Chapter 915 Will I Be In His Heart?

It was quite shocking for the group to learn that the head of the Neverfall Clan was calling for Raze. It wasn't completely unexpected, after all, they had just successfully bested Sha Mo and the Behemoth Clan.

The news was sure to have spread around the entire continent of Pagna by now.

What they didn't expect was to meet Raze so soon, and a number of thoughts were going through their heads.

What was it that Belil wanted? Did he now want to fight Raze as well? But then why send the brothers to his aid, and why so casually invite him?

The thing was, Raze didn't look too shocked by this either.

"Can you just give me a few moments?" Raze asked.


The two brothers nodded.

"As long as we arrive by today, I think it will be okay. Take as much time as you need," Han said as he left the room, and Fing followed as well.

Without a doubt, the two of them would be keeping a close eye on the building to see if Raze was just going to disappear.

"Actually, I meant all of you, if you don't mind," Raze said.

"Oh, right, sure. We can give you space, Raze. We'll wait for you downstairs, in the main hall," Safa said. "I'm sure you need to decide what to do with us and the Dark Faction before you leave," Anna said, looking a little restless, tapping her foot.

Raze could already imagine why. She knew something was up and was perhaps worried about what would happen to Zon.


When everyone had left the room, Raze sat there and stared at the ceiling.


The others that had all been brought to the Demon Faction by Raze gathered in the main hall. It was a large meeting room with several seats.

Everyone was somewhat walking around casually, waiting for what was to happen next.

As Cronker walked around the room, he soon saw Fixteen and Froma. The two quickly looked at each other, their faces burning bright red, and both walked in the opposite direction.

A loud thud followed, as Fixteen bumped into a wall right in front of him and began to rub it in pain.

"I didn't see anything!" Cronker shouted slightly louder than intended and turned around.

Those on the other side of the room even heard him and looked at the situation.

"I wonder what that was about?" Liam said, looking at both Simyon and Safa sitting next to each other.

"Still, I can't believe everything that happened to Raze... and that he's really an old man!" Liam claimed.

"You know, I can relate a little bit," Simyon said. "I also had something taken away from me... but for him, for everything to be taken away like that…"

"It was almost as if he didn't get a second chance at all, no chance to even live a moment of happiness."

"No," Safa said. "That's where you're wrong. I too... lost my family and my brother, but we're able to move forward because of him. So we just need to do the same for him." "You might be right about that, but this whole magic thing is quite interesting, right?" Liam said. "I mean, the old Raze was back for a moment as an old man, and now he's young again."

"That's nearly every Pagna warrior's dream, and it can only be achieved by those in the Divine Realm. I know Raze's story was sad and all that, but if Raze is here in Pagna, it makes me wonder—will we ever get the chance to go to Alterian?"

On one side of the room, distancing themselves from the others, Rayna was leaning against a wall, her arms folded, continuing to look at the floor.

"You're quiet, which is your usual mode, but I haven't seen that look on your face since we were kids."

When Rayna looked up, she was surprised to see that it was Dame speaking to her.

"What look? There's a look on my face right now?"

"I hate to spoil it, but you've had that look for a long time," Dame answered. "When we were young, when something happened to me, when my brothers did something that upset me, or I was punished by one of the elders or father…"

"I'd see this look—the same look you have now. It feels like you want to do something, you want to say something, but you can't. And since I'm not the one in the hot seat right now, my guess is this has something to do with Raze."

Dame was spot on with his guess, and Rayna's feelings did feel quite similar to how they did back then.

"It's just after hearing everything Raze went through in his world... I don't know what to do. I don't know my place," Rayna said, her voice cracking slightly.

"I want to be there for him, I want to be someone that can help and support him... but at the same time, after hearing about his wife, about everything Sabrina did for him... I never want to replace that."

"Yet for some reason, I start having selfish thoughts too. Would there ever even be a place for me in his heart?" she asked, on the verge of tears.

At that point, Dame didn't know what to do to comfort her. There was no gesture he could make, so he said what he could.

"Maybe I don't feel it the same way you do, but there was a slight thought in the back of my mind, and you know what? Today I heard him call me 'friend,' a word I never thought I'd hear from his mouth."

"It seems the Raze we first knew is changing, and even the one he spoke of from Alterian. Although we are helping him with what needs to be done, maybe we need to think of Raze as two different people."

"The Raze from Alterian, and the Raze from Pagna."

The double doors swung open, and they were expecting it to be Raze, but instead, it was Mayor Yarlston and Andy together.

"Where is the Dark Magus?" Andy asked. "It seems we have a problem."
