Chapter 931: Eliminate Alter  

Through Rayna's words, they could feel the anger coming off from her in that moment. They resonated with it more because, for the last couple of days, they had been working nonstop. They had been dealing with the outcome of the attack on hand.

"I'm angry as well," Alba spoke up. "But what are you suggesting exactly? You need to make it clear. You're talking about getting our hands dirty and bloody; isn't that what we've been doing against the Behemoth Clan and more?"

"The ones behind attacking us weren't the Behemoth Clan. The people behind this were the group known as Alter!" Rayna said. "The Behemoth Clan, at least they attacked with reason."

"Even if we had lost the war with the Behemoth Clan, they wouldn't have killed every person inside. What has happened here is not something that is done by people who can be considered the same. Even for us Pagna warriors, who are content with killing, it's too far," Rayna claimed.

Many in the room resonated with what Rayna was saying. At least when the students had died from the harsh training situations, it was for a purpose, but what purpose did this have?

"Right now in the Dark Faction, there are many clans spread all over that use Alter for their benefits. I'm saying we use this chance to get rid of every single person from Alter."


"We call on their services and trap them, making sure that not a single one of those scum is even on the same land as us."

"We have been on the defensive the whole time, always just trying to protect ourselves in these situations, and it's time we help Raze by being on the offensive."

"We need to stop things like this from happening again. I know you all felt it as well, when you saw Raze... how dark his eyes were, how dark his heart was..."

"I'm afraid if Raze needs to resort to something like this, he will push himself in doing so, and if he does, he will never be the same again. The Raze we know will be lost."

"Which is why I'm willing to bear some of the blood on my hands as well... but I can't do it alone... I can't."

Rayna paused and looked at the faces of each individual. It was hard to tell how everyone was feeling. It was almost as if they wanted to agree with her, yet there was something stopping them.


"What about the innocent ones in Alter?" Safa said. "I don't want Raze to go back to what he was, and I don't want something like this to happen."

"Maybe you're right and we do need to go on the attack, but there are those in Alter that don't even know what's happening, just following the orders of the ones from above. Are they really to blame?" Safa asked.

Rayna then looked to her side, as she had someone else who could explain the situation a little better, and that's when Amir stood forward.

"You are right; among those in Alter, there will be many innocent ones, but Alter is not a giant organization," Amir explained. "They're an organization with power, but there is a reason why they need to make use of the other factions."

"In the end, there are only so many otherworlders that come to Pagna. The amount that they had killed in the Academy might even exceed the total members of those from Alter."

"The reality is, if we are hesitant, then something like this can happen again. We can't try and pick and choose who is innocent or who is not. Otherwise, it will just cause more meaningless deaths of others."

"Do you know how the attack on the Academy even started in the first place?" Amir asked. Safa shook her head.

"It was a team from Alter; they had come to do some scouting work, unaware of the real task at hand, believing they were here to protect the world of Pagna."

"It's nearly impossible to change their views, to tell someone that they are the ones on the wrong side. It's hard for anyone to believe, especially just through words."

"And it was because of that innocent team from Alter that a Deleter was sent here, and the result was as follows."

"If we want to stop this, we need to end them."

It was then that Rayna stepped forward.

"At some point, we might be in another big battle like we had against the Behemoth Clan; it might even be on a larger scale."

"We can't keep turning our backs, thinking about who we can trust. While they are here, innocent or not, following the orders of Alter, they could disrupt everything... if you want to help Raze, if you want to help the Dark Faction and even the warriors, this is something we have to do... and let me tell you something, Safa."

"If we don't do this, then Raze will be the one that has to do it."

Safa placed her head down on the ground, filled with thoughts. Warriors cared about life less compared to others. It was the life of a warrior, but Safa never wanted to become a warrior.

Things had just naturally become this way. In the end, though, as if Rayna knew the right words to say, she agreed with everything. It was unfair to have Raze go through everything again.

"I agree... I'll do it," Alba called out first.

"Well, you know if the boss is doing it, the rest of us are involved, right?" Kizer said.

Soon more and more in the room agreed, even Liam as he remembered the faces of the parents, and then there was even Simyon, with the last person being Safa herself.

She took a deep breath and then looked up.

"I'll... do it as well."

Rayna nodded to all of them. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, but they were going to act straight away. They were going to be as cruel as the Dark Magus in the stories of Alterian, in order to stop something like this happening again.

"Alright, then I order everyone: the elimination of Alter starts now!" Rayna said, slamming her spear on the floor, and that was the signal to the start of a massacre.
