Chapter 1132: Aurora (11)  

I don't need you to light up my world, just sit with me in the dark.



"Yes, because I can't wait to see you again." The beast within him did not understand the word waiting.

Hearing Draghar's answer, Aurora could feel her face heating up and she subconsciously lowered her head to avoid her mate's intense gaze.

Even though Aurora couldn't see him and Draghar chose to cover his face again with the hoodie he was wearing, but still she could feel the man's heated gaze, as if she was the only one in his eyes.


Now Aurora realized how her mother felt whenever her father looked at her.

At that time, Aurora did not understand why her mother still very shy when her father looked at her, even though they had been together for years.

But now Aurora realized it. Being loved so much sometimes makes you so happy that the time you have spent together is still not enough.

"Can I give you a good morning kiss?" Draghar asked in his hoarse voice.

Even Aurora could hear the nervousness and this made the girl want to laugh happily.

Aurora was happy because she could make this big lycan look nervous and clumsy. She thought it was very funny.


Only, after a while, nothing happened. The two of them stood facing each other and just stared in silence. Mute.

According to Aurora, she didn't need to answer. It's a woman's language, which meant silence was a 'yes', well, in most cases, it could be interpreted that way.

But, in the context of this matter, of course Aurora's silence meant she was waiting for Draghar to kiss her.

But, after a minute had passed and the silence became a little unpleasant, Aurora finally decided to speak.

Too bad, Draghar was inexperienced with creatures called women. He was used to getting orders clearly. Yes and no. So, the meaning of silence was not in his dictionary.

He's not very sensitive to this one issue.

"Should I ask you to kiss me?" asked Aurora when Draghar did nothing.

"Oh," said Draghar, looking flustered, especially when Aurora tugged at the collar of his jacket and made him lower his head so he could level his face with the little girl's height.

And as soon as their faces met, Aurora kissed Draghar while whispering softly against his lips.

"Good morning," she said cheerfully. A smile spread across Aurora's lips and this made the beast within Draghar perked its ears warily, waiting for what would happen next.

And what Draghar had in mind was to mark his mate. Make her as his permanently. With a mark from him, then the other lycans would know that this perfect girl was his and would only be his.

Aurora's neck was so close, so close and it took only one movement for Draghar to sink his fangs into the soft skin between the curve of her shoulders and neck, where his mark would be visible.

Aurora's soft breath caressing the side of his face tempted Draghar to lose control over the beast that he unknowingly let out a low growl.

And this made Aurora flinched, especially when suddenly Draghar hugged her tightly and brushed her hair away from her neck, the place where he was going to mark her.



Aurora just gave him a good morning kiss and she didn't see anything wrong with it...

However, this was an ending that Aurora had not imagined at all…

"No, Draghar, not here…" Aurora wasn't stupid, she knew what would happen next. But, of course she didn't want to be marked in front of her bedroom door, in the hallway. This didn't feel right. "Draghar!"

However, Draghar seemed not to have heard Aurora's refusal, his eyes darkening and his fangs lengthening when he saw the soft pulse on Aurora's neck…

He will mark her and make her his. Aurora only belongs to him…

But, before all that happened, Draghar's body suddenly was pushed really hard and hit the wall, making a deep dent in the wall. The sound of it was also deafening.

Aurora let out a low shriek as Draghar's body just slipped away from her and someone was standing in front of her, protecting her from her own mate.

"Daddy..." said Aurora in a slightly trembling voice. And when her eyes fell on Draghar, she was wide-eyed at her mate. "Draghar…"

It was natural for Aurora to worry about Draghar, because after all, the broken wall indicated that the impact was very strong.

Aurora could even hear the sound of his bones being reconnected and this scared her.

It was certain that some of Draghar's bones had been broken.

"Stay here," Torak said in a low voice full of warning. He also used his Alpha voice to keep Aurora in place, something he rarely did.

And the commotion caught the attention of several people. Especially Kayden who immediately rushed to Aurora's side and stared at Draghar with his eyes that had turned black.

On the other hand, Draghar seemed to have lost himself and looked at the two lycans in front of him, who stood between himself and his mate, as his enemies.

Thus, without a second thought, his body arched forward and he began to growl and roar very loudly, announcing his anger.

He didn't want another lycan between him and his mate. He didn't want another lycan to touch her. No one else can touch her...

As if Draghar's sanity had been completely taken away by the beast within him, he began to shift into his black lycan and charged towards Torak.

Likewise with Torak, he didn't take a second to decide what to do when he shifted into his white lycan and crashed into the black beast in midair.

Both of them roared and growled fiercely, their eyes were no longer black, but red, indicating that this fight would not end without one of them getting hurt and Aurora didn't want that ending.

Meanwhile, seeing the unfavorable situation, Kayden very quickly pulled Aurora's hand, just a moment before the two Alphas charged towards them and wrestled in a fierce fight.

The two of them then hit a large glass window and fell from the seventh floor of the pack house.
