Chapter 723 Breaking through    Rudra struggled under the weight of the palm as his knees threatened to crack if he did not let go of the weight immediately.

  He was brute forcing his way against the weight and not actually lifting it. He was as good as a dead log on whom the whole weight was balanced on as every single muscle in his body from the tips of his toes to the neck muscles under his jaw were tensed to the extreme to stop the palm from descending onto the city.

  Rudra used to joke around with this exact metaphor as oneof his favorite sayings was ' with me standing here the sky would not fall ' , when he tried to reassure the elites that he could handle any threat present.

  However, today ironically he was literally trying to stop the sky from falling onto his city and it was taking every ounce of his willpower to not budge from underneath.

  He was in excruciating pain, as while the palm looked simply on the surface it was actually a series of very sharp wind blades at the tip which constantly decimated Rudra's flesh as everything from his shoulders to his palms to his upper scalp was bleeding profousely.

  His mind was working at full capacity with him trying to mentain the gravity manipulation as well as the Avatar to withstand this pressure , yet the pain and the air pressure was making his head go numb as bit by bit he was slipping altitude.

  Rudra questioned himself ' Come on! Since when have you not have the will to see something through? BE A MAN , power through! '


  He tried to motivate himself with a Pep talk , but no matter how much will he mustered he knew that stopping this move was going to be a herculean task .

  Rudra understood well that millions of people were depending on him to stop this , as if he failed then the elites would stop having the place that they would call a home.  The church that he had started to run so honestly would no longer be a place to worship God Hades as it would become a pile of rubble.

  The lavish palace that he had worked so hard to achieve would become a worthless relic.

  Rudra kneeled to one knee at this moment , as he barely had 100 meters left between himself and the ground.

  At this moment he could hear dronacharya laughing in his ears as he said ' Is this it ? Strongest Guildmaster? At last i make you kneel!'

  Something inside Rudra snapped at that moment as he felt like he had came too far to kneel before anyone, he had worked too hard in this life to see it all gone! HE HAD TO FIND A WAY ....


  Letting out a mad war-cry , Rudra tapped into a power reserve even he never knew he had. He pushed his body to the limit as he maxed out everything, from the Avatar size to the power of his gravity manipulation to the power in his muscles.

  He resisted the crashing so violently that he risked tearing his own muscles with the power he was exerting.action

  Screaming continuously, Rudra did the unthinkable as millions of citizens city wide looked at him as their god , as Rudra planted his buckled right foot back on the gravity surface and stood back up against the attack.

  Mahrez watched on wide-eyed as he panted heavily from using a move of that callibre. He beleived Rudra and the city to be a goner for sure , never did he expect such a turn of events.

  Bleeding profousely from head to toe now , Rudra still stood strong as he felt the tier 5 move starting to lose steam with his feet gaining more and more strength.  Trembling violently Rudra waited for his chance as once he felt confident he took out the grim reaper from his waist and slashed the attack apart!

  " ARGHGHHH COME ON! " Rudra screamed like a madman as he eyed Mahrez as a beast who had just broken from his bounds.

  Shivers ran down Mahrez's spine as he looked at the enemy drenched in blood , as he involuntarily put more distance between himself and Rudra in the sky.

  Cheers went up citywide as the elites could not beleive their eyes at how the guildmaster had saved them all once again , as the sound of sobbing tears , weeping and chants of Shakuni could be heard citywide.

  Even the elite elders felt their blood pumping to see Rudra roar like a god of war , as they cheered him on in his coming battle.

  Every single orfice of Rudra's body was aching , he was trembling violently from overexerting his muscles , however his will was tempered and fired up more than ever.

  Rudra felt a rush of adrenaline hit his head as his body ached for a fight , he dropped all pretenses and calculations at this moment as he just shot up towards Mahrez for a fight, not caring about what was to come next.

  The man had tried to destroy his city and was going to do the same if he died in this fight. Rudra could not let him live anylonger or give him a chance to mobilize one of those moves again.

  Activating the special skill move ' Time dilation', Rudra dilated the speed of time significantly and as he started the most beautiful dance of death ever witnessed in a sword fight.

  Grim reaper in one hand and seige breaker in another , Rudra gave up to his instincts as he stopped using his brain to fight as he let the purest sword moves flow from within.

  At 10 times the dilated time , he could actually see the flow of wind around Mahrez as well as weave through his pathetic attempts at a counter easily.

  As far as Rudra was concerned , he knew that the next 3 minutes during the time dilation were his best chance to end this fight for once and for all.

  /// Number 5/6 , enjoy ! ///
