Chapter 246: 123  :

"Don't be upset about the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do." -Unknown.


"Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Lucifer?" Irene stopped to ask a demon who passed by.

She could just call him but wanted to know the way to where he stayed, but also to see if others knew.

Suddenly, another demon appeared before the first one could even reply. The demon bowed. "I'll escort you, my Lady." He said.

Irene got startled. Lothaire was really keeping an eye on her.


The demon escorted her like he said he would. He led her through halls that were darker than the usual ones. Some walls were painted with strange frightening creatures and others told a story, she guessed. The story followed a hideous creature that seemed to represent the devil. He led people through dark paths and tunnels and brought them to hell.magic

Right behind him was what seemed to be his family. He was also leading them to hell, and then they were all burning. Him, his family, and everyone else who followed him.

The painting of the devil leading his family to hell reminded her of the conversation she had with Ilyas while they watched over Zamiel. He had asked her why the devil went so far to get Heaven. He didn't seem to understand, either.

"Maybe he wants to be an enemy because I made him an enemy." She said, thinking that could be the reason to why he was more angry now and acted the way he did. "How did you make him an enemy?" Ilyas asked.

"I warned Heaven of her grandfather. He thinks I separated them by creating fear and hatred in her heart."

Ilyas had smiled while shaking his head. "Do you know what it means to be the devil? The devil doesn't need to be made into an enemy. He is the enemy. As soon as he went back to his mission, he became the enemy. He doesn't discriminate when it comes to manipulation and temptation. Just because you are his mate doesn't mean that he will spare you. His family will be the first ones he tricks into following his path. He wants everyone to burn with him in hell."


"How do you know?" She had asked him.

"All ancient demons know each other. My parents were ancient. We used to live in the kingdoms. The devil made his kingdoms very enticing. He is very honest about being the tempter and wanting everyone to burn with him in hell. It is no secret and he doesn't pretend to be a saint. That is how good he is. You know he is the enemy, but because sin becomes your friend, you begin to ignore the truth. He makes you feel like you are no better than him, so you accept him and keep sinning." He explained.

Looking at the painting, Irene understood what Ilyas told her. Everyone knew what the devil did. He never hid who he was. He even had a whole story painted on his walls, yet people stayed in his kingdoms. His family stayed in his kingdoms.

She could understand why. She was a sinner too. Once she had also been blinded by temptations. It wasn't easy to resist. She had a weaker willpower than her son and granddaughter so she prayed to God to give her the strength to fight the temptations that would come her way while staying here.

The demon took her to a great hall that looked like a throne hall and right in front of her was the devil's throne. Of course he had to have a throne. At least he wasn't wearing a crown. Only a devious smile.

He stood up from his seat and walked down the stairs to meet her halfway. "Where can I find Zarin?" She asked before he could speak.

"I would escort you to his room but he is not here currently." He replied.

"Then are we all free to come and go as we please?"

He smiled. "Everyone except for you and Heaven."

"Why?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Because you didn't choose to be here unlike everyone else."

Irene stared at him for a long while. There were so many things she wanted to say, but it would be a waste of her time.

"I would like to know where he stays. I will visit once he comes back." She said.

"I can show you the way." He offered.

Lothaire led the way, and Irene followed him in silence. She remained one step behind him, feeling a little uncomfortable to be in his company. He didn't say anything, probably knowing very well that she had no desire to talk to him.

Irene tried to pay attention to where she was going instead so she could find Zarin later when he came back.

"He stays here." Lothaire came to a halt and motioned toward a locked door.

Irene nodded, then the awkward silence followed. "I will go back to my room." She said.

She knew her silence would disturb him more than if she said something, so she stayed quiet. Turning around, she walked away. Again, he didn't try to talk to her. At least he knew he did something that no words could fix.

Her heart used to skip a beat every time she saw him, but this time it stayed quiet the whole time. He had silenced her heart when he made her watch Heaven suffer. He killed her heartbeat.

If she was this tired, then she wondered how tired Heaven must be. How tired he must have made his own granddaughter. She wasn't surprised when Zamiel let her go. He was the kind of person to understand and see others' pain. Heaven had to endure a lot at the same time, without getting breaks in between to recover or at least process what happened.

She lost her friend, had to deal with nightmares and fears that her grandfather planted while learning to become a ruler and fighting to be accepted. And then she almost lost her mate and was forced to leave him after.

"I am letting her go. She is strong, but I don't want to test her limits. This is enough." Zamiel had told her and he was right.

It wouldn't be good if she was pushed beyond her limit, and that is probably what Lothaire wanted to happen. But Heaven was quick to get up. If she cried and complained one night, then she would wake up the next morning with a newfound strength. She would accept her fate and keep going.

But what was her granddaughter planning right now? She seemed focused and detached at the same time. As if her mind and body were here, but not her heart and soul. Irene couldn't tell yet if it was a good or a bad thing, but she was worried.

When she teleported back to the room, she found Heaven getting dressed, but what she wore shocked her.

"What is happening?"
