Chapter 274: 151  

Heaven was confused as to what just happened. It all happened so fast. One moment she was in the hidden kingdom, in a room with her grandmother, and the next she stood in Zamiel's home and grandmother was taken by some man she didn't even get to see.

She didn't know which part worried her the most. That she was in Zamiel's home or that someone took her grandmother.

She turned to Zamiel, "What...where is…"

Before she could finish her sentence, he grabbed the back of her head and cut her off with a searing kiss. Her heart that had stayed silent suddenly start to make a sound, beating erratically inside her chest. Her dead soul came alive and her body numb body started to feel again. She remembered what it was like to be alive and living.

Her awakened senses took her away from the world. All she could feel was Zamiel's body and lips against hers. The taste of earth after rain and the smell of heaven. She melted into his arms as a sigh escaped her lips.

When Zamiel pulled his lips away from hers, she felt the world around her spin. He held her steadily by the waist and she looked up at him. Her heart skipped a beat for many reasons. Joy, fear, excitement and just looking at the beauty of him. She missed looking into those silver eyes that looked like melting metal only when looking at her.


He brought one hand to her face and caressed her cheek. She loved that gesture that he often did, and she closed her eyes to feel his touch. "I missed you." He said.

"I missed you more." And then his lips were on hers again. This time kissing her more urgently.

His fingers skillfully undressed her, and before she knew they were in bed, both completely bare-skinned and with bodies entwined intimately. Nothing was slow or gentle this time. Both of them were like hungry beasts freed from a cage. Lip biting, fangs grazing, claws clutching.

Her heart was beating in rhythm with his body's movement inside of her, pushing her closer to the edge with each stroke until she cried out again and again. Each time more intensely than the last one. And then, as if giving in, darkness covered her eyes.

"Heaven! Heaven!" A worried voice called from afar as her body was shaken awake.

Heaven opened her eyes slowly, the light causing her to squint before she could see Zamiel's face. He loomed over her with a frightened expression.


"Are you alright?" He asked, grabbing her face gently.

What happened? She pushed herself up, but her head started to spin. She closed her eyes to stop the spinning and when she opened them again, everything was back to normal.

Zamiel watched her intently, still looking distressed. "I am alright." She told him.

"Are you sure? Are you hurting anywhere?"

Heaven stared at him. He was the one looking hurt. There were cuts on his lips and wounds left from her claws on his neck and shoulders.

He shook his head, looking guilty. "I am sorry. I should have been careful. I don't know what came over me." He said.

She looked at the tips of his fangs. She knew what came over him and her, and she didn't want him to be guilty about it. She was completely fine.

No! She was more than fine. Her demon came alive. She felt alive again.

"I am not hurt." She didn't know why she fainted. She looked down at her body. "No broken bones." She told him to lighten up his mood.

Only a few fingerprints and scratches that she enjoyed, and they were already healing.

He shook head again, this time a smile forming his lips. "I am not that bad at controlling myself." He told her.

"And I am not that weak. So don't worry about hurting me." She said.

His gaze softened even more, "you are far from weak." He said thoughtfully.

Heaven didn't have to know what he was thinking. He was looking at her face and her body, and she did look weak. She looked down at her bare legs and arms, they were thin. She suddenly felt body conscious.

Zamiel noticed how she tried to cover herself and it felt like he was going to scold her, but stopped himself from doing so. He was going to scold her about not eating. She just knew it. She had promised to take care of herself before leaving, and this is what she looked like now. But Heaven didn't skip her meals. Of course she didn't have any appetite, but she had tried to eat what she can.

Heaven was rather tired than hungry and now that her demon was also fed she just wanted to sleep. She wanted to rest her head on Zamiel's bare chest and sleep to the sound of his heart.

But that was something that would have to wait. She couldn't believe that she jumped in bed with Zamiel without knowing what happened to her grandmother.


Zamiel shifted his gaze to the door as if he had heard something. "Get dressed." He said, getting out of bed. "Your parents are here."

"What?!" Heaven panicked.

"I told them I would bring you home today. They came earlier than we planned. They are eager to see you."

Heaven had already jumped out of bed, and was fighting to get into her dress while Zamiel had already dressed with a swift movement.

"Take your time. I will keep them occupied." He said, amused by how she was panicking and failing to get dressed fast.

She had him to blame. Her legs still felt funny, and her body tingly.

Zamiel left her, and after a while she finally managed to cover herself up. She went to the mirror in his room and gasped at her appearance. She quickly brushed her hair with her fingers and then covered her neck with it. There was no way she could hide her swollen lips. This was a disaster.

Downstairs, she heard her parents' voices and her heart skipped a beat. She grabbed her hair and smelled it. She smelled like Zamiel. Oh no!


He had to come back and save her! She was so embarrassed. Why did he not tell her beforehand that her parents would come? She would kill him later!


Her grandfather? Her parents?

She had left the hidden kingdom. Her grandfather would know soon if he didn't already notice her absence. She quickly abandoned her silly thoughts about Zamiel and went downstairs to see her parents.

"Heaven!" Her mother turned her way as soon as she started descending the stairs.

She quickly came and hugged tightly before Heaven could even utter a word. Her father was right behind her mother, waiting for his turn to hug her while her mother sobbed and mumbled words about how happy she was to see her again.

"Mother, I am alright." Heaven assured, embracing her.

Her mother pulled away and grabbed her face. "You look so thin. Did you not eat? Did you sleep? Did you…"

"Mother." Heaven took her mother's hands in hers. "There was lots of food and a very comfortable bed. All I was doing was eat and sleep."

"Heaven." Her father came forward.

"Father." She walked into his arms and he hugged her tightly. "I missed you." He said.

"I missed you too."

After her parents asked her a lot of questions to ensure that she was alright, they noticed that her grandmother was absent.

"Where is mother?" Her father asked.

They didn't know?

Only Zamiel knew.

Where was her grandmother?
