Chapter 1187: Selena  

Selena felt happy, anxious, scared, panicked, worried, elated, and everything that can be said now to describe her feelings after meeting her mate.

He was a grown man she met a few days ago.

Selena was about to cross a street and the man passed by on his racing motorbike, looking so bright under the light of the sun.

He passed her and didn't even look at her, and the two- second encounter had her on the cusp for two whole weeks.

Two precious seconds to realize that the man was her mate and also two damned seconds because she has absolutely no idea who this man was, where he lived, or more importantly… how did she ever find that man again?!

Selena was frustrated. Really frustrated that she couldn't find a way to find him again.


Now, she lived far from home, since they were always moving from place to place and no longer lived in the same house.

Because no one would believe that she was the daughter of Kace and Hope, as they were both not old enough to have a child who has reached early adulthood.

Her parents looked like a young couple and acted like one.

Therefore, this time Selena chose to live in an apartment that she had been dreaming of for a long time.

And she had only been in this city for two days when she met her soul mate.

Those two seconds really made Selena desperate.


"Argh!" Selena threw her pillow against the wall and let out an annoyed roar. The beast within her wanted to meet her mate. Hey, she wanted the same thing. But, where is the sexy man?!

And it was only after almost giving up, two months later, that Selena met the man again.

At the supermarket, while he was buying a pack of cigarettes at the cashier.

It was nighttime and not many people were in the area, and although many would say it was unsafe for young women to walk alone, this supermarket was the closest to Selena's apartment.

And she almost screamed with pleasure and jumped for joy when she saw the sexy man again, clad in a black leather jacket and messy looking hair. He looked very mature and very handsome…

Well, this was a very subjective judgment, since the man was her mate, but for the next few seconds, Selena indulged herself by standing right behind him, enjoying his distinctive, masculine scent. He was tall and Selena's head would only reach his shoulders.

"Excuse me, your item?" asked the cashier who was standing next to the cashier, who was serving her mate.

And Selena hated the fact that she was trying to be friendly to her mate, but, seeing how his mate treated her coldly, certainly made Selena smile proudly.

Selena then walked to the cashier next to her and gave her all her groceries, but just at that moment, her mate left, holding a cigarette in his right hand and stepping outside into the cold night air.

"Oh, damn!" Selena cursed loudly. She then immediately rushed off after the man. Hell, she wouldn't lose him again.

She ran out of the supermarket, ignoring frustrated calls from the cashier handling her groceries, which she just left without paying.

The cold night breeze blew against Selena's face as she ran, she pulled up a blue bear- print jacket, which wasn't attractive at all.

Not in this outfit Selena wished she could meet her mate, but she had no other choice.

And to run back to her apartment to put on more appropriate clothes, of course that wasn't an option at all.

On the other hand, the man walked briskly towards his black racing motorbike, parked a little further from the supermarket he was visiting and also near a group of young men who were rotating their cigarettes at each other.

The man was seen checking all the pockets of his jacket and pants, while a cigarette tucked between his full lips. It was a sight that made Selena's heart flutter.

He looked absolutely amazing under this moonlight.

Oh, Selene. This man is so perfect… Selena exclaims in her heart.

However, one thing Selena realized after that, that this man was not a shifter. He was just an ordinary man…

Or, is he?

Because in the next second, when the man realized that he couldn't find the match in the pocket of his pants or jacket, he flicked his own hand and from the tip of his finger there was a small flame that burned the tip of the cigarette.

Selena held her breath when she saw the sight. What's that? Is he a wizard? She wondered to herself.

And the fire that was at her fingertips was extinguished when he took a deep breath and exhaled white smoke from his lips into the air.

It wasn't unusual for Selena because she had seen several witches do this. Which meant her mate is one of them?

Selena had to reconfirm about this.

And to do so she immediately walked over to the man, but her curiosity and enthusiasm overcame her common sense which told her to make this meeting as natural as possible.


"Hey!" Selena exclaimed as she got close to the man, surprising him with an unexpected greeting. "Are you a wizard?" she asked excitedly.

The question slipped from his lips before he could even stop it and by the time Selena realized it, it was too late.

The man looked at Selena with a strange look, his eyes narrowed, as if he was observing a strange young girl wearing a bear jacket in front of him.

But, instead of answering the question, the man walked back to his motorbike, ignoring her.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Selena sprinted at a brisk pace to keep pace with his, ignoring the stares of the four young men there waiting for some drama to unfold in the evening.

The man walked briskly to his motorbike, but Selena already ran ahead and leaned against it.

"Get out of the way," he said coldly.

Ugh! Looks like he doesn't feel the mate bond… Selena complained. Well, this will be a challenge then…
