Chapter 1152: Aurora (31)  

The sound of the tolling bell signaled that their pack was under attack and how dangerous the situation was was determined by the number of times the bell rang.

And three was the highest, it meant the attackers have passed check point one and almost disabled check point two.

How could that be when Draghar was just there about half an hour ago.

How could their defense be breached in such a short time? This doesn't make sense. What's really going on?

"What is it?" Aurora looked confused because she didn't understand the meaning of the ringing of the bell, but she could sense that it wasn't a good sign, especially when she saw Draghar became tense after hearing that.

"Stay in this room," Draghar said firmly before he turned into his black beast and charged towards the door, he sped away, leaving Aurora and Knox in the room.


Whoever had attacked them, Draghar couldn't let them go any further than this, especially when they managed to the pack house.

As the people in the pack house weren't the fighting type.

"What is it?" Knox woke up because he heard the sound of the bell ringing loudly and noise from outside the room. Aurora could even hear some people calling their family members, asking them to gather and not leave the pack house.

"I don't know," replied Aurora, she then helped Knox to sit up.

The boy then rubbed his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand. "I heard the sound of a bell…" he mumbled.

"Yes, the bell was ringing," Aurora replied. "You know what that means?" he asked.


Hearing Aurora's answer, Knox then crawled closer to Aurora and hugged her body.He loved being around his brother's boyfriend and loved her scent. Aurora was warm.

"That means we are under attack," Knox muttered, a hint of worry in his childish voice.

"Attacked?" A feeling of anxiety immediately swept over her when she heard the answer, she was worried and a little confused, because her pack had never been attacked to such extent until creating a fuss… "Knox, I think we should get out of this room."

However, the little boy buried his face in Aurora's chest and shook his head.

"I don't want to," he said.

Aurora understood that Draghar's little brother was scared, but staying in this room wasn't safe either. In a situation like this, it was safest to be with the rest of the pack.

"I'll carry you and we'll get out of here, how about it?" asked Aurora making an offer to Knox. "We will be with the rest of the pack, you can meet your friend there too."

Only then did knox nod his head, but he still buried his face in Aurora's shoulder and hugged her neck tightly.

Aurora then took the jacket hanging by the door and immediately covered Knox's body, because if they had to get out of this pack house, then at least this little boy wouldn't be cold from the night air.

"Aurora," Clarice called, who was running towards her breathlessly. "Come on, we have to go to the main hall, people are waiting there."

Clarice then led the way to the main hall, where many people were already there. Several small children were seen crying and mothers tried to calm their children.

There were only women, children and the elderly there, while men stood guard in front of the pack house, protecting their families, in case checkpoints one and two were breached.

"Does something like this happen often?" Aurora and Clarice stood side by side by the door.

"Yeah, but usually the attacks don't go this way," Clarice replied. "Check point one can usually easily ward off this attack."

Aurora didn't know what was attacking them, but she felt these kinds of attacks were one of the reasons why the pack was surrounded by tall, towering walls.

"Is this a rogue attack?" That's all that crossed Aurora's mind, because the rogue was the one who attacked them the most.

Actually it can't be called an attack because it's more accurately called as trespassing.

"No, this must be that pack…" Clarice muttered.

However, Clarice didn't have time to explain further when they heard a loud explosion from outside and the ground beneath them shook violently.

Everyone in the hall screamed in terror as the children began to cry more and more hysterically.

Knox hugged Aurora even tighter making it hard to breathe, while Aurora could only rub his small back which was shaking with fear, whispering soft words to comfort him.

"What pack?" asked Aurora when the commotion outside had died down.


Draghar stared at his brother angrily, while Rose was beside him. Her sweet face lookeed firm and didn't show any emotion.

"You still think you're an Alpha?" Gerald asked scornfully at Draghar before him.

They had almost identical faces if Draghar hadn't had the scar on the left side of his face.

"You took that position from me!" Gerald's voice boomed, while the lycans in their beast forms, showed their long claws to face Draghar and his pack.

Draghar's people at a disadvantage because some of their members were traitors, especially the lycans who were at the first check point where they were loyal followers of the previous alpha and didn't really agree with Draghar as their new alpha.

"Rose, come with me," Gerald said to his only sister. "This pack will disappear and I will kill the person who stole the alpha position from me."

She glared at Gerald intently. "He didn't steal it. You guys put up a fair fight for the alpha position."

Rose's voice sounded very calm when she answered Gerald, while her brother looked a little hurt at the rejection he received.

A wry laugh could be heard from Gerald. "Then, I will not say anything more." His eyes then looked at Draghar with a sharp and cold look. "Don't let you lose both of your eyesight."

It was a warning, reminding Draghar that he would be completely blind if Gerald managed to injure his eye again…
