Chapter 204   - 81

"A gentleman is simply a patient wolf."


Heaven woke up feeling like a different person. She didn't feel like a girl anymore. She felt like a woman. As she stretched in bed and yawned, every muscle in her body ached. She was sore all over, but pain never felt so good.

The first thing she did was to look for Zamiel. He was sleeping peacefully next to her, one arm resting over her waist. Excitement bubbled inside of her while every nerve in her body reminded her of what happened last night. She recalled every light touch and every small kiss. She remembered his body in hers, stroking her rhythmically, slowly pushing her to the edge until she cried out. It was so intense she could still feel it in her muscles.

Oh, those sounds. Her cheeks burned.

No matter how hard she tried to stay quiet, her body acted on its own. But Zamiel had taken complete control over her, leaving her weak and lightheaded. Then he drew her into his arms and whispered promises in her ear, which she couldn't remember. He even made her promise things.


Heaven frowned, trying to revive the memories, but nothing came to mind. She felt like she should know, especially the things he made her promise in her frail state of mind. It was unfair and she would scold him once he woke up. But as she shifted and turned to him, she forgot all about it.

He was breathtaking where he lay, the masculine lines of his face were relaxed, his long thick lashes fell over his cheeks, his nose was long and narrow and those lips, those sensual lips, were more familiar with her body than she was.

Then her gaze traveled down his body, to his inviting neck, his broad shoulders and muscular arms. She noticed scratches on his arms.

Her claws. She had scratched him. Wondering how much damage she caused, she reached for his back. She felt more grazes on his skin. How could she have forgotten about her demon?

Maybe because she hadn't bitten him. He had no bruises on his lips, so why the scratches? Then she remembered him telling her not to bite him. Did her demon listen to him?

She knew their bond was different now that the mark renewed itself. She felt much closer to him, his emotions almost became her own. Through their bond she had felt his pleasure, which added to her own, but she also felt his restraint. He had been holding back as he made love to her, taking care of her needs more than his own.


What was she supposed to do with this selfless man? She would not let him hold back next time.

Next time?

It made her body flush and tingle all over again.

Turning on her back, she stared at the ceiling. She wondered what walking would feel like since her legs felt strange and her whole body ached.

Rolling over, she sat at the edge of the bed. Wrapping the sheets around her small figure, she stood up. Her limbs felt sluggish as she began to walk. She felt funny as she made her way to the large mirror in his room.

Oh Lord! She looked awful. While straightening her hair, she saw her neck. Her demon sight made it possible to see the several bruises and marks that were fading away. Now wonder her neck felt raw and even her swollen lips.

She also noticed the finger imprints on her arms. They were also fading because of her inhuman healing ability. Surprisingly, she felt no pain that caused these bruises. It made her think of the whole controlling demon thing. Being ancient and possessing so much power and strength, she realized just how much Zamiel held back.

Would he always have to hold back? Or was it because his demon had been sleeping for so long and now it was like hers, newly awakened and raving? She hoped for the latter.

Heaven looked at her shoulders and collarbone. She could see the visible bones. It looked like she had lost weight and her skin wasn't glowing as it used to be. She had never felt insecure about her looks before. She knew she was a stunning beauty by how she made men around her pause to look. But for the first time she anxious about her own body, especially now that someone else other than herself saw her completely n.a.k.e.d.

Carefully she opened the covers at the front and looked at herself in the mirror. Yes, she had lost weight, but she couldn't tell if she looked good or bad. She had nothing to compare her body to except for...Axia's. That woman's body put her own to shame.

Annoyed, she wrapped the sheets around herself. She knew Axia was only his friend, but if Zamiel went to see her again, that woman better dress properly.

Suddenly she heard a low grunt which caused her to almost jump out of her skin. She turned around and found Zamiel turning in bed. The sheets fell off his body, barely covering anything, but he was unaware as he continued to sleep.

Heaven stood there, staring. Lord. She had already seen him n.a.k.e.d already. It was nothing new.

Discreetly, she went back to bed. Just when she was about to cover him, he stirred and a frown settled on his face.


She hoped it wasn't a nightmare again. Maybe she should wake him before it got worse.

She loomed over him, leaning closer, "Zamiel." She whispered his name.

"Mm." His eyes were still shut, but she was relieved that he replied.

"Are you awake?" She asked.

A hoarse sound came from his lips that brought a fluttering feeling to her stomach. Now that he lay on his back and his hair was out of the way, she noticed the scratches on the sides of his neck as well.

What had she done?

Her fingers reached for the wounds, and he grunted his approval of her touch. This made her feel bold. She traced her fingers down his neck and chest, feeling his hard muscles under her palm.

It felt odd that she could feel his pleasure from her touch.

"I like how you wake me up." He spoke, his voice still rough from sleep, but she liked the sound of it.

Her gaze shifted from his body to his now open eyes. He smiled at her "Good morning."

That voice.

"Good morning." She smiled.

But then panic settled in.


She looked outside the window. The sun had just risen and the faint light peeked through the glass. She had been gone from home since late afternoon yesterday until early morning today.

"Is something wrong?" Zamiel asked, sensing her panic.

Well, everyone was probably still asleep, so she didn't need to panic. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind, she wanted to enjoy this moment.

"Nothing is wrong." She said snuggling against him.

He wrapped his arm around her. The ribbon was still tied around his wrist, just like hers was. Even though people today didn't get married this way, she knew for Zamiel this wasn't anything short of a marriage. That was all that mattered to her.

She had already considered herself his in every way. This only made it seem more special. She loved that it was something between them only. It felt more intimate and sincere than a Royal wedding would ever feel.

But no one would consider them married this way, and in all honesty she didn't care. She was going to get officially married to him anyway, and until then this would be between her and him.

Married or not, nature had bonded them in the most sacred way. No one could take that away from them.

Leaning back, she looked up at him. "I hurt you again." She said.

His gaze followed hers and he looked at the scratches on his arms. "It was quiet pleasing." He said sincerely.

"But I didn't bite you." She continued, still confused. She knew he didn't compel her, but then why did she comply.

"I guess your demon is the obedient type." He mused.

"Then maybe you should tell me not to claw at you as well." She suggested.

He chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amus.e.m.e.nt. "oh, I want you to keep doing that." He drawled.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_%!d(string=14205835806705305)/chapter-81_%!d(string=51608592595348483) for visiting.

A blush crept to her face. Then she remembered the promises he had whispered in her ears.

"Yesterday… you promised me things?" She began.

His eyes narrowed, his intense gaze bore into hers. "You want me to fulfill them now?" He asked, raising one dark brow.

Just what did he promise her?

"I don't remember what you promised." She admitted.

His lips curved into a roguish smile. She could see that he was taking great pleasure in this. "You will know in time." He told her.

"Did I… promise something?" She then asked. She knew the answer already. She had agreed to things he told her to do.

"You don't remember that too?"

Heaven shook her head.

Zamiel looked at her quietly for a while. "You promised to sleep with me tonight." He said.

Her heart skipped.


She wouldn't complain if her body wasn't aching everywhere. But it was.

"You don't want too?" He asked.

Heaven looked at him. She trusted he wouldn't do anything that would make her uncomfortable.

"I do." She said.
