Chapter 245: 122  

"Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same." -Unknown.


Her grandmother went to find Lothaire and Zarin. Heaven had seen that her grandmother had been avoiding to look or speak to Lothaire and avoiding was not the solution. If she was angry, disappointed or feeling any other way, it would be easier for her if she addressed her feelings. Not that Heaven believed it would make a difference to Lothaire, but she wanted her grandmother to find closure and peace within herself.

None of them could really avoid Lothaire anymore. He was everywhere, seeing and hearing everything. And this was his kingdom. A very strange place, but she was going to explore every corner of it. She didn't know what she was looking for, but once she found it, she would know.

While walking around, she came to the garden that she saw outside the window earlier. It looked even more beautiful close up. Heaven wandered around, observing her surroundings. She saw a few demons here and there, but mostly she was alone. The demons didn't seem to like spending time in the garden. They preferred a different kind of environment and entertainment.

While looking around, something far away caught her eye. Or someone. Her heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be.


Zamiel couldn't be here.

A man stood on the bridge, turned away from her. From behind, he looked exactly like Zamiel, but it was probably not him. Still, curiosity made her walk toward the man. Once she came to the bridge, she could see the side of his face. Not all of it, because his dark hair covered him. But the little she saw confused her even more.

She walked closer, but the man stood still and didn't turn to her. When she stood a few feet away, she expected him to at least look her way. But he didn't. Closer he looked even more like Zamiel and she just wanted to see his face once.

"Excuse me." She spoke.

The man slowly turned to her, and Heaven froze. It wasn't Zamiel, but he looked so much like him. The dark hair, the eyebrows, the face shape was all so similar to Zamiel's except for the eyes. This man had light brown eyes, almost yellow or golden. But the rest of him reminded her of Zamiel.

He looked at her questioningly and she realized he had said something. "I am sorry. I thought you were someone else." She gave him a weak, apologetic smile.


He raised one brow. "I never thought I could be mistaken for someone else."

Heaven gave him a halfhearted smile as a response.

His gaze followed along her body and then back to her face. "You are new here?" He said.

Of course. Her dress exposed her.

The man was half dressed and the golden jewelries around his arms and wrists matched his golden eyes.

"Yes." Heaven replied, reminding herself that people who stayed in this place were those who followed her grandfather's path.

"You are not a full-blood and you are part witch." His eyes gleamed with curiosity. "I think you will already get all the attention you need without dressing like this." He told her with a smirk.

It seemed like he was implying that she tried to get his attention. From his attitude she got a feeling that he was admired by many women and now he thought she became one of them. But he was wrong.

Heaven flipped her hair back so he could see the mark on her neck. "I like attention." She said, simply.

His smile widened. "Well, now you have mine."

Heaven felt disturbed by his smile. She just turned her back to him and started to walk away.

"What is your name?" He called after her, but she kept ignoring him.

Why did he look so much like Zamiel? She didn't want anyone to look like him. Certainly not anyone here.

Envisioning her room, she teleported back. Was this some kind of trick from her grandfather? But demons couldn't disguise themselves from other demons. That only worked with humans.

She shook her head. It didn't matter. She wouldn't trust anyone here.

Someone knocked on the door as if they had been waiting for her to get back. "Come in." Heaven called and watched the door open carefully.

Two of the most stunning women she had ever seen walked inside. They looked identical, but one had shorter hair.

Their hair was the richest brown she had ever seen, and it complimented their golden eyes and golden skin. Their skin had a radiant glow that made

and their faces were shaped to look sharp, yet delicate.

"Who are you?" Heaven asked, unable to tear her gaze away.

"I am Hezznin and this is my sister Tezznin. We are your aunts." The one with shorter hair spoke. "We heard from father that you came here so we wanted to welcome you." She smiled. Her teeth were so white and her smile so beautiful.

"Eh… thank you." Heaven replied, still dazzled by their beauty.

"We would love for you to meet the rest of our family. They are already asking about you. Especially my daughters, so we were wondering if you wanted to have dinner with us tonight?" Hezznin asked.

Heaven hesitated for a moment. She wanted to decline but didn't know how to do it without being rude, but then she wondered why she wanted to decline. She came here to know more about her grandfather and what better way to know him than through his family.

"I would love too." Heaven faked a smile.

Hezznin looked at her dress with a genuine concern. "Were you provided with clothes?" She asked.

Heaven realized that her clothes were probably not appropriate." Yes." She replied curtly.

Hezznin nodded. "Good. If you need anything for tonight, then we are happy to help. I will come to personally escort you."

"Thank you."

They said goodbye, then left her alone. Heaven knew it was all an act, even though they seemed really nice. She would have to be on her guard. She wanted information, and they wanted something. There must be a reason to why they invited her and why they were being so kind.
