  Even those ascended to tier 4 had atleast 4-6 years of constant work needed to only level upto the threshold needed to become tier 5 whereas the promotion test was a challenge in its own.

  Rudra had left them far in the dust to the point they could only marvel at him from the bottom now , while all of them were exceptional talents that man was simply something else.

  " Whattttt? Guildmaster is tier 5? "

  " Haha , that's our guildmaster you all "

  " Hahaha , now whose going to dare to mess with us? "

  " But the second highest player is still far away from reaching tier 5 , our guildmaster is just awesome ".

  Even Karna chimed in as he said " Guys I need to make a confession , the guildmaster had informed me that he was going to undergo a breakthrough and needed absolute privacy and secrecy ,it was a matter of grave importance and I had to interrupt him midway just to make that video 2 days ago which is why he was delayed for some extra time".

  The guild members felt that everything made sense now as they nodded and swore in their hearts to absolutely obliterate the internet trollers today.

  Some had even started to post on the forums on how the guildmaster was back and at TIER 5 at that!

  Within 5 minutes , the forums were flooded with the tag









  Naturally, the trollers and the conspiracy theorists had no place to hide any longer as the common masses bashed them to no ends.

  Especially the sites that had been extremely vocal about Rudra's death had to delete their content in a haste so that the common masses would stop commenting fake and reporting them 0 stars.

  However the headline of the event was naturally the tier 5 tag , which meant that Rudra was back and stronger than ever before!
