Chapter 1178: Kayden (6)  

Tiana didn't think clearly when she decided to take Oliver's gun that was thrown by Kayden. Because the only thing in her mind was how to save Kayden from the dangerous situation and so that the man wouldn't become a target of Oliver's men.

Who would have thought that the training Oliver gave her in order to scare her because Tiana didn't like the sound of guns, would end up like this.

And the bad news was; Tiana shot right at the man's head, creating a hole that bled profusely before the man finally fell to the ground.

Immediately, Tiana's body felt stiff and cold. The gun in her hand seemed not to want to leave her grip, as if to show that she had killed someone, that she had pulled the trigger and fired the deathly bullet at a man who was now lying on the ground, pooled in his own blood.

"Oh, shit!" someone cursed loudly, but Tiana didn't know who was cursing at this time. She didn't even care who the person cursed at, because now, Tiana's eyes were only glued to the man in front of her.

Everything passed very slowly, or very quickly, she lost sense of time… Tiana seemed to have lost track of time and was no longer aware of her surroundings.


The shock she was in was so intense that Kayden had to shout at her face, calling her name several times to get her attention.

"Everything will be fine, everything will be fine." Kayden kept saying that while pulling Tiana's body into his arms. He could feel her body shaking with fear.

Slowly, Kayden took the gun that was still in Tiana's grip, he didn't want to startle this girl more than this.

"Don't look," Kayden whispered into Tiana's ear, hugging her head and pressing her face to his chest. "You will be fine."

Tiana could feel Kayden's warm embrace on her cold body, but she couldn't feel her arms and legs suddenly becoming weak and causing her to fall to the ground.

Luckily, Kayden was hugging her, so Tiana wouldn't hurt herself even more than this.


"I killed someone, I killed someone…" Tiana whispered softly. She felt that it was not her voice and that what had happened was not her fault, although deep down she knew that she had killed the man.

Tiana was in a state of denial, where she couldn't think clearly.

"No, you defended yourself, you didn't kill him." Kayden rubbed Tiana's back frantically. He didn't know how or what words to say to make his mate feel better. "You didn't kill him Tiana, you defended yourself, because if you didn't kill him, he would kill me."

Although the last statement was not true. Because of a bullet or two, it wouldn't be possible to take Kayden's life so easily.

"You saved me Tiana, you saved me," Kayden whispered the words over and over again, until Tiana's body trembled and finally she was able to express what she was feeling and vent out the stress she was trying to endure, she was crying.

Tiana cried so hard and gripped the front of Kayden's jacket very tightly.

Meanwhile, Oliver and three other friends have left the crime scene, leaving two of his friends lying on the dirty and cold ground.

One of them died and the other was still unconscious.

It took a while for Tiana to feel much better, but her tears didn't stop, as she kept repeating words like; I have killed him, I am a murderer.

And it took even longer for Tiana to let go of Kayden's arms.

"I want you to close your eyes, okay?" said Kayden and he waited until Tiana nodded and closed her eyes.

And after that, Kayden let go of Tiana's body and moved away, but the girl gripped his arm so tightly that her nails embedded on his skin and left scratches there.

Kayden understood that Tiana didn't mean to do that, therefore, he gave Tiana a kiss on the forehead to calm her down.

"Don't leave me," Tiana whimpered in fear. She didn't want to be left alone. Was Kayden going to leave her here?

"No honey, I won't leave you," Kayden said softly, then he gave Tiana one more hug, kissing her forehead to make herself feel much better. "I want you to stay here for a while and I will take care of things."

Kayden was in alert, just in case someone came through this back alley, but it didn't look like anyone would be passing through, so they both would be safe for a while.

"I want you to close your eyes and stay here until I return. I'll be back as soon as possible," said Kayden, reassuring Tiana. "Count to a hundred and I'll be back before you finish."

Okay, that sounded like a childish solution, but Kayden couldn't think of any other way to persuade Tiana to let him go.

And it turned out to be successful. Tiana released her grip on Kayden and started counting while closing her eyes. "One, two…"

"That's great honey," Kayden said, then landed a kiss on Tiana's forehead, he walked away towards the man that his mate had shot. He brought the gun that Tiana used to shoot him, as well.

Kayden then knelt beside the man and confirmed that he was dead so there was nothing else he could do.

Kayden put his finger on the man's neck and was sure he was dead, only then did he walk over to the unconscious man and kneel before him.

Kayden rubbed the gun in his hand to remove fingerprints of himself and Tiana, then placed the gun in the man's hand. It did look really bad to blame someone else for an act like this.

Only, Kayden wasn't in a state where he wanted to check his morals. After all, it was them who came to find trouble with Tiana.

Kayden still couldn't imagine if he didn't take the initiative to walk her home tonight, if he didn't come, what would they do to his mate? He didn't even want to start imagining that…

And after erasing all evidence that could point to Tiana or himself, Kayden then returned to his mate.

"Seventy- six...seventy- seven..." Tiana continued to count as to what Kayden wanted, she only stopped when someone carried her, at first she tried to struggle, thinking that it was one of Oliver's men, but then Kayden's calming voice could be heard.

"Hey, it's me..." he said. "You can open your eyes now, I will take you away from here."


Kayden didn't bring Tiana back to her house, of course he wouldn't leave his mate, as an easy target there, knowing that Oliver might already be in the house and ambush them.

Therefore, Kayden took Tiana to his house and put her on his bed.

The girl still looked so shocked and didn't say anything, she didn't even ask why Kayden had brought her to this strange place.

The furniture in this room cannot be said to be sufficient, even at one glance one would be able to realize that this room has never been occupied before. It was too dull.

However, Tiana wasn't in a state where she would pay any attention to all of these things, because for now all she had in mind was the blood flowing from the wound of the man she had shot.

Luckily now, Tiana had more control over herself and now she was hugging herself on the big bed while Kayden went to the kitchen.

Kayden returned not long after with a compress and also a small towel and a basin filled with water.

"Your face will swell for a few days, but otherwise, you'll be fine," Kayden said in a grumpy voice.

Now that they were no longer in that dark alley, Kayden could see how swollen Tiana's cheeks were and this didn't please him at all. He wanted to kill Oliver for doing this to his mate.

Then gently, Kayden pressed the wet towel to Tiana's cheek, where the bastard's handprint was.

Tiana winced in pain and this made Kayden panic a little. "Oh, sorry, sorry… I will be gentler."

Kayden frowned trying not to hurt Tiana further, but the girl grabbed Kayden's hand and took the towel instead.

"I can do it myself," she said softly, smiling at Kayden. "Thank you for everything you have done for me."

Kayden smiled back, quite pleased that he heard his mate thanked him, but then Tiana's next words made the smile fade.

"But I think you should stay away from me now, if you don't want to get involved any further than this." if it was not for her, Kayden shouldn't be getting into trouble.

"Of course not. I want to get myself involved in this matter," Kayden said without thinking, but he didn't need to think about making that decision, because the answer would always be the same.

Tiana who heard this narrowed her eyes. "Why would you do this for me?"

Kayden frowned, trying to find a good reason, but couldn't find any. "Because I like you. Could that be a reason?"

Tiana was quite surprised when she heard that and then she laughed softly. "Don't tell me this is love at first sight for you?"

Kayden smirked. "You can put it like that."

But, then Tiana's laughter faded as her eyes stared at the wound on Kayden's shoulder. "Your wound..." and that's when she realized it.

Kayden's wound has healed. Tiana couldn't be wrong, the wound was no longer bleeding. But, that's impossible, right?
