Chapter 301: 178: The End  

Heaven went to Zamiel's home but couldn't find him there. She asked his maid Helen where he was, but Helen hadn't seen him since yesterday. Heaven then called Ilyas to help her find Zamiel, but Ilyas couldn't find him either.

It was strange. "Maybe he went under the ocean." She said.

"I'll go find out." Ilyas said, but he came back with bad news. "No, he didn't."

"Then where is he?" she asked, confused.

"Maybe he doesn't want to be found for a while." Ilyas said thoughtfully.

Heaven shook her head. That didn't seem like Zamiel. She had always been able to find him.


"Did something happen to him?" she asked herself loudly.

Ilyas frowned. "I don't think anyone can do him anything."

Heaven still had a bad feeling. She went back home to wait and see if he would show up. Maybe he did simply want to have some time alone. Was he angry with her? Was he sad? Did he change his mind about the wedding?

He had suggested to escape.

Fear and worry made her stomach turn. Her thoughts went to a place she didn't even want to think of. She shouldn't even think about this thought, but she did.

Did Zamiel leave her?


She had seen it in her nightmare, and it had felt so real. Zamiel would never leave her, but then again, she hadn't been the best mate in this last week. She had been distant and drowning in self pity, with no regard for how that made him feel. Still, Zamiel wouldn't leave her. He wasn't that kind of person.

She was being dramatic. He was probably just gone for a while and would come back.

"What is wrong?" Gina came back to her room.

"I can't find Zamiel." Heaven said.

"Well, I am sure he is just somewhere not far away."

What if he was in danger? But he could communicate with Ilyas and her just like he did when he was locked in the coffin. He wasn't in danger which only meant…

She shook her head in denial.

"He left." Heaven said. Now a little more convinced.

"Where?" Gina asked.

"Anywhere but here."

Gina frowned. "Do you mean he left you?"

Heaven nodded.

"No, no." Gina shook her head.

"He asked me to escape, I said I wanted to officially get married but…"


"I said it in a way that sounded wrong. Maybe he thinks I don't want him anymore. That I don't care." She was slowly starting to panic.

"Knowing Zamiel, he seems like a wise person. I think he would talk if he had any doubts. He wouldn't just disappear believing something he wasn't sure of." Gina said trying to talk some sense into her.

Heaven took a deep breath. Maybe she was overracing. Gina was right. Zamiel wouldn't leave her over such matters. She didn't know what went over her. Why did she even believe this?

She would just wait and he would be there. It was their wedding day after all.

Relaxing she went ahead to prepare for the wedding. Her maids dressed her up.

She looked herself in the mirror. Her red wedding dress flowed from top to bottom and had a jeweled neckline, which entrancingly revealed the white dress worn beneath. The flow of her dress was broken up by a golden belt worn low around her waist, and the back continued to flow a decent length behind her, ending up in a narrow tip.

The dress had long and narrow sleeves, where the flow is interrupted below the shoulder by thin, ornate bands. Nothing extraordinary was done with her hair. It flowed down hair back and was topped with a golden crown.

Now it was only an hour left to their wedding and Ilyas still hadn't come to tell her that he had found Zamiel.

Heaven started to pace. "I don't understand what is happening?" She said. "He must have left if he wasn't here," Heaven said.

"Why do you believe he left? He could be doing anything."

Heaven stopped pacing. "I had a dream about it," she said.

"It is just a dream. You will see. He will be here soon."

"You don't understand. Ilyas couldn't sense him, which means he doesn't want to be found. Why would he do that?!"

Gina was quiet. Of course she didn't know.

Heaven's heart told her Zamiel wouldn't leave her but her brain said something else.

She was about to cry when she felt Ilyas' presence in the garden. He must have found Zamiel. She hurried outside.

"Did you find him?" she asked.

"I have a letter for you." He said, holding out an envelope in his hand.

"Oh no," Heaven burst into tears.

She thought a letter could only mean one thing. Letting her know why he left.

"My Lady. You will ruin your face and hair for the wedding."


"Is Zamiel coming?" She asked.

"It will be difficult for a wedding to take place without the groom." He said.

Heaven looked at him confused. "Then who did you get the letter from?"

"Lord Zamiel." He said.

Heaven stopped asking questions and took the letter from him. She opened it quickly and began to read.

( Dear beloved wife.

I am so blessed to officially become your husband on this special day. There is no one else I would want to share the rest of my life with. We have been through many struggles, and a lot of pain and sorrow but my heart is still full of love for you. I have hated, cried, raged but nothing has pulled me through and soothed my pain as much as the love I have for you.

I wish to do something small for you just to put a smile on your face on this day. If you could come and meet me where we first met when I decided to start this journey with you, it would make me happy. I will wait with baited breath.

Eternally yours,

Zamiel )

Heaven wrapped the letter as tears ran like rivers down her cheeks. Zamiel's words were so heartbreakingly beautiful. She felt so stupid for even thinking that he would leave her.

And where they met for the first time after he….?

Yes, now she remembered.

"I need to go." She said to Gina and Ilyas who waited for her to say something. Without waiting for a reply she hurried to Zamiel.

As she walked through the halls of the castle the few guards and maids that saw her stared surprised. She wasn't supposed to show herself before the wedding but Heaven didn't care right now.

When she arrived at where Zamiel met her for the first time after putting his hatred and pain behind, Heaven halted. She took a deep breath before entering the dance hall of the castle. This was where Zamiel gave himself a second chance to find happiness. A chance to love again and be loved.

And there in the middle of the hall, he stood looking as beautiful as the first time he had walked into this room. A smile lit up his face upon seeing her.

She slowly walked further into the room and closer to him. When he saw her soaked face he frowned.

She came to stand in front of him. "I couldn't find you. You scared me."

"I heard from Ilyas you were looking for me. I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to hide so I could plan this surprise. It seems like I made you cry instead of smile." He was saddened.

"These are good tears." She assured him.

She had been holding back and this truly made her cry her pain out, discover her feelings and realize what she truly wanted in life and where to find her own happiness. Pain and happiness didn't have to be in her life at separate times. They could be there together.

"Why were you looking for me?" He asked.

She shouldn't have been looking for him before the wedding. If she hadn't done it she would save herself all the cries but at the same time she was happy she did.

"I wanted to let you know about my true feelings so we could really start anew after the wedding." She began. "I was not fine this whole time. I was hurting, angry and resentful. I was moving away from this world slowly and into an emptiness and I didn't even try to save myself. That is how I felt these days."

Heaven felt so relieved to finally tell the truth.

Zamiel smiled at her. "Thank you for telling me how you truly feel."

"Thank you for always being there to listen and sharing your own feelings." She was still holding the letter in her hands.

Zamiel drew her into his arms and they hugged for a while. She felt warm inside again., like finally finding her home after being lost.

"I just want to make sure that you haven't changed your mind about escaping yet. We still have time." He said.

Heaven chuckled. "No. Today I want everyone to know that we belong together."

"Thank you. I wouldn't want any man to think that he had a chance."

Heaven shook her head. "You are the one every female stares at. I want them to know that they don't have a chance."

"I will let them know immediately." He promised with a smile. "You look beautiful."

She shook her head. "I look awful now after crying. I ruined everything."

"Wait." He said. He wiped away her tears, combed her with his fingers which made her smile and corrected the crown above her head. Then he took a step back to look at her and put a hand on his heart as if he was stabbed.

Heaven shook her head at him with a smile.

"So why did you bring us here?" she asked.

"To dance." he said. "I was frightened that day to come here and start anew. To bare my heart again and let my guard down again." He smiled at the memory. "And then I started dancing with you and…"


He smiled. "I can't find the right word for the feeling."

Heaven knew what that felt like. Some feelings were just meant to be felt. They were bigger than words.

"I am glad you came that day despite being afraid." She said.

"I am glad too."

Heaven looked around for the first time. Zamiel bad arranged for the hall to look beautiful. A thousand candlelights were lit, shimmering like the stars and flowers decorated the wall.

Zamiel reached his hand out. "May I have a dance?"

Heaven placed her hand in his and she was taken back to that day, when they danced for the first time. She had been nervous and scared but also excited.

Zamiel drew her closer, holding her one hand and placing the other on the small of her back. Music started playing and he began to sway them to the rhythm.

Heaven was that girl again that night when Zamiel came for her. Naive, full of hope and positivity and completely smitten by this man. Her heart was beating with a new excitement and her lips curved into a smile. She would have wished for this dance to never end if they didn't have to get married after this.

A short period of separation before they could be together again. This time in front of everyone.

Heaven hurried back to her room with a lot of weight lifted off her shoulders and a smile on her face.

Gina waited for her all that time.

"Heaven, are you alright?"

Heaven nodded and went to hug her friend. Gina was surprised by her sudden action but hugged her back.

"Help me. My face is ruined." She said.

Gina quickly helped her rearrange her makeup before and then she had to leave because she had to be there before her.

After a shirt while it was for her to go. Her two handmaidens walked her to the hall and when her arrival was announced, she entered nervously.

As she walked down the red carpet she looked around. She was surrounded by her people. To her left she saw Gina, Zarin and Ilyas standing among the crowd. They smiled at her, and Ilyas gave her a slight nod. Further ahead, she saw General Kian. He bowed slightly with a smile.

To her right, Klara and Roshan were standing next to each other. Roshan winked at her and Klara gave her a nod. Then she saw her grandmother standing next to Euphorion. Her eyes were filled with tears and she looked at her in awe.

Tears burned her own eyes. Oh no, she was not going to cry.

And then she looked in front of her, where the King and the Queen sat. Her lovely parents. She walked up to them and they gave her their blessings. Then she went to sit down on her appointed seat.

Everyone sat down and waited for the groom to arrive. When Zamiel walked in everyone stood up again. Heaven watched him with a smile as he walked up to her parents to show his respect. Then he came to sit next to her.

They just looked at each other and smiled.

Royal weddings were boring. All the bride and the groom could do was sit and watch while everyone enjoyed themselves. They would thank those who came up to them to congratulate them until it was time for the tea ceremony.

Her mother had taught her to play the flute just for this day, but Heaven didn't look forward to playing in front of everyone.

Thankfully, her father surprised them by not following the traditions. He made it a real celebration by inviting everyone to dance, including her and Zamiel.

Everybody took their partner to dance with. Zamiel led her to the dance floor, and they danced a second time in a day. "You smell good." he told her.

Well, she had spent many hours on her body and hair. "Only for you," she smiled.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

Heaven saw her parents dancing together, Klara and Roshan, Gina was dancing with Ilyas and her grandmother with Euphorion. Zarin was dancing with some unknown lady. It reminded her of the old days and she couldn't help but smile.

Then they all changed partners. Roshan came to dance with her. "You look lovely, Heaven." He said, also sounding a little emotional. "Congratulations on your wedding and your promotion."

"Thank you." She smiled.

Then Zarin came to dance with her. "Can I say that you look absolutely beautiful or will your mate strike me with lightning?"

Heaven chuckled. "It is a risk that you have to decide to take or not."

"I will take it for you. You look beautiful," he said. "I wish you all the happiness in the world on this day and forward."

"Thank you, Zarin."

She also danced with General Kian. He was happy for her and congratulated her. "Are you giving up ruling after this?" He asked.


"Good." He smiled.

Then at last she danced with her father. "Oh, I have been dreading this day but I am very happy today." He said.

"So am I. Thank you for making this wedding more memorable."

"Anything for you." Her father smiled.

Then took her in a real swirl across the dance floor. Heaven kept smiling until her cheeks hurt, but then suddenly she felt lightheaded. It was probably all the swirling and dancing.

"Are you alright?" Her father asked.

The room started to spin.

"Father, just lead me quietly outside." She said embarrassed.

She didn't want to look like this in front of everyone. Her father held her firmly and helped her out of the dance hall but Heaven didn't know if they managed to get out before everything became dark.

When she woke up Zamiel was sitting beside her in her bed while he held her hand. Everyone surrounded them. What had happened?

She looked at Zamiel questioningly, and he smiled at her. He looked happy, yet it seemed like he had cried.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Heaven…" Zamiel began, and her heart skipped. What was it now? "You are still pregnant." He said.

Heaven's eyes widened. What?! She looked at everyone else and they nodded. How? She couldn't believe it.

She sat up. "Is it really true?" she asked Zamiel.


"Our child is alive?" She said, holding her stomach.

Zamiel nodded with a smile.

Heaven didn't know what to say. She needed a moment to let that sink in.

"We should tell her the other good news." Her grandmother said excitedly.

Another good news? What could be better than this?

"Not our child Heaven, our children." Zamiel said.


"Yes, there are two of them." Her mother smiled.

Now she remembered something the witches had said. 'We sent them away in peace'.

The woman had said 'them'.

"How is that possible?" Heaven asked.

"It seems like even in a very early stage, demons can heal."

Oh, her children. They had been healing all this time. They must have endured so much pain.

"Oh no," Heaven said, and burst into tears. She was happy they were safe and sad for what they went through.

"Our children are alright." She told Zamiel who was also in tears.

"He already cried like a child." Roshan said, and a few chuckles followed.

"I need to eat." Heaven said from nowhere. Her children had suffered enough. She had to feed them now and take well care of them.

"We have that ready for you." Her grandmother smiled.

She looked at the table served with food. Everyone were really thinking about everything.

"I think we should leave them alone then." Her father said wanting her and Zamiel to have some time alone.

Everyone hugged and kissed her before leaving her alone with Zamiel.

"Did you hear their heartbeat?" She asked Zamiel when everyone left.

"I did. I thought it was one at first because the beat was so slow but it is even slower because it is two."

"Why is their heartbeat slow? Did something happen?" She became afraid.

"No. That is because they have ancient blood, which also means they heal quickly."

Heaven touched her stomach again.

"When they grow a bit more you will also be able to hear their heartbeat. It is a beautiful sound," Zamiel said.

Heaven looked forward to it.

"I am so happy." She said.

"Me too." Zameil smiled.

They leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."


Irene sat in her garden, doing nothing in particular. She just watched the leaves swaying to the wind, listened to the birds sing and felt the warm sunrays on her skin. It had been a week since she found out she was becoming a great grandmother and since then she couldn't stop smiling.

"Grandma!" Heaven joined her in the garden. "Are you alone, again?"

"What do you mean? I have good company." She said pointing at the birds.

Heaven chuckled as she sat at the table.

"The nausea is stopping me from doing anything. Is there no magic you can do to make it disappear?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Irene smiled. "Unfortunately not. It is a natural part of being pregnant."

"Is it also natural to want to punch everyone around you?"

Irene laughed. "Don't tell me you want to punch your sweet husband?"

"Sometimes." She admitted. "He can't leave me alone. He is feeding me, bathing me, putting me to sleep and emptying our room of all the things he believes is a danger which is almost everything."

"That sounds nice." Irene said.

"It was. At the beginning."

"You should enjoy it. Once you give birth you won't have as much time with each other. Especially since it is two now."

Heaven nodded. "What about you?" she asked.

"What about me?"

"I know you are happy to be a mother, grandmother and great grandmother but you can be other things as well."

"Like what?"

"Like anything your heart desires."

Irene sighed. She knew where Heaven was going with this. They had this conversation once before.

"Heaven. I am happy this way."

"I know. I just don't want you to hold back from being the happiest that you can be. You don't have to restrict yourself to certain things. You are not obliged to choose between two or several things, as you might think."

Irene shook her head. "I am content this way."

"I think you are afraid of giving yourself a second chance. Living in fear has prevented many of us from being truly happy." She smiled.

Irene said nothing.

"Think about it, grandma." Heaven said standing up. "I should go back before my husband starts to panic."

Irene nodded with a smile.

The rest of the day she kept thinking of what Heaven said. Was she living in fear? What was preventing her from following her heart if not fear?

She had nothing to be afraid of. Now she was confident in herself and she knew which people she wanted to allow to come into her life. She also knew how to look out for herself so she shouldn't be scared.

At last she made up her mind and decided to follow her heart even if she was still scared.

Before she could go to find him he came to find her.

He stood waiting in her garden.


He smiled upon seeing her. "Irene. I hope I am not disturbing you."

"No, not at all."

He nodded.

She waited for him to say something since he came to see her. He seemed a bit nervous. "I have been thinking a lot and I can't deny my feelings anymore. I also don't want to run away. You deserve better." He began. "I want you to know that I like you. A lot."

Irene wasn't surprised. She had known it. She just didn't want to think about it. "I like you too." She said.

He looked at her surprised. It was like he had prepared himself for rejection but before he became too happy she had to let him know how she felt.

"I just...we haven't known each other for long. I want to take it slow and get to know each other more if you still want to."

"I understand. I am in no rush. We can walk at your pace until you are comfortable." He assured.

Irene was glad to hear that.

She invited him inside and after chatting the whole night without even realizing it, he took her to the ocean to see the sunrise.

They were surprised when they found Heaven and Zamiel there.

"What are you doing here?" Euphorion asked.

Heaven gave her an approving smile when she saw them together. Zamiel put one arm around her. "We came to see the sunrise. What about you?"

"Same for us." Euphorion said.

"This place is the best place to see the sunrise."

Euphorion agreed with Zamiel.

Then all four of them sat on the beach with some distance between them. Heaven and Zamiel held each other and Euphorion and Irene just sat together.

Irene saw the sky change color and then the sun peaked from the horizon. It was indeed the best place to watch the sunrise. The light reflected on the ocean which made the view breathtaking.

Taking its time, the sun rose from where it hid, promising them a new day. A new day and a new adventure.
