Chapter 302: Power Couple 1  

Heaven woke up with an aching body. She had been in pain for several days after her injury on the battlefield and she couldn't quite remember what happened and how exactly she got injured. Her days of recovery were all a blur in her head. She could only remember the agonizing pain that made her wish she was dead.

Biting her lips in pain, she tried to turn in bed and found a man sleeping next to her.

At first, she became shocked but when she saw his face she realized who he was. It was her husband, Zamiel. He had been with her every moment during her recovering. She knew he was always around, taking care of her, talking to her even if she couldn't see him or hear him clearly. But she should know what her husband looked like and at this moment, she wasn't sure what the man lying next to her looked like.

She frowned, feeling uneasy, and then she became frightened when he shifted in bed and his hair moved out of his face. Her breath hitched. This man was… breathtaking.

Heaven blinked a few times, stunned by the sight. She had to shake her head after staring for too long. This man was her husband. Why was she in such awe as if she had seen him for the first time?

Still unable to stop staring, she loomed over him, forgetting that she was injured and causing herself pain. She groaned but quickly pressed her lips together. Before she could retreat, Zamiel opened his eyes, and she found herself looking into a pair of silver eyes.


Eyes that were familiar and mesmerizing. She couldn't tear her gaze away from his.

"Heaven," his voice was husky from sleep and a frown settled between his dark eyebrows.

He pushed himself up, grabbed her shoulders, and gently pushed her down on the bed. "You need to rest," he told her.

As if she had swallowed her tongue, she just nodded.

He leaned over her. "How is the pain today?"

Heaven stared at his face, that was so close to hers. Her heart began beating fast, and she forgot what he had just asked.


"Heaven?" He looked worried now.

"Yes," she said, her voice strained. Her throat felt dry, as if she hadn't spoken for many days.

Zamiel removed the blanket away from his body and crawled out of bed. Heaven followed him with her gaze as he went to the table. She watched the movement of his bare upper body as he poured her some water from a jar and came back with the cup. He sat next to her on the bed.

Heaven forced herself to sit up despite the pain, and then he handed her the cup. Her arm felt weak as she took the cup from his hand and drank the water. The cold liquid felt so soothing against her sore throat.

When she emptied the cup, she gave it back to him.

"Feel better?" he asked.

She nodded.

He placed his hand on her thigh, yet she could feel his touch through her dress and the blankets. He was cold.

"What…" she cleared her throat because her voice was still hoarse. "What happened to me?"

"You fell off your horse and hit your head," he explained. Then he looked down as if not liking what he was going to tell her next. "It seems like the head injury killed your human side. You are a demon now."

Heaven blinked a few times. She was a demon? Not half human anymore? Her eyes darted nervously, not knowing how to react to this situation.

Zamiel studied her while her head imploded with different thoughts. When she tried to remember anything, it was all a blur and her head began to hurt. She grimaced in pain.

"Don't think too much. You need to recover first," he told her.

As she tried to lie down again, the memory of her children struck her like lightning.

"Nadine! Eugene!" she called, sitting up again.

Zamiel smiled, "they are sleeping now. I'll bring them here as soon as they wake up."

"I'll go to them." She said, removing the sheets.

"I think they will worry less if they see you less tired, bathed and in no pain." He told her.

Heaven paused. He was right. They must have been worried already while she was recovering. She missed them so much and naturally she tried to see their faces in her head, but… there was some kind of fog covering them. She couldn't see their faces, couldn't remember what they looked like.

Zamiel noticed the panic in her eyes. "Is something wrong?"

She shook her head. "No!" How could she tell him she couldn't remember what her own children looked like?

Embarrassed and guilty, she lay down again. She was going to remember. She had to.

After a lot of thinking and trying to remember, that led to a headache, she fell asleep again. When she woke up, she felt steam in the room. Turning around with every muscle in her body complaining and her head throbbing, she found a bathtub filled with hot water in the room.

She pushed herself up into a sitting position as Zamiel walked into the room. He smiled when he found her awake. Heaven stared at him again, enthralled by this silver-eyed stranger.

He wasn't a stranger to her, but to her eyes, he was. She saw him in a completely different way. She could detect every line, every shadow and every movement of his flawless face, and the uplifted corners of his mouth brought butterflies to her stomach.

Swallowing, she looked away.

"Nadine and Eugene are awake. Your parents also want to visit you, so I thought I could help you bathe and change." He said, walking toward the bathtub with a towel in his hand.

"It is a good idea," Heaven said, getting out of bed.

On her way to the bathtub, she began to undress, but then stopped midway. She looked up at Zamiel. Was he going to help her bathe? The thought made her feel strange and nervous.

Nervous? How could she feel nervous? They had been married for seven years and had children together. It was very strange that she felt this way.

Putting her brave face on, she proceeded to remove her clothes. Avoiding to look at him, she entered the bathtub and sunk into the hot and soothing water. Once she was covered, she looked at him.

Zamiel grabbed a washcloth, sat on the stool next to the tub before reaching his arm inside the hot water. When his cold fingers wrapped around her ankle, Heaven gasped and withdrew her leg.

Surprised, Zamiel turned to her, "What happened? Did I hurt you?"
