Chapter 1163: Aurora (42)  

Breaking was not a reason to break and breaking was not a reason to destroy.

The pain that Draghar felt over his past as well as what he has received was not a reason for him to hurt others who were innocent to him, especially his mate, Aurora.

Seeing the girl cried like this really made Draghar's heart roar furiously at himself and he couldn't describe how painful it felt.

"Please Aurora, don't cry," Draghar pleaded. He hugged Aurora's body tightly and rubbed her back to calm her down.

The Alpha tried various ways to make the girl in his arms stopped crying, but all in vain.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Aurora's crying subsided and she looked much calmer than she had been a moment ago.


Draghar immediately pulled her to sit on a large root of a tree in the forest and wiped the remnants of her tears.

Aurora's face was red when she had finished crying and her eyes were puffy. Maybe this was crazy, but to Draghar, even in such conditions, his mate still looked so charming and very sweet.

It was a very subjective opinion, but he would beat up anyone who said otherwise.

"I am sorry for what I did," said Draghar, he regretted it very much and kept thinking about it the whole night he was in this forest. "I shouldn't have yelled at you or spoken harshly to you, or blamed you for knowing my past."

Aurora's tears rolled down her cheeks again, but this time she bit her lip that caused she only let out a muffled sob. For her, what Draghar told her meant a lot.

He did not only apologize for feeling compelled to do that, but he apologized because he knew his mistake and that was something Aurora really appreciated.


"I know you are just trying to understand me better, but I am overreacting about it," Draghar said in a softer voice as he smoothed Aurora's messy hair. He really liked the curls in Aurora's long hair. "I am just not used to having someone so eager to understand me. I am used to them trying to hurt me."

The bad experience that Draghar had, early on in his life, made him feel like everyone would hurt him, so he had to be vigilant and that's why he acted defensive when Aurora tried to break down the wall that had protected him from the outside world.

Yes, the wall was built not to separate Draghar from the others out there, but to protect himself. Therefore, when someone tried to enter, he would act very aggressively.

"I will not hurt you," Aurora said with pursed lips, she then cupped her hands on either side of Draghar's face and looked at him earnestly.

Aurora's serious face actually made Draghar laugh softly. He then leaned in and kissed Aurora's forehead lightly.

"I know sweetheart, you wouldn't do that to me," Draghar said in a lighter voice. "This is just my way of surviving, you could say it has become a habit that is hard to break."

Draghar then pulled Aurora into his arms and rested his chin on the top of the girl's head while hugging her tightly, letting Aurora hear his heartbeat, while resting his head on Draghar's chest.

"But now, I am ready to share myself with you." Draghar then thought for a moment. "I might find it difficult to express how I feel or answer any questions you want to know, but I hope you will be patient with me being like that."


"Torak, I don't think we need to do this..." Raine looked at her mate who looked very tense, since last night Torak made a fuss to come to the blood moon pack because he knew Aurora cried.

Raine has made it clear to her mate that it was a problem that should not be exaggerated, a common problem that many couples experience.

Even the two of them had experienced such a phase.

It's just that Torak doesn't want to know about all that, because what's on his mind right now is; her little girl was crying and he couldn't just stay still.

"No Raine, not this time…" Torak said softly but firmly to his mate. "I will feel much better only after seeing my daughter with my own eyes. I have to make sure that man gets my daughter the respect she deserves."

Seeing Torak's decisiveness, Raine could only smile and kiss his cheek. "Don't be so hard on Draghar, he must be regretting what he did."

Thork growled. "I want to see how sorry that boy is."

Torak was so serious about his words, he didn't even care if he had to take his private plane and land in the nearest town of the blood moon pack, where they now only need to drive a few hours to get there.

Torak himself brought several lycan warriors to accompany them and let Kayden and Calleb take care of the pack.

His first son was supposed to take over his position as Alpha, but he was still stubborn not to do it.


Aurora had fallen asleep briefly on Draghar's chest when her crying had subsided and she felt much better…

For some reason after she felt much calmer, the next thing Aurora felt was an unbearable drowsiness.

Maybe because she was in the arms of the man she loved, maybe because of the sensation she felt when they touched, or also because Aurora was relieved that their problems were finally over.

But, whatever it was, Aurora felt much better when she opened her eyes and found Draghar sleeping beside her. It seemed that the man had also had a very unpleasant night fighting with her.

This was their first fight, but Aurora was sure it wouldn't be the last, but if they can overcome this and end the fight like this, then Aurora would not feel worried about their future.

Aurora then reached out and touched Draghar's face, watching him carefully… she traced the wound on her mate's face with her finger and felt that the wound was proof of how great this man was to survive to this day and Aurora was very grateful for that.

Aurora felt that she could see Draghar's face who had slept all day, even though they were now lying on the thick grass, under the shade of a shady tree.

In his sleep, Draghar pulled Aurora closer to him and snuggled in his mate's neck, feeling her warmth and breathed deeply in her scent.

"Draghar..." Aurora called after a while they hugged like that and Draghar was fully awake, it was just that he still wanted to hug Aurora a little longer.

"Hmm?" Draghar muttered.

"I want to ask you something," Aurora began and could feel Draghar's body tense up, but then he said in a gentle voice.


Aurora paused for a moment and rubbed Draghar's arm around her body, waiting for her mate to no longer be so tense.

"Rose told me about the girl who helped you." Aurora stopped and landed a peck on Draghar's cheek as she felt his body react to her words again. "Maybe next time..." said Aurora at last.

It seemed like it would take a little longer for Draghar to open up to her.

But then, Draghar started to speak in a low voice. "Her name was Diana, she was an omega," Draghar said.

Hearing this, Aurora then changed her body position so that she could face Draghar while still lying down and using the man's arm as a pillow.

"Maybe it's just a child's instinct, she just wanted to help me because my father tortured me quite hard back then."

Almost the same as what Rose had told Aurora, but Draghar added some details that his sister didn't know.

And from how Draghar talked about Diana, Aurora felt grateful to the girl she never knew because at least she had helped Draghar through his difficult times.

Until in the end, Draghar's story reaches an incident that triggered him to change and realizeed that the kindness he received must be paid dearly by Diana.

"Gerald killed her right in front of me after harassing her along with some of his friends who were lycans guarding the first checkpoint."

Those were the last words Draghar spoke to Aurora at the end of his story and she didn't need a detailed explanation of how it happened.

Aurora couldn't even imagine it, let alone having to witness it with her own eyes like Draghar experienced, of course it was something that really made an impression on her mind.

It was understandable that that incident was the turning point for Draghar's change, anyone would no longer be the same after going through something like that.

And Aurora deeply regretted the past that Draghar had to endure.

"I am fine," Draghar said as he kissed the back of Aurora's hand which gently caressed his cheek.

Being in this woman's arms was the most comfortable thing Draghar had ever felt and nothing could change his opinion.

"Thank you for telling me this," Aurora said softly, she knew this was a tough thing to tell but, Draghar did it for her.

This was only one of many stories that would reveal Draghar's past, but also after hearing it, Aurora felt a little bit closer with her mate.

There would be a lot of time they would spend together, therefore, the two of them would slowly walk together.

"I feel better after telling you this," Draghar said sincerely. "Thank you for not judging me."
