Chapter 275: 152  

Heaven sat with her parents, and Zamiel while he told them what happened to her grandmother. They were confused, but he went on to explain why he did what he did. The devil wasn't after Heaven. He wanted her grandmother.

At first when Heaven heard his explanation she was as confused as much as her parents, but then she remembered something that seemed to have been hidden somewhere in her brain. The paintings in her grandfather's kingdom.

Zamiel was right. She had come to the same conclusion as him and then her grandfather had had compelled her to forget, which meant that she was right. He didn't want them to know.

"Are you saying he did all of this because he wants mother?" Her father asked, having a hard time to believe.

"It is more complicated than that. He doesn't simply want her. He wants to make her the devil's bride." Zamiel explained.

Her grandfather thought that everyone was after him. God wanted to punish him by making her grandmother his mate and now he was going to have his revenge. How could having her grandmother as his mate be a punishment? Why couldn't he see it as a blessing instead and live happily?


He must be too far gone that it was so hard to come back.

Heaven guessed that the only time he truly felt happy must have been when he was with her grandmother. He realized that after he left. His mission didn't bring him a sense of fulfillment, and that is why he was creating havoc now.

Heaven explained to her parents the painting she saw and told them about the conversation she had with her grandfather. Both were surprised to find out.

Now who would stop the devil? He seemed so determined to change his mate and make her fit his image and follow his purpose. He would come here and create hell for taking his mate away from him.

Heaven was worried for her parents and Zamiel.

"I don't think it is safe for me to stay here." Heaven said, waiting to be scolded by all three.


"You are not going anywhere." Her father said sternly.

"He will come and hurt all of you." She said.

Her father clenched his jaw. " I can take care of myself and your mother."

Her mother nodded in agreement.


"No but! Don't use me or your mother as a reason to leave. If you want to use your mate as a reason then you can have that discussion with him." He stood up from his seat. "We will leave you two alone." He said, motioning for her mother to follow him.

Her mother blinked, confused, her eyes asking if they were already leaving. She looked between Heaven and her father while standing up hesitantly.

"Well… I think you should come home to eat and …"

Her father grabbed his wife's arm, gently. "I think her mate can take care of her." He told her.

Heaven felt a blush creep to her face and her mother nodded, as if suddenly realizing something.

Oh, no! Heaven hated this situation. She wished to disappear. This was the first time she wished her parents would be the strict kind and not trust to leave her alone with any man.

Her mother came over to give her one last hug, then she turned to Zamiel and he smiled at her with a nod. Heaven felt like her mother spoke to him in silence. Lord help her if her mother just asked Zamiel to take care of her.

Once her parents left, she could finally breathe. She fell back on the sofa next to Zamiel with a sigh.

She just let her parents leave like that. She let them go back home, and she didn't know if they would be safe. But her father had made her nervous with how resolute he was. As if he had enough. She wondered what was going through his mind.

"Is father angry?" She asked Zamiel, who probably knew more.

"No. He is just… frustrated with himself. It is his duty to protect you and he feels helpless. It is hard not being able to protect your child. There is a lot of guilt and self-blame. Maybe even...shame." He shrugged.

No! She didn't want her father to be ashamed. There was nothing he could do. She didn't want him to feel guilty.

Her grandfather had easily wiped her memory when she found out about his plan, so it wasn't easy to defeat him.

"Don't worry about your parents. Your grandfather won't hurt them." Zamiel said.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"The devil wants Irene. He knows hurting the people she cares for is going to minimize his chances of getting her on his side. He knows he already ruined a lot by making you hurt me. He won't do it again."

Heaven wasn't sure about that.

"Hurting her son will be something that will break their bond forever. He won't do it. He will not hurt you either, and not even me. The possession was only to scare you to come with him. He knew I wouldn't die. He wouldn't be stupid enough to possess you again either."

Zamiel had explained the consequences of the possession. It seemed like her grandfather had done something he regretted. He had been hasty. It was a good thing to know that he could ruin things for himself.

"Don't worry. I will take care of everything." Zamiel assured her.

Heaven didn't know how to not worry anymore. She had been worried for so long that it seemed to have become a habit. She wanted to trust Zamiel's judgement, not because she thought enough of what he said and made sense of it, but because she was so tired and so badly needed to believe him so she could finally relax.

She let her head fall on Zamiel's shoulders. Just for a short while, she wouldn't think of anything and trust in him blindly.

Zamiel gathered her in his arms and took her to bed. He lay her down carefully.

"Sleep." He told her in a hypnotizing voice.

"You are not compelling me, are you?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Don't tempt me to." He smirked.

"I want to sleep in your arms." She said.

Without a word, he lied down next to her, and she snuggled against him. She buried her face in his chest, letting herself get comforted by his scent. He wrapped his arms around her and stroke her hair. Heaven relaxed, and her eyelids felt heavy. Just for a while she would enjoy being in his arms before hell broke loose.
