He gave into temptation, right before the System Day celebration. He brought out the little knife he’d made under Toros’ tutelage and cut the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and let himself savor the experience, the fire, the sudden passion, the forbidden pleasure. He hadn’t taken the upgrade to turn pain into pleasure, so [Pain Resistance] turned his pain into heat and excitement. Even so, it was almost too much. Oh yes, it was going to be hard to stop himself from doing this. But he would. This wasn’t for pleasure. He actually had a reason.

Most of his wounds had healed completely, or as completely as they were going to. His whole body was crisscrossed with a web of jagged scars. They were cool-looking though, not ugly, blotchy blobs. Even the stab wounds had healed into thin white lines. Cool scars, like the… well, let’s face it. Like the heroes in anime had.

With the scars had come a bonus. [Heavily Scarred] wasn’t lying when it said healing would improve with each new scar.

Heavily Scarred

You have been scarred. You have upgraded this title twice. Your scars are regenerative.

Healing rate increases based on upgrades and the amount of fully healed scars

Your wounds heal 120% faster.
