Chapter 1117: In another life (4)  

Raphael returned home in a hurry after he heard Edgar was sick through a phone call from Lana a while ago, who said that she had just returned from the healer's place.

Of course, as new parents with an eight- month- old baby, this left them both panicking.

Luckily, although Raphael and Lana decided not to live in the pack house, their house was not too far from the pack house.

"How is he now?" That was the first question Raphael asked as soon as he opened the main door of the house and stepped inside.

The Beta saw Lana nursing Edgar in the living room.

Lana lifted her finger to her lips, asking Raphael not to make any noise. "Edgar is fine now, but he had been crying since this morning and it was really hard to calm him down," Lana said quietly. The woman looked tired and although Edgar seemed fine now, it couldn't take away the worried look from his mate's eyes.


"What did the healer say earlier?" asked Raphael, this time in a much lower tone. He then sat next to Lana carefully, watching how Edgar was gripping the shirt Lana was wearing while his eyes were tightly closed. He seemed to have fallen asleep, but Lana was still afraid to lay him on the bed.

"He said Edgar was fine and not to worry," Lana said quietly, her eyes still on her son. "Although it's rare, it's still natural for shifter babies to get sick in the early years, because their immunity power isn't fully developed yet," Lana explained to Raphael about what the Healer had told her.

At first, Lana didn't want to worry Raphael by talking about this while he was at work, especially when Raphael had to leave his job, but when her mate called and asked how their child was, of course she couldn't lie.

"Have you had lunch?" Raphael glanced at the clock, it was almost noon and well past lunch time. Lana shook her head in answer.

"I can't put him on the bed, I've tried a few times, but as soon as I put him down, he'd start crying again," Lana said.

She was hungry, especially since Edgar was constantly suckling, but it was very difficult to eat while carrying him.


Raphael frowned, he didn't know that being a mother was so difficult. Even though he was so busy with work, at least he would have enough time to eat and could rest when he got home, but it was different for Lana...

And even though Raphael always cooperated well, there were things he couldn't do.

"Come here, let me carry Edgar." Raphael stretched out his hands. "You eat first."

Lana looked doubtful for a moment.

"You have to take care of your health too, it's okay… I will carry him carefully," Raphael coaxed her.

Then slowly, Lana moved Edgar who was still in a feeding position and moved the baby into Raphael's arms.

Edgar seemed almost awake for a moment, but after Lana patted him, he closed his eyes again.

"Okay, I will be right back," Lana said in a whisper, she caressed Edgar's cheek and gazed affectionately at her son and husband.

"I will be right here, take your time," replied Raphael. "Get some rest, you look really tired."

Lana smiled widely and kissed Raphael's forehead instead of thanking him. She was lucky to have a mate like this man.

But, even before Lana could take a third step, Edgar let out a mumbling sound and started to squirm, there was a faint crease between his eyebrows, before he finally burst into tears.

Maybe because he felt the changes around him, since it was Raphael who was holding him. But, it turned out to be crucial as it made the baby feel uncomfortable.

It's a hard thing to explain, but Edgar would sleep longer when Lana carried him, and no matter how carefully Raphael held him, the baby could still detect the difference.

This was also one of the things Raphael couldn't help with, even though he really wanted to.

"Come, give him to me," Lana said softly as she sat back down in her original place. She held out her hands to ask for Edgar.

"But…" Raphael hesitated. Lana looked tired and hungry, but he couldn't stop Edgar from crying either. The baby wanted his mother and sometimes this made Raphael feel jealous.

"It's okay." Lana then took over Edgar from Raphael. "Edgar was in my womb for a few months, so naturally he's more familiar with me." Lana knew what Raphael was thinking and said this to make him feel better.

"Yes, I understand," Raphael said slowly, then he stood up and walked away.

Meanwhile, Lana could only stare at Raphael's back, which looked down, it seemed that her partner was very disappointed that Edgar couldn't feel comfortable around him.

Apparently, after calming Edgar down, Lana had to calm Raphael down too.

However, a few moments later, after Edgar was successfully put back to sleep, Raphael returned with a tray full of food, a gentle smile etched on his lips.

"If I can't calm Edgar down, I can at least keep you from starving," Raphael said with a grin.


Lana laughed softly and felt that her life was perfect.


By nightfall, Edgar's condition had improved and he was now playing with Raphael in the living room watching a cartoon on television, while Lana was cutting fruits for the two of them.

Edgar's fever had now subsided and he looked more cheerful.

"Ma..." Edgar said as he raised his hand when he saw Lana come back with a plate of apple slices.

"Humph, he really is his mother's son, he can't even focus when you're not here," Raphael grumbled, but of course he wasn't serious about his words, especially when Edgar kissed his cheek as soon as Lana hugged him.

After that Lana put Edgar back on the carpet and let her son engrossed in his toys.

"I love you," Raphael whispered into Lana's ear, which made her blush.

Raphael then reached out his hand, touched Lana's cheek and pulled her closer, he was about to kiss the most perfect woman in his life when Lana turned her face away in surprise, just before their lips touched.

"What hap…" Raphael immediately turned his attention to see what Lana was looking at.

And the sight made both of them gasp.

"Edgar is walking!"
