The Witches of the Legal Departmen
After Assistant Wang asked her to accompany him to the Legal Department, Anna turned and looked at the receptionist, who despite wearing what Anna realised was designer clothes, as she had seen some of the same yesterday when looking with Du AnLing and Leng Xi.
Anna wondered how a receptionist could have afforded such clothing.She doubted that the receptionists parents were rich, and wondered who was using paying her.She immediately thought of Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, as the people doing this, as they stood to benefit from information.Given the nature of business here she really doubted that it was other companies doing it.Anna immediately thought to herself, interesting, I wonder how many other spies there are here answering to Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin.
The elevator stopped at the third floor, and Assistant Wang indicated to Anna to exit the lift.He walked across the foyer and opened a door on the left side of the foyer, ushering Anna in before him.
As he entered, a middle age woman, about 5 foot 7 inches, wearing a black business suit, with a pencil skirt approached him "Assistant Wang, Welcome to the female only section within Legal Department.How can we help you."
"Supervisor An, this is Ms Jones, from Hou Enterprises Australian Lawyers.We are lucky that she was in country and has temporarily come in to assist us with an urgent matter.As there is office space in here that is secure., so she will be working in here.You are to provide her with any assistance she requires.Please make her feel quite welcome."
Assistant Wang paused, as he knew what he was about to say would not go down too well "Ms Jones, may become a more permanent member of the legal team.Her husband is from City T, and she is likely to be permanently taking a part-time position here, working with her current Australian employers to assist in dealing with Australian Legal Issues so the CEO does not have to travel as much to Australia.At the moment, she knows that as she needs to, in dealing with the present matter that she is to come to the CEO's office as and when she needs to, to speak to the CEO or have him sign documents."
"Are you certain Assistant Wang, that she can come and go freely from the CEO's office?"Supervisor An was quite shocked, as no one was allowed to come freely like that.They had to have appointments well in advance to enter the CEO's office.
"Supervisor An, did you not hear me, she can.The present matter is pressing and cannot wait to be dealt with."Assistant Wang was angry about the disrespect being shown to him, to CEO Hou, and to Madam Hou.He had to stay calm as he knew from the orders of CEO Hou no one was to know that Madam Hou was his wife.
Assistant Wang walked past Supervisor An, signalling for Anna to follow him, and showed her into an empty office, closing the door behind him.
In a much quieter voice "Apologies Madam Hou.Please do not let CEO Hou know of the delay and that issue, it will not be worth my job.As CEO Hou's wife, or what we commonly here call the 'Lady Boss' here is your pass to Hou Enterprises.It will get you anywhere within any Hou Enterprises building, but please keep it safe.CEO Hou, asked me to give you this," and with that he handed her a piece of paper "as it is the intranet password for the CEO's personal intranet within the building.Supervisor An, will give you the details for the general intranet that is used within the legal department.Also, CEO Hou asks if at lunch time, about 1pm, if you could join him in his office for 'lunch'."
"Not a problem." Replied Anna quietly.
As he was walking out of the door, Assistant Wang said loudly so Supervisor An would hear "Ms Jones, if you need anything please contact me."
Outside the office Anna, saw a stunned Supervisor An, and three other women standing outside not believing what they heard.The four women rushed their way into the office.
Supervisor An, spoke "Who in the world are you?"
"As Assistant Wang indicated Supervisor An, my name is Anna Jones.I am a lawyer employed by ANX Lawyers in Melbourne, Australia.My husband and I were married a couple of days ago here in City T, as it is his home town.Do you think I really want to be here, rather than enjoying my honeymoon, if this was not an emergency?"
Anna hoped she said the last part with enough frustration, so these women would get the message, that she really did not want to be here.What woman, supposedly on her honeymoon would want to be in an office working.
Anna, then continued in a somewhat more calmer and normal voice "I was contacted yesterday, by my employers about dealing with an urgent matter regarding Hou Enterprises Australian Subsidiary.They made the arrangements with Assistant Wang for me to come in and deal with the matter.This prevents CEO Hou, who by the way I have met previously, from having to travel to Australia to deal with the matter."
Anna noticed that Supervisor An and the other women were completely annoyed that they cosy work arrangements were somewhat disrupted by an outsider.Supervisor An, the most, which made Anna wonder about her loyalties.
Supervisor An, however quickly masked her look, and commented "These ladies are Lawyers Deng, Mei and Bei."
"Ladies, nice to meet you.Supervisor An, Assistant Wang indicated that you would be able to give me the details to log into the local intranet.Could I please get this, as I do not have time to waste."
"Well, miss you will just have to wait until I am ready to give it to you.You are nothing here, and when all four of us are ready, you can have it.We are the lawyers, you have no rights here."
Anna realised with that that Supervisor An, was angry, and potentially a threat to Hou Enterprises.However she was not certain of the nature of the threat, was it to the business itself or was it because Anna had easy access to Hou Yi.
With that the four walked out of the room, leaving the door wide open.Anna went to close the door, and overheard the four of them saying
"Who does she think she is."
"I bet she has only met CEO Hou in passing, if at all."
"I would have spent more time with CEO Hou than her, and will always do so."
"She is a no one, I bet she is not even a lawyer just some assistant."
"She is so pushy."
"I do not believe she has just gotten married, she is just here with a love.r"
"Who would want to marry her anyway."
"Let us make her wait all day for that intranet details, then she can get nothing done."
"I bet she has manipulated Assistant Wang, to have him show her deference."
"We need to back each other up and tell everyone we gave her the details, she simply lost them and did not ask."
"Let us make everything so difficult for her"
Anna decided that was enough, and closed the door not wanting to hear them anymore, thinking to herself 'Ladies, if I told my husband what you just said you would all be out of a job like that.'With that Anna took out her laptop, plugged it in and used the details Assistant Wang gave her for Hou Yi's intranet.