Do you want to deal with them?
Thursday, continue ...
As she realised that the witches she had just met in the Legal Department were going to give her little help and delay her work, she logged into the CEO's intranet.
As soon as she logged in, up came a message thread box, with the name Hou Yi, and she received a text message on her phone, with the ID Darling Husband.
The text message read 'Anna, the CEO's intranet, is the only internal internet system not monitored by security staff.The only people with access are family, and Assistant Wang.That group includes you.The dialogue box that popped up us me, so you can message me, and there is available a separate one for Assistant Wang if you need to message him.Can you reply in that.'
'Got it Yi.'
'Anna, heads up that there is CCTV and audio recording throughout the building the only places not monitored are inside bathrooms, and my office.'
'So what about it'
'It is not only my bodyguards that monitor this, the normal security staff will be as well'
'At the bottom of your screen there will be a further box, next to the dialogue boxes for Assistant Wang and I'
'Found it'
'OK when you are logged onto this intranet, it automatically turns off the surveillance in your office, but if you need to, you can click that button and it will re-start it for 30 minutes unless you turn it off.'
'Additionally, can you promise me, when you leave the office, even if it only to go to the bathroom, that you log out of this intranet, so no one can access it.'
'Will do.Why did you contact me anyway?You are wasting my time as I need to deal with this matter.'
'Not a problem, I will leave you in a few minutes to do that.Do you want me to do anything about the women out there?'
'What do you mean'
'As soon as Assistant Wang left, they were heard talking about you.The bodyguards were concerned that they may become physical so they showed me the footage.I heard everything that they were saying before and after your closed the door.I can fire them if you want.'
'And give away the game.Even a quick glance at the documents last night led me to take a view that there is likely a spy for the Lu's in the legal department.I actually think that the receptionist that greeted me is a spy for them.Her clothing screamed designer, and I actually believe I saw it in one of the shops I was in yesterday.As to the spy in the legal department, given how those four are, I would not doubt that one of them is the spy, although it could be a male who Yang Lin, was doing something for.Unless that is occurring, I would guess most of the spies are women as Lu Jinhu is, as I can attest, great at manipulating women.'
'Clever you.I figured that they likely had one spy, but you could be right about there being more in the company.'
'We just have to narrow down the spies and use them against the Lu's.I will start here in the legal department.I am betting as I have come in and already stepped on toes, their spy in this department will within the next hour or so, be searching my name and details on the internet, and before lunch time will have contracted the Lu's or Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu and advised them that I am here, so they can try and have me arrested'
'Well why do you think I want you here for lunch'
'You better leave me alone, so I can get to this work.Let me know once the spy in this department starts to act.'
'Will do.See you at lunch, if not before'
Anna, then opened the legal programs and her emails.She went through and found the emails from work, read them, and pulled out a note pad and pen from the laptop bag, making a few notes.She soon became immersed in reading the document that she needed to review.However about 15 minutes later, Hou Yi came back into the dialogue box.
'Anna, you were right, Lawyer Mei and Supervisor An, both searched your details on the internet, and then sent text messages and made a call.We were not able to make out who the text messages were sent to or who there call was to, but I am guessing at least one of them sent a message to the Lu's.I've sent one of the bodyguards down into the legal research area, and if needed they will come straight in.'
'OK, I should be through the first few documents in the next 30 or so minutes.How can I print off what I need you to sign?'
'When you go into your printer settings, you should find one that reads CEO Office.That will print in my office but to use it, you need the password you used to log into the intranet, as you have to input it for each document you print.Message me and Assistant Wang when you are coming up'
"OK.Message you soon'
Anna returned to the documents and finished the first batch she needed to go over with Hou Yi in 20 minutes, so she, as per her instructions started to print them off.
Suddenly she heard a noise outside, and clicked and opened the CCTV recording box on the intranet settings and went into the dialogue box
'Yi, I think there is a problem.There are some men outside here, in an official uniform.I think that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin know I am here and they are making a move with respect to me electronics.'
'Anna one of the bodyguards will be there immediately.When you need to get them into the room, close the door and talk to them.If needed I can come down.'
'Let us try and avoid that.'
With that there was a knock on the door, so Anna spoke "Please come in and shut the door behind you."
With that 4 men entered the room, but they refused to shut the door.The lead one spoke "Miss Anna Jones, we are from the immigration department and are here to arrest you for both being illegally in this country and working without work rights.We are going to seize all items in your possession."