Chapter 1179: Kayden (7)  

Tiana reached out her hand to check Kayden's shoulder gunshot wound, as she was sure it had penetrated his shoulder. The blood she saw when Oliver shot him was very real.

No, even now Tiana could still see the blood that stained the front and back of Kayden's shirt.


Tiana recalled after the shot occurred. Kayden didn't even seem bothered by the fact that he just got shot and beat Oliver mercilessly.

Even when he was being ganged up on by three of Oliver's other men, he didn't seem overwhelmed.

In a state of being shot and also beaten, it seemed unlikely that Kayden could win the fight. But, in fact that's what happened and Kayden even won it.


Does that make sense?

"Let me see," Tiana said in a low voice and without taking her eyes off the wound that should have been on Kayden's shoulder.

Only, Kayden caught the girl's hand before she could even touch it. The man shook his hand slowly at him.

Kayden did intend to tell Tiana about herself, but not at a time like this. He didn't think this was the right time for that, considering Tiana herself had just experienced a shocking incident. The trauma could still be seen clearly in his eyes.

So, to receive this big news… Kayden didn't know how Tiana would react and he also didn't think he could handle this girl, should she panic and fear him.

"I am fine," said Kayden.


However, Tiana shook her head violently. She didn't believe his words. "I saw you got shot, how can you be okay?" somehow Tiana said that in a low voice like a whisper.

Her hands trembled in Kayden's grip as she tried to calm herself, but it didn't work out well enough.

"I am fine, the bullet didn't really hit me, it just scratched my arm," said Kayden, trying to reassure Tiana, ??even though he wasn't really sure Tiana would believe such a lie.

"Don't lie to me Kayden..." Tiana said, she shook her head and looked at the man in front of her with an expression that implied that she could prove it and that's what she did.

Tiana pointed at Kayden's blood stained shoulder and tilted her head to look at his back.

"The bullet went through your shoulder, but you don't look like you are in any pain." Tiana looked deeply at Kayden, trying to find the lie in the man's eyes, but this time Kayden looked away and was more interested in looking at the tree outside the house through the window.

"I have a very high pain tolerance," Kayden said. Of course he felt pain when the bullet went through his flesh, but at that moment, he didn't have time to feel it when his mate was in danger.

And besides, the pain didn't last long. Even though he couldn't recover quickly, but of course his ability to heal was above the average of a normal person, so things like this weren't too much of a problem for him.

"Take off your clothes," Tiana said firmly.

Hearing that, Kayden raised his eyebrows. "I can misunderstand your words when you say such things."

Tiana rolled her eyes and almost groaned in annoyance. This wasn't the time to be joking, but for some reason she found it quite funny and made her a little less tense.

So instead of laughing like she wanted to, Tiana gave a small smile. "Come on, tell me, what's your secret?"

Seeing Tiana smile, this made Kayden smile too and he said quietly, in a tone as if he was keeping a big secret. "There aren't any secrets."

"I couldn't believe it even more when you said it isn't a secret. People tend to say the opposite," said Tiana. She kept looking at Kayden's shoulder and then his beautiful blue eyes.

"You should try to believe me now," Kayden replied, he reached out his hand to touch Tiana's forehead and they both smiled.

Something inexplicable happened between the two of them and it wasn't a bad thing. This was precisely the one thing that made Tiana feel comfortable around this man.

"Are you superman?" Tiana asked, she tried to touch Kayden's shoulder, but the man held her hand again.

"I don't mind when you give me kryptonite," Kayden replied. He liked Tiana who seemed much more comfortable around him and also seemed calmer after the incident.

"Then, not superman, huh?"

"Mm-mm." Kayden shook his head.

"Are you spiderman?" asked Tiana with another question.

"I had never been bitten by a spider." Kayden followed Tiana's game, and if this continued, maybe Kayden would end up telling her about his true identity.

"Not bitten by a spider..." Tiana nodded. "Then batman?"

Kayden burst out laughing. "I am as rich as Bruce, but I still have both parents and a younger sister named Aurora, remember?"

"Oh right," Tiana said quietly, she forgot about Aurora for a moment, Kayden had told her about his annoying little sister. "Any other clues?"

"Guess," Kayden said secretively. Mirth danced in the man's eyes. Perhaps, tonight's bad incident, wasn't as bad as he thought, especially when they ended up getting closer.

Maybe it's true what people say about the statement that a stressful experience would allow you to get to know each other better and lighten the mood…

"You are not superman, spiderman, or batman..." Tiana pondered, but her eyes were on Kayden. She saw a reflection of herself in the man's eyes and this made her heart feel much warmer.

"No…" Kayden confirmed.

The quiet room was decorated only by the sound of the wind howling outside and the sound of twigs knocking on the glass window.

And I don't know who started it or what they felt when it happened to them, but for sure they were getting closer and closer, feeling the warmth of each other's presence, while Kayden allowed Tiana to wrap her arms around his neck.

"I am not sure if you want us to do this..." said Kayden, he looked at Tiana with a sharp gaze and instantly his eyes turned dark.

Of course Tiana saw this clearly and spontaneously, she backed away, she looked at Kayden with her eyes wide in surprise.

"Your eyes..." Tiana said, she couldn't explain how Kayden's eyes turned dark. "Your eyes color has changed," he whispered frantically.

Seeing the frightened Tiana, Kayden backed away and put some distance between them. He noticed that the color of his eyes had now changed, because the beast within him had surfaced and he could feel it.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Kayden said carefully, trying to see the mental state of Tiana, because he didn't want to scare the girl.

"You…" Tiana had a hard time finding the right words, she didn't understand how to put this question. "You are… what?"

Instead of using the word 'who', Tiana used 'what', as if Kayden wasn't human, although that wasn't wrong either. Kayden couldn't be said to be fully human.

Kayden didn't immediately answer Tiana's question, he then looked at the girl's eyes intently. "Are you sure you want to hear this?" he asked.

Tiana took a deep breath. She felt that this was something that would not be easy for her to accept, but… wasn't she already in deep trouble now? So there's no way Kayden could add any more trouble to her life by telling her a secret, right?

Therefore, Tiana nodded confidently.

"You'd be surprised," Kayden said in a light tone, but the look in his eyes showed that he wasn't messing with what he was about to say. Tiana would be really surprised…

"I have been quite surprised today, I think I can still receive one more," Tiana replied, but before Kayden opened his mouth to give Tiana the answer she wanted, she asked again. "Are you going to hurt me?"

"Never," said Kayden with absolute certainty. It was the purest and most convincing answer to give Tiana. Even if he lost control of himself over his beast, he wouldn't hurt Tiana at all.

Because the beast within him would definitely recognize their mate.

"Okay..." Tiana said in a slightly louder voice. "Tell me…"

Kayden looked into Tiana's eyes intently, he was trying to muster up the courage to tell this to his mate. Wasn't this the moment he had been waiting for since the first time they met?

And now Tiana asked Kayden to tell her.

"I am a shifter, lycan." Kayden emphasized every word in his sentence, and made sure Tiana heard him well.

The seconds that passed after Kayden revealed who he was felt like a long time, especially when Tiana didn't give any response.

The girl was silent, she just stared at Kayden as if she didn't hear what the man just said.

"Lycans? Shifters?" Tiana repeated the word in a lower voice, she was still digesting it, but then she shook her head. "Are you messing with me?"

Kayden knew that Tiana would react like this, but at least it was much better than the worst reaction Kayden had imagined.

"Okay, so you are not messing with me…" Tiana answered her own question, nodded her head, as if she was trying to convince herself.

"You don't believe me." It's not a question, it's a statement.

"Shifters and lycans are just myths," Tiana said, but seeing Kayden's expression she wasn't quite sure what she believed.

"Myths mean that these creatures once existed, it's just that not many people believe in the truth," Kayden replied.

"Then show me." Tiana sat up straighter now. "Show me."
