Chapter 203   - 80

"When the root is deep, there is no reason to fear the wind."


What was she doing? She didn't know. She was being stupid and childish.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #’s-son_%!d(string=14205835806705305)/chapter-80_%!d(string=51565500920023487) for visiting.

Turning to Zamiel, she looked at him where he stood. He still had that dark look in his eyes that sometimes flickered with an unknown emotion. Or maybe she knew, and that was the reason her heart skipped a beat. He leaned forward, placing his arms on the fence, and watched her closely. His eyes narrowing, his gaze scanning the length of her and then darkening even more.

"What are you doing here, Heaven?" He repeated when she didn't reply.

I am a man. A demon. And you are a woman. The words echoed in her mind. Yes. It was true. He was a man. Her man, and she was a woman. His woman.


"It is raining." She said. And it had nothing to do with his question. "I love rain."

She was being unreasonable.

"I am sure it rains back home too." He said.

He didn't seem pleased to see her.

Heaven shuddered. The heat left her body and now she was cold. Really cold. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked at him. "I missed you." She admitted.

Zamiel pushed away from the fence and straightened himself. His dark gaze regarded her with such intensity she shivered again.


"You shouldn't have come here." He said. But this time he didn't sound angry. He sounded regretful.

He walked along the fence, his eyes never leaving hers, then he descended the stairs and walked out into the rain. As he crossed the distance between them, Heaven felt her heart race. Without warning, he grabbed her by the hair and kissed her fiercely. His soft lips firmly moving over hers, instantly inflaming her, and then he pulled hair back, breaking the contact between their lips.

"Heaven, don't bite me because I intend to kiss you long and hard." He said.

Before she could reply or even think of what he said, he covered her mouth with his again. His lips were eager against hers. Hungry. Moving with a feverish need. And then suddenly she felt her back against something hard. A tree.

Zamiel trapped her with his body between him and the tree and then kissed her like a starving man. Nipping and sucking until her lips felt sore. Until her entire body flushed and burned. Has it not been the rain Heaven would think she would go up in flames. His hands roamed the sides of her body and his lips moved downwards. Kissing her jaw, nibbling at her neck. He placed kisses along her collarbone then removed the dress from her shoulders, kissing her bare skin.

Heaven bit her lips, suppressing the sounds that rose to her throat. She held on to him tightly, her knees refusing to support her, but then abruptly he distanced himself from her.

Heaven gasped, shocked by the chilling cold that followed his absence. She lifted her hooded eyes, her heart beating wildly, her breath shaky. Zamiel stood across from her, a safe distance away, next to a tree. They were somewhere in the woods.

He refused to look at her while one of his hands covered his mouth and nose. Heaven could still not speak or think, so she just stared at him while catching her breath. Eventually he dropped his hand and looked her way.

His eyes. She had never seen them look so silver. It looked like when the sharp edge of a blade hit the sunlight. Zamiel ran his fingers through his hair, looking uneasy.

"Heaven, I promised to make you mine once we get married. I don't want to break that promise." He said.

Heaven opened her mouth in a protest. She wanted to tell him to break his promise. She didn't want that promise; she wanted him. But she knew the kind of person he was. Even if he broke his promise because she told him, he would feel guilty after.

Determined, Heaven walked over to him. She took his arm and teleported them to outside his home, under the roof of his terrace. She wanted to talk to him and not have the rain disturb their conversation.

"The marry me." She said. "Now."

Zamiel looked at her, confused. "Now?" He asked.

She nodded. "We are already married the demon way. You want to marry me the human way, so let's get married like humans. You have lived for so long. What is the easiest and fastest way for humans to get married?"

Zamiel opened his mouth but seemed speechless.

"We will have our Royal wedding, of course. I am doing this so you don't have to break your promise." She explained. "I… I want to be with you."

She looked down, her face turning all shades of red. It was quiet for a while, then she felt Zamiel's cold fingers under her chin. He lifted her head, so she was looking into his eyes. They gleamed with another emotion. Something that made her feel warm and fuzzy.

"A thousand years ago, humans got married by tying a ribbon around each other's wrists. It was a sign of the bond between them." He spoke in a low, calm tone.

His hand reached for the sleeves on her dress. Heaven's gaze followed his hand. Her sleeves were cut open in the middle and tied together with a ribbon. Zamiel's fingers grabbed the end of the ribbon and tugged at it, opening the knot then removing the ribbon from her sleeves.

"Will you marry me, Heaven?" He said stretching the ribbon between his two hands.

"Yes." Heaven smiled, holding her arm above the ribbon. Zamiel tied it around her wrist. Heaven felt strange as he did so. A little emotional.

Zamiel held his arm out.

Heaven removed the ribbon from the other sleeve, then tied it around his wrist. Then they looked at each other with a smile.

"Kiss me, Heaven." He then spoke.

Heaven tiptoed. Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him without hesitance. Another kind of warmth surrounded her, and she realized that Zamiel teleported them to his room. Using his preternatural powers, he shut the door and put fire in the hearth.

He pulled away from her, gazing into her eyes as if searching for an answer to an unspoken question. He lifted his hand and traced the lines of her face. Heaven closed her eyes. She loved every time she touched her face. Nothing felt more intimate.

His finger moved lower, over her lips, down to her throat, tracing her collarbone, then to the front of her dress.

In the room's quietness, with only the firewood crackling in the hearth, she heard her shaky breath and the wild beating of her heart when he began to untie the front of her dress. Heaven felt suddenly nervous. She had never been n.a.k.e.d in front of anyone since she came of age. Not even her maids.

As if sensing her nervousness, he leaned in, showering her face with kisses.

"I will take good care of you." He promised, as he untangled the ropes that held her dress together. Heaven relaxed as his lips found hers and he kissed her slowly, tenderly.

Then he undressed her, welcoming each newly bared skin with his lips. Heaven was lost, flushed, dizzy. She didn't care that she was completely bare, completely vulnerable with this man.

And he was fully clothed. Zamiel gazed at her, urging her to undress him. Heaven reached for his shirt. Her hands trembled as she unbuttoned it, but with each piece of clothes that came off, her nervousness left with it. The beauty of him mesmerized her.

She reached for him. Her hands trailed down his body, gawking and admiring with no shame. Zamiel groaned in approval and drew her into his arms before taking her to bed. He lay her down, pinning her body down with his. She saw the dark look in his eyes again before he claimed her mouth in a searing kiss that made her toes curl in pleasure.

Then his mouth moved down her body, his lips exploring every inch of her skin. Tasting. Savoring.

He touched her as if he wanted to imprint his hands into her flesh, and his touch into her mind.

Heaven became her body, only. It was acting on its own accord. Arching, writhing, trembling. She was lightheaded and aching. She was gasping and m.o.a.ning as his fingers and lips reached places she had never been touched. Never been kissed before.

Zamiel found all her sensitive spots and lingered a little longer there. Stroking, teasing, punishing and soothing until she couldn't endure anymore.

"Zamiel." She pleaded as if he would know what she wanted when even she didn't know.

But Zamiel was well aware. He knew exactly where she wanted him, how she ached for him. He placed himself between her legs and then she felt a burning pain as his body became one with hers. But it was nothing compared to the pleasure that followed.
