Chapter 908: Not Just A world For Warriors  

The repairs to the town of Flendon were done fairly quickly, partly due to some help sent by the other Demonic Faction Clans nearby.

All of the warriors and guards who could utilize Qi were worn out from the fighting. Originally, Yarlston wanted to use some of the town's funds to repair it.

They had quite a few funds left over from the constant gifts they had received before. War was usually expensive, but with how few people had taken up arms, it wasn't too costly on their side.

The thing was, nothing needed to be used. The other clans, wishing to get close to the Dark Magus, had repaired the place for free.

"Things are looking up!" Andy said, with bandages wrapped around his shoulder and waist. He had suffered a few scratches here and there when the warriors scaled the wall.

Still, his willpower was strong, and seeing the wall back in working condition put a giant smile on his face.


"You know, I still haven't seen that short girl from the Crimson Crane anywhere!" Andy placed his hand just above his eyebrow, blocking the light above as he quickly turned his head, but there was no luck.

"It was because of her that so many of us survived. She pushed back a large number of them, and she did it twice. Whatever it was that she used, she fainted twice, and it didn't exactly look normal."

"Maybe I should ask one of the other members and prepare some sort of gift for her." Just as Andy was getting ready to walk, through the entrance of the gate, down the path, he could see something in the distance that caught his eye.

It was a fairly large fancy carriage, adorned with assorted gems on the side of its door. There was even a golden frame that wrapped around the carriage. The horses pulling it looked to be in spectacular condition with great muscle.

No normal person could acquire such horses, and he imagined the equipment covering their faces could fetch quite a penny as well.

Seeing this sight, though, Andy sighed as he walked forward.


"Should we turn them away, sir?" one of the guards asked.

"If we do without explaining something, they might kick up a fuss. I'll deal with it," Andy said as he walked out and eventually put out his hand, signaling the horses to stop.

"What, are we in the city already? Are we at the townhouse?" a muffled voice could be heard coming from inside the carriage.

"No, sir, there is a guard outside!" the carriage rider out front shouted.

"This is the head guard of the town of Flendon. Please state your business as to why you are here!" Andy shouted.

Moments later, the door was seen opening. A man stepped down onto the ground with his curled-up shoes that had a small bow on the end.

The man walking out was covered in several layers of clothing and had a rounded red hat to his side. The man also had a plump belly and a long winding mustache.

It was quite clear that this person wasn't a Pagna warrior. Andy couldn't imagine anyone fighting in those things.

"I have come on behalf of King Doclet!" the man stated. "We are here to see the one named the Dark Magus and to congratulate him on his success in defending the town of Flendon."

Andy recognized the name and was surprised to hear it. King Doclet was the ruler of one of the two kingdoms that governed the Demonic Faction.

The Dark Faction had several kingdoms and independent forces. The Demonic Faction had two kingdoms, while the Light Faction had an empire.

All of these forces were the local governments that governed the land outside that of the Pagna warriors.

The thing was, the people of Flendon didn't really have a good view of King Doclet. Although he technically owned the land the town was on.

It was almost as if they had always been forgotten about, apart from when it came to taxes. The town was in a poor state, barely able to feed itself, yet taxes were still insisted upon, and what did they get in return? Next to nothing.

When the Demonic Faction abused the town even more, pushing them away from any type of self-help, the kingdom or king didn't even bother to contact the clans to try to sort out something.

They had been so distanced from the king that the people had forgotten about him until today.

"Unfortunately, at the moment, the Dark Magus is not accepting any visitors," Andy said. "If you wish to leave him a gift, we will place it in a storage room and pass on the message. If the Dark Magus decides to meet you, that's up to him." Andy picked his nose and then flung it on the floor.

The man was clearly disgusted by the barbarian's actions, and when looking to the side, he could see extremely extravagant gifts piled up as if they were nothing.

'These fools, I bet they don't even know the value of those items on the side. People from this town, Pagna warriors-all of them are just so barbaric.'

'But I know that his majesty will soon clear up all of this trash... we just need to bide our time.' Marcel thought.

He cleared his throat and tried to speak again.

"I'm afraid this isn't a matter the Dark Magus can avoid. You should know all this land belongs to his majesty. We are not like the other visitors you have. It would be in his, and this town's, best interest to meet with us. Otherwise, you might regret it."

Andy couldn't believe it. It was quite clear that the man in front of him was threatening him. After what they had been through, and after facing off with the Behemoth Clan, what did the Doclet Kingdom think it could do?

If the treaty wasn't there between Pagna warriors and the regular citizens, did they really think they could best the world of Pagna?

Perhaps Andy had thought that way before, but now, being involved in fights with Pagna warriors, he certainly didn't think that way anymore, especially with the Dark Magus.

"The longer you keep me waiting, the worse this will be for you."

Just as Andy was going to reply, a person appeared by his side with a red headband. It was

none other than Joe from the special assassin force.

"Really, he's awake... he's awake!" Andy said as he turned around.

Andy ran back toward the city without even turning to look at Marcel, whose veins were now

popping out of his head.

'The disrespect has gone too far... Dark Magus, today you could have made a strong ally, but instead, I'm sure you have made a large enemy.'

Andy didn't care about any of that, for the Dark Magus was now awake.
