Chapter 357: Always Been Her Modus Operandi

“Miss Gu,” Mu Zong had also heard the voices, and he put down the documents in hand, standing up to greet her.

Before he could reach out to open the door, the arm that was beside Feng Jiu reached out to do it instead.

“You’re on a roll.” Jiji came in behind Gu Xiqiao, looking at the mechanical arm that had opened the door, patting its head. “Even so, you won’t be able to get a body. Even my own awesome self has yet to be settled after all.”

The robotic arm seemed to turn away in anger, not talking to Jiji.

Gu Xiqiao wasn’t bothered by the two, and after greeting Mu Zong, she turned to Feng Jiu. When she raised her head, it revealed a young, snow-white face. Her eyes were dark and clear. This was the first time Feng Jiu had seen Gu Xiqiao in person.

Even though he had seen pictures of her on the internet, and even gone through her Weibo, hearing things about her from the second elder, it wasn’t as shocking as meeting the person themself with his own eyes.


Too young, to the point that Feng Jiu felt that everything he had heard about her must be over-exaggerated or even false.

“Miss Gu,” Feng Jiu greeted after a while, finally returning to his senses.

Gu Xiqiao nodded and smiled at him. At this time, the secretary brought in a cup of team and she took it, placing it beside the robotic arm. “Mr. Feng, please have a seat.”

Feng Jiu did as she said, but he was still slightly unstable on his feet. He watched as the secretary came in once again with a pile of documents, and Gu Xiqio flipped through it quickly, seemingly not intending to continue the line of conversation.

But Feng Jiu didn’t come here for tea, and he could only sit still for another few minutes before he finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Miss Gu, the reason I came here today…”

“I know, we’ll talk about the issue later.” Gu Xiqiao flipped through the last document, then took the pen that Mu Zong was holding, signing her name. She smiled at Mu Zong. “Uncle Mu, the plan that they are making is becoming better and perfect. There’s basically nothing wrong with it.”


Mu Zong laughed at her words. “Your teaching was good.” There was little that he needed to manage, now that everyone in the company had become so competent.

He took the documents and handed them over to the secretary. Thinking about how Boss Gu had taught everyone without holding back nor hiding anything, such an unselfish method, forget about how all the people in Nine Heavens were financial geniuses, even an ordinary finance student would easily improve leaps and bounds under her tutelage.

Everyone in the Imperial Capital knew that Nine Heavens was full of talents and luck, but they didn’t see the real reason was because of their boss. Mu Zong looked at Gu Xiqiao, and thought that, for someone to impart everything they knew to everyone else so openly, there was only one person in the entire world that was willing to do that, and that was their Boss Gu.

It was a pity that although she had taught them everything that she could, there were still a lot of things that their people in Nine Heavens still didn’t understand.

“Boss Gu!” Yu Ning rushed in from outside. “How could you not even take a walk around the web department even though you came back?”

“Aren’t you here in person?” Gu Xiqiao leaned against the robotic arm beside her, taking a sip of her tea as she glanced at Yu Ning. “You’re more or less done with the research on the virtual world. I see you’ve been working on Star Network lately, if you have any issues, you can look for Jiji. Jiji is more knowledgeable in this area compared to me.”

Yu Ning sighed lightly.” Aih, I say, Luo Wenlang said that there would be a live broadcast on some news today that would likely have a great impact on you guys. Do you want me to get in touch with my hacking network and let the masses only be able to see Logger Vick…” (T/N: Logger Vick (Boonie Bears character) / nickname for bald people)

“Cough, cough!” Before Yu Ning could finish his sentence, Mu Zong coughed loudly. There was a high ranking official in the same room as them, and you’re casually talking about how you were going to get people to hack into their live broadcast, were you looking to die?

Feng Jiu’s mouth was also downturned, but he took the chance to look closely at Yu Ning. For someone to talk so brazenly about hacking a nationwide live broadcast, it shouldn’t be just some boastful words. He had heard that Nine Heavens had an expert hacker, could it be this young man in front of him?

Yu Ning also noted that Feng Jiu was in the room at this time, and he turned to greet him. “Hello, Mr. Feng Jiu.”

“Hello.” Feng Jiu nodded stiffly. Seeing that it was almost time for the broadcast, and he hadn’t said a single word about it to Gu Xiqiao, he was suddenly in a panic. “Miss Gu, I…”

Gu Xiqiao picked up her phone, looking at the time, the corners of her mouth curving up. “It’s time.”

She snapped her fingers, and the TV on the opposite wall turned on instantly, playing the live broadcast.

Feng Jiu turned his head when he heard the voices from it, seeing that it was the press conference that was live at this moment. The venue was the National Lecture Hall. A middle-aged man in military uniform was on screen with a serious look on his face. “The recent happenings in the country have caused panic to everyone, we ask that you please trust in your government, believe in the higher-ups, and we will all get through this difficult time together.”

As he said that, the camera panned out, and zoomed to a group of soldiers standing behind. “We have the best firearms at our disposal, and we will definitely kill those monsters…”

The live broadcast had confirmed the existence of these monsters, and the public who were already in a panic before, were in a more panicked state right now. It was at this moment, that a bunch of monsters suddenly appeared on the scene of the live broadcast.

When they appeared, a hint of fear crossed the middle-aged man’s face which was stoic just a few moments before, and he immediately instructed the army to engage these monsters. Unfortunately, the firearms they held were clearly useless against them!

Bullets were useless against them!

The viewers watching from home held their breath as horror spread on their faces, watching with their own eyes as the bullets pierced through those monsters, but it didn’t stop them a single bit!

Oh my god, what the hell are those things?

Why weren’t they dying to guns?

Those soldiers clearly saw that they were done for, and they retreated backward. There was also shock on their faces when they realized that nothing had worked.

At this moment, whether it was the viewers or those on scene, the only thing they could feel was terror running through their veins. Those who were watching at home were already in shock, and their first reaction was to think that whatever was happening on screen was fake, but no matter how much they rubbed their eyes, the scene was still the same!

Everyone watching this bloody scene could feel the despair rising in their hearts.

If it was a monster that wouldn’t even die to a gun, then what should ordinary people with no firearms do to defend themselves?

The ordinary folks weren’t the only ones in shock, even Feng Jiu was in the same state. His eyes were fixed on the screen, his eyes wide, finally understanding what the conversation he had yesterday meant. There were just some monsters that couldn’t be dealt with, either with firearms or white arms! (T/N: A cold weapon, or white arm, is a weapon that doesn’t involve fire or explosives.)

In this moment of despair, the shaking of the camera suddenly stopped, and a young face appeared in front of it.

The live broadcast was currently displayed on every screen across the nation, whether you were watching TV at home, in a meeting, or at a shopping mall, as long as there was a screen, this young face was on it.

Behind her, the scene was like a scene from hell, but even amongst the horrifying scene, this young lady stood out, calm and unaffected by everything happening behind her.

Then, a team of ten people appeared. “Miss Gu!”

“Go ahead.” The clear, melodious voice sounded in response, as if ringing in the hearts of everyone who were watching.

This was likely a scene that no one would be forgetting for the rest of their lives. A second ago, those monsters who were indestructible and bringing despair to every single person watching were easily beaten down by those ten people that had appeared. The young lady also reached out her hands, casually picking one of the monsters up and throwing it to the side like it was nothing, taking out at least one-tenth of those monsters!

Blades were glinting, swinging and flying everywhere, there were also flames appearing!

These arrogant, unbeatable monsters were taken down by just these ten people!

Those who were watching the live broadcast held their breath once again, not quite believing what they had just seen.

It simply looks like a scene right out of a fantasy!

Who would believe it, if they didn’t see it with their own eyes?

The ten people piled all the monsters together.

The girl who was holding the camera smiled at the lens at this time, then raised her hand, purple thunder striking down instantly with a loud ‘boom’.

It slammed right down into the pile of monsters, incinerating them instantly.

Since the appearance of the thunder with just a wave of her hand, it felt like the entire country fell into silence. There were some who were eating, and forgot to chew their food. There were some who had been hugging pillows tightly in fear, and that pillow had fallen to the floor. Everyone’s expression was the same, blank face, as though they had seen a ghost. But, wasn’t that the most accurate description at this moment? Otherwise, how do you explain what they had just seen?

Everyone was stunned speechless after watching such a scene.

“I must be going crazy…” A young girl who was watching the live broadcast said. She went to the washroom to splash water on her face, then came back, but it was still the same scene on the screen.

“It… it was just a hallucination. I’ll just close my eyes for a bit,” A boy who had been playing games said, closing his eyes. Two minutes later, he opened them to find that the scene on his computer screen had not changed at all.

Those were probably the same things the entire China was doing now, and everyone must be thinking that they had gone crazy.

Gu Xiqiao gave the people maybe about three minutes to gather themselves, then snapped her fingers. “I know that not everyone will believe this scene they are watching on screen, but I’ll tell everyone now, everything you just saw was real. WIthout your knowledge, China has always been in possession of such powers.”

As she spoke, a ball of lightning crackled softly in her other hand, floating slightly above her open palm.

The people could still pretend they were hallucinating previously, but it was a live broadcast, and the lightning had appeared out of nowhere in front of them.

“Introductions, then. The ten people behind me are the Peace Squad. This is the first time they’ve appeared in public, and from today on, they will have more contact with everyone. You have seen first hand what they can do. Let’s move on and talk about the monsters now. Firstly, they will appear again in the future. I don’t know how many more will appear, but know that every single one of you has the possibility of encountering them.” Gu Xiqiao vanished the ball of lightning, facing the camera with a calm look on her face. Her tranquil demeanor served to reassure everyone watching, and calmed them down. “Our ancient martial arts world exists to protect everyone in China, we don’t want to see any accidents happening to anybody. Therefore, our goal is to bring the entire nation to arms. I believe that every one of you will be able to face off these monsters by yourselves, and fight to protect your loved ones. Tell me, are you all afraid?”


As soon as she said that, the entire China was in an uproar, and those hot-blooded youths were the ones who reacted the biggest. They should be in a state of panic, loss of faith and in life, but at the time of their darkest hour, such a powerful team had made an appearance, and a young lady told them that they wanted to ‘bring the entire nation to arms’, and then she asked, ‘are you all afraid?’?


It wouldn’t be strange for ordinary people to be afraid after watching such a scene, they should be blaming the country, and why they didn’t announce that the country had such powers in the first place. But at this time, everyone’s eyes were on these ten people. Their hearts were fired up, and their blood was boiling!

It was undeniable that they had been fearful at first, but now, they were excited! Every single cell in their body was clamoring!

“No, we’re not afraid!” Those youngsters sitting in front of computers stood up with a bang, their hearts thumping wildly in their chest. Their faces were flushed red, anticipation running through their veins!

It wasn’t only the youths that were excited, even those elderly who thought that there was nothing left in the world that could make their heart skip a beat anymore, all of them were feeling exhilarated, probably because they had never experienced such a passionate scene before.

“Very good.” Gu Xiqiao smiled lightly. “This is the true soul of China. Next, I will have Mr. Feng Jiu arrange the matters that come after. You don’t have to change the way you’re living your life. There are people who wish us to be in a state of chaos, and I believe you will not lose faith in living. If you encounter a problem that you can’t solve by yourself, just call out for the Peace Squad. If you’re infected with strange diseases that cannot be cured, please head to the medical labs in the capital to get treatment. Our medical labs will be giving free treatments during this time before this disaster is over.”

The broadcast abruptly stopped as soon as she finished speaking.

However, no one would ever forget the scene that they had just witnessed, because the video circulated over the internet at lightning speed.

It seemed that everyone across the nation remembered the young girl’s speech that had calmed the hearts of all of them, the way she had settled down everyone with just a few sentences.

At this moment, news about her spread on the internet almost instantly.

The most mysterious blogger on the net!

China’s largest chain company—the person behind Nine Heavens!

A student from the Faculty of Medicine from A University, one who has researched various treatments and medicine for countless patients, and also disclosing the methods to the world for free!

There were really just too many amazing and mysterious things about this person. Before this, if you heard about someone who could be this amazingly generous in the world, would anyone believe it, and not deny it?

The facts right now are telling you, there is!

And just today, everyone found out that those were just small parts about her. Having a mysterious power that allowed her to call upon lightning, bringing hope to the people in their darkest hour, this was enough to drive the entire nation out of their minds!

On this day, the name ‘Gu Xiqiao’ swept wildly across the country. No matter where you went, you could hear the people talking about this person.


“Leader, I really envy the people of China.” One of the higher-ups of the United States said as they watched the live broadcast that Cecily had shown them. He let out a long sigh, lifting his hands to cover his eyes, and whispered, “Their ancient martial arts world has really lucked out.”

The leader of America didn’t say anything in response to that, playing the video once again. Looking at the young woman on screen with a serene look and gentle aura, he dragged his hand down his face. “Do you think these are all coincidences? Do you see, the medical labs, Peace Squad, these are two indispensable forces right now. In such a short time, Miss Gu had arranged everything in such an orderly manner. Perhaps, a long time ago, when she first built up the medical labs, she predicted that such a day would come. Cecily was right, Miss Gu really is unfathomable, you will never know what she’s thinking in that mind of hers. The person pulling the strings behind the scene should be feeling the most powerless right now. They clearly intended to sow discord and create havoc in the country, perhaps also hoping that China would collapse unto itself. Unfortunately for them, for every step they took, Miss Gu had already predicted it and arranged the appropriate countermeasures to it. Even up to the final step of bringing the entire nation to arms.”

Everyone else gathered here didn’t have anything to say after that.

After a long while of silence, the leader finally stood. “Make the preparations, we’ll head to China today.”

These people had probably learnt of the terrifying strength the Peace Squad and Gu Xiqiao wielded, and so were not surprised or shocked when they saw this, but instead felt envious of the people of China.

Compared to them, Feng Jiu was the one who was most in shock right now. Forget about Feng Jiu and those upper management of the government, even the ancient martial arts world was in the same state. They hadn’t expected Gu Xiqiao would use such a bloody and violent method to announce their presence to the nation. And not only did it not cause mass panic to the public at large, it served to ignite the passion in everyone’s hearts instead!

But, this had always been Gu Xiqiao’s modus operandi! She had always been direct and aggressive, and had always been creating miracles as she went!

The regard for Gu Xiqiao that the people in the ancient martial arts world held was many times higher than those from the secular world. If you were to peruse through the entire world history, who would be able to perform such feats, other than Gu Xiqiao? Who else? Who else!
