Chapter 280: 157  

Zarin stood behind his parents' home, hiding in the woods. His heart was going wild inside his chest, and he felt something strange in his gut. It made him want to vomit.

No, he couldn't do this. He was almost sweating. He was full of guilt and shame that he couldn't even manage to take a step forward. He didn't know how long he had been standing there, trying to convince himself that he could do it. That everything would be alright.

He would do as Zamiel said. See this as his punishment and make it all up to his parents. But no matter what he said to himself, he couldn't bring himself to walk out of the woods.

He kept hiding there, thinking of what he would say if he went to his parents. How he would apologize, how he would look at them without wishing that the ground would open up and swallowing him alive.

Then he thought of what they would say. He imagines their reaction. He could see their anger and disappointment, but he also knew they would be happy to see him.



A happiness that would be cut off by pain when they see his eyes. When they realize what he had done. How would they react?

Zarin was stuck to the tree, holding it like it would save his sinful soul. Like it would erase everything he had done. He knew was only delaying the inevitable. He should man up, admit his mistakes and make up for them.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he appeared from behind the tree. Hesitantly, he walked toward his parents' home. The nausea came back, and he felt dizzy. He wasn't breathing. Pausing, he took a deep breath to calm down. He was going to his parents, not to hell, even though it felt like it.

Gathering his courage, he walked around the house and went to the front door. He clenches his trembling hands into fists as he stared at the large wooden door.

He prayed to the Lord to help him find strength and courage to proceed. Just when he was about to step forward, the door opened and his mother stood at the entrance.

Zarin's heart ceased to beat. All the preparation he had done felt useless as he looked at his mother. He couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling. She just looked at him.


"Zarin." She called his name as if to make sure it was him.

Zarin felt a hard lump in his throat again and tears burned his eyes. "Mother." It left his lips as a plea.

God, he wanted to fall on his knees and cry, but he remained standing. His legs trembled.

Since this was happening already, he didn't want to disappoint his parents any further. He wanted to show them he was here to take responsibility for his actions.

His mother hurried down the stairs, but paused when she stood right in front of him. Zarin looked into her beautiful blue eyes that inherited and he smelled her scent. She smelled like everything good. She smelled like home.

Carefully, she reached for his face carefully, as if afraid he would disappear. When she touched him, he felt his heart shrink, then expand. A tear fell down his cheeks and his mother wiped it away.

"What took you so long?" She asked.

Zarin couldn't hold back his tears anymore. They poured down his cheeks like rivers. "Mother." He said, missing the feel of the word on his tongue.

"Zarin. My son." She wrapped her arms around, overwhelming his with her love.

He hugged her back and burst into tears.

His mother gently stroked him on the back, comforting him while crying too.

"I am sorry, mother. I am very sorry."

"It is alright. Everything is alright now." She told him.

She stepped back and grabbed his face. Her eyes were red and face wet with tears. "I was afraid of losing you forever."

He was ashamed to have made her suffer like this. "I am sorry." Was all he could say, even though it didn't feel enough.

"Oh, you will be sorry!" Suddenly Gina stood at the entrance with a grim look on her face. Her eyes were burning and her hands were clenched into fists and if ready to fight.

His mother turned to look behind. "Gina." His mother spoke her name to calm his sister down, but she Gina kept her gaze fixated on his. "Your brother is back."

"I can see that." She said, trying to sound calm, but there was a threat in her voice.

"Let's not fight now." His mother said.

"I don't think I can forgive him if I don't beat him first."

His mother was about to say something to Gina, but she turned to Zarin instead. "You've hurt many people Zarin." She told him.

He nodded. "I know."

"You have a lot of apologizing to do." She meant for him to apologize. She didn't want them to fight. But Zarin knew his sister. This was not happening without a fight.

"And a lot of beating to endure." Gina added. "Mother, please, let me handle this."

Zarin moved his mother out of the way, gently. He gave her a nod, even though he didn't know what he meant by that. But his mother understood.

Gina walked down the stairs with a murderous look in her eyes. Zarin prepared himself. At least someone in his family would give him the beating he deserved.

Sprinting forward, she landed a forceful punch on his face, throwing his head to the side and causing his lip to burst. The pain in his jaw moved down his neck as he turned his head back, but she punched him again. This time on the other cheek.

"Come on! Show me what you learned while you were gone? Did they at least teach you how to defend yourself?"

Zarin held his hands out. "Gina, I am…"

"Don't!" She cut him off. "Don't you dare say it yet."

"I am sorry." She punched him again and then kneed him in the stomach.

Zarin hunched in pain, but didn't make a sound.

"You are sorry?" She asked.

"Gina.." His mother tried to interfere, but Zarin held his hand out.

"I am fine." He said, straightening himself before looking at Gina again. She was still going easy on him. He deserved much more.

He would let her release her anger.

"Y0u will be fine after this." She said this time not going easy and hitting him like the demon she was, sending him flying and then falling on his back.

She was quick to come after him and kick him in the stomach as soon as he tried to stand up. Zarin fell back with a groan again.

He rolled on his back. "I miss you beating me." He said, holding his stomach in pain.

She raised one brow. "You do?" She said kicking him again, but this time he grabbed her leg and held onto it. He looked up at her.

"I know I hurt you." He began.

She tried to wriggle her leg away. "Let go!"

"I am truly sorry."

"I am not forgiving you." She said.

"Don't forgive me now. But give me a chance to make things right."

She looked down at him with a frown, and he gave her a pleading look. "Let go of my leg and get up!" She ordered him.

He let go of her and was about to get on his feet when she kicked him again and he fell back. "I just had to do it one last time." She smirked.

Zarin had never been so happy about getting kicked before. He was slowly getting his sister back.

"I won't go easy on you. I will make home a hell." She promised.

"Fair enough."
