Chapter 910: The Army Move out!
Marcel stood there, upright with perfect form, watching as the leader of the guards he was talking to ran off in the other direction.
He couldn't hold in his anger; he wanted to burst out shouting. Never had a situation like this occurred before.
'Where are the lavish gifts, the commendation food, the royal treatment I get when I visit other towns and cities?' Marcel thought.
Being a messenger for the king was one of the most luxurious jobs one could have. It was even a position that Pagna warriors had to respect.
At times, Marcel even enjoyed ordering around those arrogant warriors, knowing full well that they were unable to say anything directly to him or harm him.
Maybe kingdoms and empires looked the other way when the general public was hurt, but for a man of such high status, that wasn't the case.
However, no matter how much he wanted to shout and scream, there was now no one to shout and scream at.
"This is ridiculous. Fine, if no one will escort me, then I will just head there myself," Marcel said as he walked forward, clicking his fingers.
He ordered the driver with the carriage to follow him.
Marcel had only managed a few steps before the guards at the wall came forward, drawing two spears across each other and blocking his path.
"What is the meaning of this?" Marcel shouted. "Surely you two buffoons heard my
conversation earlier. I am a messenger for King Doclet, here to meet the Dark Magus, so why do you stand in my way?"
"Due to the recent attacks that have occurred, no one is allowed to enter without permission from the head guard or higher personnel. The head guard did not give you permission," one of the men said.
"We have very good ears, sir, and we specifically heard him deny your visit to the Dark Magus."
Marcel was beyond stunned. Sure, at times people would deny a meeting or make an excuse, but to be denied at the gate as well?
Was this not the land of King Doclet? If he wasn't allowed here, then none of these people were allowed.
Just then, a farmer in rags walked past with a stick and two large baskets filled with tea leaves. The guards quickly pulled up their spears and let him through.
When Marcel tried to follow, the guards swung the spears down once again, almost hitting his face.
"I see, I see now. This whole town of Flendon has become quite rebellious. We will see how that works out for all of you," Marcel claimed as he turned away.
He got in his carriage and was on his way to the city of Done, home to King Doclet.
It had taken a few hours for Marcel to travel, and with his anger having reached its peak, he had taken no breaks.
The Kingdom of Doclet was a grand place, with a large courtyard and green-colored slanting roofs.
The palace was tiered, with the king's palace located at the top. Immediately, Marcel had been granted an audience with the king.
He was in his main office, a large space where the doors opened at the back, leading to a garden that allowed flowing light inside.
"I see, so that's how they treated us. It's quite clear that Pagna warriors have gotten far too confident due to how long the alliance has lasted," King Doclet said as he turned around, rubbing his large beard a few times.
King Doclet was a fairly large man with a grey beard. He was in his sixties and had been in charge of the kingdom for the last ten years.
Just like the lives of high-ranking clan warriors, life in a kingdom wasn't easy either, with several people battling for the throne.
Yet, in the end, King Doclet had managed to reach the top thanks to his expertise. "From what you've said, it's quite clear that the town of Flendon has rebelled against the Doclet Kingdom. We must quell rebellions before they turn into something bigger, don't you agree?"
Doclet was smiling, and so was Marcel. Both of them couldn't help but laugh in joy.
"I think it's time we show them what we can do. After the battle with the Behemoth Clan, I imagine most of the warriors are weak, but even then, there wouldn't be much they could do against this!" Doclet clicked his fingers.
Immediately, a man came in from the other side of the door, holding a long object covered in a cloth. The man knelt on the floor and pulled the cloth away, revealing a long metallic object underneath, with a wooden frame at the bottom and a few other instruments beside it.
"What is this, sir?" Marcel asked, his eyes shining.
Doclet nodded at the man to demonstrate. The man began to gather the equipment, wiping a cloth down the center of the metal object with what looked like a type of brush.
Afterward, he poured something into the top of the contraption that looked like dust, and finally inserted a metallic ball. The whole process took around ninety seconds or so. Right after, he pointed the large metallic object, and with a bang, a metallic round ball flew into the air, tearing through one of the metallic pieces of armor that was hung up. "It... penetrated the metallic armor... what is this marvel of a device?" Marcel asked. "That is our miniature cannon that we have created. Not only have our ships received great investment in technology, but we've created something that can turn every person into a great form of power!"
"With this, the warriors will be shaking in their boots. We will go to take the Dark Magus in, and if he doesn't comply, he will witness a massacre with our new advanced equipment!" King Doclet proudly said with his chest out. Then, swinging his hand, he gave the order. It was the order that Marcel had been waiting for his majesty to give out for a long time. "Order the army to move out! Our first conquest will be the town of Flendon."