Chapter 722 Breaking past limits    ( A common elites , pov )

  A common elite looked towards the sky to see the giant palm descending and felt like he was in a dream.

  Removing his helmet from his head he rubbed his eyes twice to make sure he was not hallucinating as the giant palm seemed to get larger and larger every passing second .

  When he finally realised that it was not a hallucination he felt the strength sapped out of his legs as he pointed towards the sky and screamed in terror.

  If one was able to pee inside Omega , he would have wet his pants at this moment as he completely lost his mind seeing the giant palm descend , in his mind it was already the apocalypse as there was no being saved from this mess.

  Elites all around him were trying to rush off to safety as fast as they could as everyone seemed to be scrambling for their lives.

  The once proud elites .... Scrambling , afraid of taking a single palm from a demon?


  Looking around the man thought ' Is this the reality of the guild? Are we just frogs in a well thinking that we are strong when the actual powerhouses can wipe entire cities in a single palm strike?

  Is this it? '.

  As he struggled to his feet he felt like his ears were bleeding from the change in air pressure as he felt like he heard a constant ringing sound in his ears.

  Looking up towards the palm he said in a solemn voice " The sky has fallen ! ".


  ( Rudra's POV)  Rudra looked at the majestic wind palm descending from the sky and questioned himself ' C-can i stop this?'.


  His mind already drew up the consequences of him retreating here as he understood that retreating here would mean losing everything he held dear , and everything that stood as the pride of Purplehaze city.

  Just the thought of anyone destroying the guild headquarters sent shivers down his spine as he became resolute that even if it kills him , he would not let anyone destroy the guild HQ!

  " Guildmaster?"

  " Guildmaster run! "

  "Oh my god , we are gonna die ".

  " Rudra time to go! "

  Rudra heard many shouts in the distance , however he did not pay them any heed as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

  He knew his skills better than anyone and if there was any skill in his arsenal that could take stand to the palm attack of that size , it was only one!

  Rudra opened his eyes and activated the knight of the empire , golden warrior body covering him as he grew to a height of 250 feet tall!

  Even with that height, compared to the palm descending onto the city he was still tiny , however he knew that this avatar coupled with his gravity manipulation was the only chance he had to save his precious city.action

  Although he could make the Avatar a bit bigger , he chose not to as he knew better than anyone that the larger the Avatar was the more energy it consumed to mentain and he knew for sure that stopping the palm was not going to be an instant thing and would need a lot of stamina from his end.

  Propelling himself into the air Rudra towered well above the city as he used gravity manipulation to mentain his footing this high into the sky.

  The higher he jumped the more the force of the palm became , as the move had a lot of air compressed underneath it which exerted pressure on Rudra even before the actual palm hit him.  About 30 meters and a second before the palm would hit him , Rudra stopped ascending and planted his feet as he readied his shoulders to take the weight of the attack head on.

  That one second felt like an hour for Rudra as he kept anticipating the immense weight on his shoulder to arrive any second now , however it took its sweet time in arriving.

  When the contact was finally made , Rudra's Avatar was instantly stripped of its armour as Rudra himself was almost knocked unconscious due to the pain.

  " AGHHHH " A scream escaped Rudra's mouth as he could feel countless wind blades tearing the skin on his shoulder as he also felt the weight of a mountain on himself.

  He was trying to withstand it with all he had in himself , however his legs were shaking and his gravity manipulation felt like it was pushed to beyond its limits to produce the upforce necessary to support Rudra's shaky legs.

  One second ... Two second ... Three seconds , Rudra understood that he barely had any strength left in his body at this point and that it was impossible for him to stop this move at his current strength.

  Rudra thought about giving up and let his knees buckle , however he knew that buckling here would mean waving good-bye to everything he had built over the years.

  What was he to do?


  ( Meanwhile karna and the others )

  Karna looked at Rudra holding the move up in the sky Alone and once more realised how useless he was when it came to the actual big occassions.

  Was there anyone in the guild who could remotely do what Rudra was currently attempting , as although Rudra's success and failure to stop this move was a matter that was yet to be seen , but it was irrefutable that he was the only one who could even come close to giving it a shot.

  Although everyone here was a top tier player who started playing Omega on day1 , the strength gap between themselves and Rudra was as big as heaven and earth while they all enjoyed the privilage of being in the same guild and going through the same experiences.

  Clutching his knucles he swore that this was the last time he was going to let himself feel this feeling , as from now on it was time for him to start showing his worth as the second in command.

  How long was the guild to depend on one man?

  For how long was he to carry everyone on his back?

  Looking up Karna just prayed that the back was strong enough to weather through today's storm , as he promised to be there beside him from the next one.

  /// Number 4/6 , let's go! ///
