Chapter 917: Where Did Everyone Go?  

Following both Andy and Yarlston, the group had ended up back at a familiar place, a place they didn't think they would be gathering at so soon again.

They were at the north wall, which had just finished being repaired. Much of the scaffolding was still left on the buildings, and they hadn't yet taken it down because it was so soon.

"Hey, is everything okay, Mayor?" one of the men shouted, shirtless. He was one of the guards who had fought in the battle against the Behemoth Clan.

He was still covered in bandages and had been working on the wall.

"Everything is okay, we're just observing something!" the mayor shouted back. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to lie to them, but at the same time, if he told them the truth, how devastated would the whole town be?

The thing was, they would eventually learn the truth; how could they not? The large group following the two quickly went up to one of the towers located on the wall.


It was an open-top tower, where two guards were on lookout, placing their eyes through a strange device, looking outward into the open field.

"Whoa, look at them," Liam said. "Both of them are shaking."

The two men who were supposed to be on the lookout were kneeling on the floor, shivering. Only when Andy came close did one of them manage to stand up and point in another direction.

"If this is their reaction to what's going on out there, then I understand why they're reluctant to tell the entire town," Safa said.

Alba peered through the telescope and saw it: a giant army making its way through the hardened desert, kicking up dirt from the ground.

Even in her, a jolt was felt. Memories resurfaced of when they had seen the Behemoth Clan's large army of twenty thousand, and now there was an even larger one heading their way.


Looking out, the others took turns gazing at the large force coming toward them.

"This has to be the first case, right? In a large number of years," Ricktor said. "I don't even know if anyone is still alive in Pagna who has witnessed an attack from regular people on Pagna warriors."

"We still aren't sure if this is an attack on us," Dame said. "We don't know their reason for coming here."

"You think they brought a large army to chat?" Kizer replied. Although he couldn't see them with his own eyes, and only through the telescope, his sword was already reacting to the large number of people.

"It's quite clear they want something and are planning to take it by force," Reno commented. "The timing is too good as well. They must think that Raze and the rest of us are weak."

The thing was, Pagna warriors recovered relatively fast. They were ready to fight, but there were a few things holding them back.

Just how strong were the kingdoms? They had to have relative strength to the Pagna warriors; otherwise, why would the alliance have been made in the first place?

"Regardless, what are we meant to do?" Dame asked. "If we can't fight them..."

"What happens if we do fight them, if we break that rule?" Simyon asked.

"No one knows for sure," Dame replied. "It's just a rule that we've honored for a long time, but there are rumors. When the rules were set in Pagna by the strongest warriors, they had risen above to the Divine Realm."

"Even if the strength of warriors has increased beyond that of regular citizens, if the rule is broken, some of those Divine warriors who set up the rule long ago will come down and unleash their wrath on the people."

Simyon gulped. Whenever a Divine one was mentioned, it was a frightening thought, even if their powers were limited in the world of Pagna.

There was one Divine warrior who was still out there in the land of Pagna somewhere, though the others were unaware of this.

Anna knew, and she was keeping it to herself. So far, it didn't seem like the Divine warrior had caused any trouble, but it was a force that could disrupt things on the land.

"If Raze defeated Sha Mo, then he should be able to go up against someone from the Divine Realm, at least in Pagna as well," Anna said.

"No," Rayna replied. "I already said I don't want Raze involved, and besides, we don't know the status or issues in the Divine Realm."

"I'm sure some of them are heads of big clans in the other factions. They might still hold influence in the clans. If Raze were to take the blame or attack the citizens, there's a good chance he could become the enemy of every clan and a large enemy of the Divine warriors above... he already has too much on his plate."

The world of warriors was delicate; each action could cause large ripples, and they had no idea how far those ripples would reach.

"Something's happening," Mantis said.

Several of the others came over and looked through the telescope, and that's when they noticed the army was splitting into two large halves.

Moving to the side, it looked like part of the army was heading for the large lake attached to the town.

"I guess we have no choice. We need to head out there before they reach us," Rayna said. "Let's go see what they want."

At the same time, Raze had finally gotten off his bed and proceeded to stretch. The book was placed away, and he felt back to his old self again, his Pagna self.

"I have to say, it's good to be in this body, though. I really did revert back to my ways with the breakthrough."

Opening the door, Raze was ready, having made his decision on what to do next and with the others, but when he entered the main reception of the town hall, he was left confused.

"Where is everyone?"
