Chapter 1171: Aurora (50)  

Of all the people Draghar thought would betray him, he had no idea it would be Collin, because he had known this man long enough and he thought they were quite close.

So when Draghar managed to become the alpha to their pack, he assigned Collin as his beta, but who would have thought that there would be a day when the two of them would stand on different sides and look at each other with the intent to kill one another?

This was hard to believe and Draghar felt that this betrayal had completely broken all the trust he had.

"Where is my mate!?" Draghar roared angrily, his bloodshot eyes staring at Collin with murderous intent, it seemed that he no longer even cared about the fact that Collin was holding a weapon filled with silver bullets, which could kill him at any moment.

"She is not with me," Collin said lightly while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly while looking at Draghar with a smile on his lips. This was really messed up. "Oh, but I must say that she looks beautiful with her new short hairdo."

Hearing that, Draghar lost his control and lunged forward, he jumped so high and landed in his black beast form, roaring furiously.


On the other hand, Collin looked surprised when he saw the black beast before him, not because he had never seen Draghar in his beast form, but because he had never seen the alpha this furious except when he faced his own father and removed his brother from the position of alpha.

Thus, blindly, Collin fired a shot at Draghar, with one bullet managed to hit the black beast's upper arm, making the lycan roared even more furiously, while behind him, another black beast, slightly smaller in size, charged forward.

Rose no longer thought about the consequences she would have to face when she charged at Collin right now, facing the barrage of silver bullets aimed at her.

However, just as she was about to reach the man and managed to dodge all of the bullets, suddenly Draghar, in his beast form, rammed her side of her body and made her fall, flying a few meters and hit the wall.

At first Rose wanted to be angry with her brother because she almost managed to get Collin, burying her sharp claws and fangs in the beta's human body. It would have been easier to kill him, however, when Rose saw what had really happened, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Collin turned out to have a silver dagger that he drew into the side of Draghar's neck. If it wasn't for her older brother who threw her to the side, it was certain that she would be in such a terrible position.


And now, the red blood dripping from Draghar's neck was visible to see, soaking his black fur, as the beast roared furiously and tried to escape by kicking Collin across the room.

Draghar roared loudly as blood gushed from his open wound. If left like this, he would bleed out and his life would be in danger, as his ability to heal was hindered from the silver's side effects.

Seeing this, Rose wasted no time and immediately lunged at Collin when he was losing his balance after Draghar kicked him across the room.

Quickly, Rose reached the traitor and bit him hard on the neck, not letting the man got a chance to shift into his wolf form or pull out any other dangerous silver object.

It all happened so fast. Rose tore at Collin's neck and he didn't even have time to curse like he always did, and in the next second his filthy life had gone.

After immobilizing Collin, Rose immediately ran towards Draghar, who had returned to his human form with blood still dripping from his neck.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked worriedly, but seeing Draghar was still able to stand up, that was a good sign, looked like Collin didn't have time to stab Draghar too deep before his brother kicked him away.

"Yeah," Draghar growled, clutching his neck, but he didn't stop to let Rose check on his wound, because he still had to find Aurora.

Draghar could still smell Aurora's scent, he was very close to her. She was still in this house.

With that understanding, Draghar quickened his footsteps, not caring about the pain he felt in his neck or the blood still flowing from his wound.


Gerald pulled Aurora's hair because the girl resisted when he was about to take her away from this pack house.

He had seen how Torak Donovan wiped out almost all the remaining guard lycans in this pack with just a strange flaming bird that breathing fire.

Was that the so- called firebird? Gerald had heard of it several times, but wasn't sure if it was the same bird referred to in the story.

"Hurry up!" Gerald lost his temper with this girl in front of him. Even though her hands were shackled with silver chains, she still tried to fight back.

On the other hand, Aurora could feel that the poison given to her was slowly fading and she could now feel Draghar's presence getting closer, although she still couldn't use mind- links to talk to her mate.

Aurora just needed to last a little while. Thus, with all her might, she tried not to move from her spot and held on as Gerald beat her body.

He will pay this back dearly in a moment soon…

And when Gerald raised his leg to kick Aurora, the girl caught him and with her sharp claws, she hurt Gerald's leg.

However, because the effect of the wolfbane was still in her body and had not completely disappeared, this made Aurora unable to shift completely and was only able to do that.

"Damn woman!" Gerald roared furiously as he fell to the floor with his injured and bleeding leg. He had to wait a while for the wound to heal, but that didn't mean the pain would go away soon.

As for Aurora, she tried to go the other way from Gerald's destination, but the man held her leg. He gripped Aurora's ankle so tightly that even when the girl kicked his face really hard, he didn't feel anything and still didn't let go of his grip.

"I will kill you! I will kill you!" shouted Gerald like a madman.

Right now, the two of them were in the corridor of the pack house and no one was there except them.

Aurora found it difficult to fight Gerald because her hands were still tied and also her strength has not fully recovered yet.

Therefore, when Gerald managed to pull Aurora to him, with anger that had blinded his eyes and prevented him from thinking clearly, Gerald strangled Aurora with all his might.

Gerald's big and strong body was on top of Aurora's and this made it difficult for the girl to break free from his strong stranglehold because she was in a completely disadvantageous position.

"YOU DIE! YOU DIE!" Gerald snarled, his face red with anger. "YOU FUCKING WOMAN!"

At this point, Aurora felt lightheaded and her vision began to blur, while her attempts to push Gerald's body away proved futile. The man didn't even move at all.

And when Aurora felt that she could no longer breathe and almost lost consciousness, she felt someone ripped Gerald's body away from her very quickly.

And the last thing she heard was a roar full of anger and someone calling her name frantically.

Aurora recognized the voice. No, she missed that voice and didn't expect that she would hear her favorite voice again. She thought she would die in Gerald's hands.

However, Aurora could not return the call because she was too tired and her whole body ached.

And when darkness enveloped her and exhaustion began to overtake her, Aurora gave up and allowed herself to sink into the darkness.


The first thing Gerald felt as he woke up was an unbearable pain. And before he even opened his eyes, the pain made him grunted helplessly.

Gerald tried to move his body, but the slightest movement was enough to make him feel multiple pains.

He had never felt pain like this before. Will he die?

And in the end, with great difficulty, Gerald slowly opened his eyes and found himself in the bathtub, with metallic colored water pooling his body, leaving only his head on the surface.

His eyes roamed the bathroom until he found Draghar standing beside him with a triumphant look, while a bandage was wrapped around his neck, recklessly.

"What do you want!?" Gerald shouted, but then he groaned in pain. Her grievous scream echoed throughout the bathroom wall. "FUCK!"

Draghar didn't move from his position, he seemed to enjoy every scream and cursing that Gerald threw at him, as if it was the music he liked the most.

"How do you feel?" asked Draghar at last when Gerald had stopped screaming and could no longer endure the pain he was in.

Gerald didn't understand why he felt such excruciating pain when Draghar didn't even touch him at all. "What… did you do to me?" he breathed ragedly.

Draghar smirked. "Something you did to my mate," he replied. "I told you that you will get a hundred times more terrible retribution if you hurt my woman..."

Gerald then saw the water that was pooling his body and then he realized what water it was…

"You couldn't have done this to me…" Gerald muttered as fear gripped his heart.
