Chapter 279: 156  

After showing Irene her room and leaving her to rest, Euphorion went back to his nonexciting life. He already missed to be on land and discover new things. He didn't know why he never visited the lands for a very long time. Things had changed a lot, and he had been fascinated by many things.

Even the humans were fascinating with all their disturbing and confusing thoughts. They thought loudly, unlike demons who had learned to control their thoughts while in the presence of others.

Now, after many days, it was finally quiet in his head. Unlike land demons, he didn't know how to easily shut out so much noise. He didn't have to do that here at home.

He sat on his favorite couch of feathers and relaxed. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the quietness. He was also finally cold like he was used to be, leaving the hot weather of the lands behind.

It made him suddenly think of Irene. She was probably not used to the cold in the ocean.

Euphorion went to her room to check on her and found her sleeping, curled into a small figure to keep herself warm under the thin fabric they covered themselves with. She needed something thicker; he thought.


He went to bring a blanket of fur and covered her with it. After a while, she relaxed under the warmth.

Euphorion couldn't help but watch her for a while. For a turned demon, she was beautiful. And her eyes. He remembered when he first looked into them, they were bewitching.

Well, she was a witch. One that had managed to put a spell on the devil himself. She made the demon lose his mind, and now he didn't know whether to look for his brain or his mate.

Oh, how he wished he could see Lucifer's face the moment he found out. Euphorion could imagine him setting himself on fire. He would be furious to know that his little witch turned into a fish. That is what he liked to call the water demons.

If the fool only knew. Euphorion have had more intellectual conversations with fish than he'd ever had with Lucifer.

Irene stirred in her sleep, and Euphorion quickly made himself invisible. She opened her eyes and turned on her back. She then took notice of the fur blanket that covered her and wondered where it came from. It didn't take her long to know that it was from him.


Removing it away from her body, she swung her legs down the bed. She slid her feet into the shoes she wore when he brought her here and then headed toward the door. Curious to know where she was going, Euphorion followed her.

Irene was fascinated by the interior of his castle. She walked around, not caring where she was going and only admiring her surroundings. Then slowly her thoughts drifter away and she thought of her home and family. She worried for them, missed them, and again she felt lonely.

She felt anger and resentment toward herself and Lucifer. From her thoughts, Euphorion sensed that there was more than just anger and resentment in her heart. There was guilt, self-blame, disappointment, and helplessness.

Her dream had always been to have a wholesome family, and the time she had that was short-lived. She even wondered if any of it had been real. Euphorion knew nothing about family, so he couldn't sympathize with her, yet her sadness reached him.

But he didn't care. She had chosen to be with the devil, and now she was paying the price.

Lost with her in her thoughts, Euphorion walked too close behind her that when she slipped and fell back, he instinctively caught her by the waist, revealing himself to her. Startled, she looked up at him with eyes wide open. Euphorion found himself staring into those mesmerizing emerald eyes again before he gently pushed her back on her feet.

He cleared his throat, feeling as if he was caught doing something bad. "Are you alright?" He asked.

She blinked a few times. "Yes. Thank you." She said, adjusting her dress.

They looked at each other awkwardly before he spoke. "Would you like to have dinner?"

Dinner? Lunch?

Well, it was… something in between.

"I would love too." She smiled.

He walked past her to lead the way but she was slow to follow him. He turned back to see what was going on and found her looking at the floor and walking carefully. She looked up with an embarrassed smile. "It is very slippery." She said.

With a sigh, he offered her his hands. She looked surprised at him and then hesitantly put her hand in his. Her skin was soft and warm against his cold one. He shouldn't like it as much as he did. He was probably just lusting because he hadn't taken a woman to bed for too long.

"Thank you." She smiled, faintly.

She walked beside him, holding his hand to keep her balance. Now and then she would slip slightly and squeeze his hand to hold herself up, and every time she did that, a wave of heat would travel up his arm and settle in his chest.

How he regretted offering his hand.

Once they arrived at the dining room, he was relieved to finally let her go. They sat opposite each other at the small square table. He had learned what land demons ate, so he had told his servants to prepare land food as soon as he arrived. He would have to wait and see what they served.

"The food will be served soon." He said.

She looked into his eyes. "Thank you." She said, while trying to figure out the color of his eyes.

He didn't have a single color if she was looking for one. His eyes were different shades of blue and green.

She found them beautiful. She found him beautiful.

Euphorion looked away from her gaze, hoping not to hear more of her thoughts. A conversation would be a good distraction.

As if reading his mind. "Can you know if everything is alright up there?" She asked.

"I can find out for you, if you want." He was close to rolling his eyes.

When did he ever do things because others wanted him to?

"I would be grateful." She said with pleading eyes.

He just nodded.

"When will I be able to go back?" She asked.

She could go back now. Zamiel only asked to keep her here so she wouldn't have to harm herself to save her family, or for the devil to not be able to manipulate her. Here she could save them while being alive and safe.

"Hopefully soon." He said.
