Chapter 1103: Side story: so do i  

It was a year ago that Jedrek jumped into the crater of hell to follow Lilac, hoping that he could repent for everything that he had done to her and if she had to vanish from his life, he didn't want to exist in this world without her either.

He knew, but at the same time couldn't imagine how much he had hurt her. He was too selfish and stupid to realize it sooner.

However, he couldn't possibly ignore Serefina in her final moments and when she was breathing her last, especially after he knew what she had been through throughout those decades when they were apart.

Yet, that couldn't justify every action that he had took, which had inflicted unbearable pain on Lilac.

"Your majesty, there are a few people that want to see you," one of his seven generals came into his study room, stopping him in his line of thought, which was filled with infinite regrets and endless despair. His heart longed for his mate… for Lilac to be there with him.

Jedrek was standing behind the floor to the ceiling windows, from where he was staring at the progress of the rebuilding of his realm after the war.


Mostly, everything was going smooth and there was nothing much to be worried about. Jedrek must feel relieved and elated by this progress, yet he didn't even feel any near that fancy feeling, as the hollow in his heart only grew deeper and darker.

"Who are they?" Jedrek asked. He had lost all the former seven generals to the war and now he had established new ones. He also omitted some of the rules, such as removing omega rank, since he remembered Lilac ever complained about it, because it didn't seem justifiable to degrade the people of that rank.

In his loneliness, he remembered all of Lilac's words and her little complaints on how he ran the kingdom. He didn't heed to those at that time, but now he wanted to build a realm that she wanted… because he knew, she had a better vision than him.

As expected from the queen, his queen…

Yet, she was not even here to see anything of this or to give another advice so Jedrek could rule this new era in a better way than he had done before.

He knew he was not a good king, therefore he needed his queen. Not only to rule beside him, but also to fill the empty hollow in his rotten heart.


"Dragon shifter people," the general informed his king. "They brought something for you and asked for your permission to put it in our garden."

Jedrek frowned, he looked at his general questioningly. What did those dragon shifters bring for him that needed to be put in his garden?

"What is that?" He asked, while walking across the room.

For a few seconds, the general looked hesitant whether to tell him about this or not, but there was no way he could ignore the question.



"The flowers will bloom eight months from now and in the east, there are a lot of seeds of this flower." One of the dragon shifters told Jedrek politely. He was looking at the king's shoulder, as he was not daring enough to look at Jedrek right in his eyes.

The population of dragon shifters decreased significantly after the war, especially when they faced a dead end in having young generation of the dragon shifter, since only the females from their race could reproduce an heir for them.

And the only female dragon alive was Bree, yet there was no way they could force their idea on her when she was heavily guarded in Torak's pack, unless she was willing to match with one of the dragon shifters, if that was not the case, then there was nothing they could do…

"Lilac flower," Jedrek muttered. He stared at the tens of heavy and huge sacks behind the dragon shifter, filled with many seeds of Lilac flower. "Why do you think I need that?" He asked in a stern tone.

He didn't need something else to remind him about Lilac, since his very existence was the solid reminder of how he had failed miserably to keep his own mate beside him.

On the other hand, the dragon shifter looked a little flustered, he had been warned that the king could misunderstand the meaning behind this gift.

"My apologies, your majesty," he said humbly. "But, our lord thought that your garden is too barren and because lilac is a beautiful flower and the queen will like it when she returns, he wants to give you this small gift."

Jedrek fell silent for a while and no one knew what was inside his mind right at this moment, until he spoke again. "Yes, Lilac is a beautiful flower. The queen will like it when she returns." He said softly and then walked away, letting them do what they wanted to do.


Jedrek was standing in the hallway, while staring at the countless people, who were busy planting lilac seeds.

Eight months…

Eight months and the garden would be filled with various types of lilac flowers and just like what the dragon shifter said, it would be beautiful.

"Are they planting lilac flowers?" A soft and chirpy voice sounded beside Jedrek.

Because Jedrek was in deep thought he didn't even realize when this little fellow had came near him. The little boy tilted his head, waiting for Jedrek's answer.

The king didn't know who this little boy was, but from the way he was dressed, he must be one of the servant's child.

"Yes, they are," Jedrek answered, didn't mind at all to have the little boy accompany him.

"Will the garden be filled with many lilac flowers?" The little boy asked again bravely. He really had some noteworthy guts to have a chat with the king without flinching. "Lilac flowers remind me of the queen. She is very soft and strong and kind and beautiful. I miss her," he said truthfully, with the innocent honesty that his pure soul had.

Meanwhile, Jedrek could feel his heart being squeezed painfully yet familiarly once again. It felt like the little boy had voiced out what he couldn't, since he didn't have someone to talk about it.

"So do I."
