Brin ended up waking up after all. He sort of expected to be in his room. He wasn't. He was in his bed, and that was his wardrobe with his clothes, but the room was different. Looking down, he was naked under the blanket, unless you counted bandages. If you counted bandages, he was fully clothed. He sneered at them. Who needed bandages when you had scars? They were all completely white without a speck of seepage, and he could feel [Mana Scars] still burning his magic, keeping everything where it was supposed to be. He was surprised he still had mana, honestly. How long had it been?

He checked his status first, and grinned at all the high numbers. How long ago had it been that he was so proud of twenty-six Strength? Now he was at nearly a hundred and fifty.

That should’ve been the best part, but it wasn’t. He had an achievement waiting for him.


You have upgraded an Achievement.

Warbound (Epic) becomes Warbound (Legendary)

Warfare was his birthright, he craved the clash of steel,


He sang a song of bloodshed that the dead could hear and feel,

The terror of the battlefield, a cursed child was found.


+20% Strength, +20% Vitality, +20% Will, +10% Dexterity


+20% to all attributes.


You have been granted a new Skill:

Battle Sense

You have an innate sense about the position of your allies and enemies in conflict. You have an innate sense of how to direct your allies to greatest effectiveness during conflict.
