Chapter 1097: Side story: my child is strong  

"This is impossible…" Lilac said breathlessly when she saw the place that Jedrek had bought for the two of them. Well, they would welcome a new member to their small family in around three months from now, since Lilac was already two months pregnant.

Because it would only take five months for her until giving birth. Thus if one looked at her closely, they would notice the slight bump on her stomach which Jedrek loved to see her with. He thought she looked very sexy that way, especially since Lilac now gained more weight and this highlighted the curves on her body.

"Of course, this is possible," Jedrek grinned and took Lilac's hand to enter their new place. The place that they would call their home. "I don't want our firstborn to live in that small apartment," he grumbled when he said this sentence, which made Lilac laugh out loud.

"But you shouldn't have bought this place. This is too big for the three of us," Lilac said while letting Jedrek lead her into the castle like house. "This is too much."

Actually, this place was really beautiful, and she indeed loved it. However, she still thought that what Jedrek had done was a little bit too much. He could buy any ordinary place, a big house but not a castle.

Yet knowing Jedrek, as the king of the lycanthropes, he would go for something like this. He wouldn't settle for anything ordinary.



Because Lilac didn't want to go to his realm, thus he brought the realm to this world. At this rate, what else Lilac could do? She couldn't complain when she herself liked it too.

"Of course not," Jedrek refused her statement. "My castle is bigger than this," he said proudly.

"Yeah," Lilac groaned, but then her focus got attracted by the small garden in front of the big floor to the ceiling windows in the living room, which was filled with lilac flowers.

Out of instinct, her feet brought her nearer to the windows to enjoy the scenery, as Jedrek followed behind her.

Lilac stopped in front of the windows and placed her hand against the glass, smiling tenderly when the soft and warm sun light hit her face and she needed to squint her eyes slightly.


She remembered the feeling when she was still able to control the nature around her or whenever she felt the vibe through the ground beneath her feet.

Sometimes, Lilac missed her power, as she had had it since she was only a child and losing it was something that still bothered her… for some odd reason, she felt like she lost half of herself.

"Do you like it?" Jedrek approached Lilac and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, while caressing her stomach, feeling the bond that started to form between the baby and him. He could feel it.

"I love it," Lilac answered, a soft smile formed on her lips and it grew wider when Jedrek landed a kiss on her cheek.

"I am glad that you like it," he said. "Want to see our bedroom?" He asked seductively.

Upon sensing the double meaning behind Jedrek's words, Lilac slapped his arms playfully. "Don't ever think about that," she said.

"Why? Think about what? I am innocent," he complained.

And then Lilac turned around and cupped his face between her palms, staring deeply into his blue eyes. "You are nothing, but innocent Mr. Donovan."


"This is a very big place for only the three of us to occupy." Lilac traced her fingers along Jedrek's jaw line, wiping away the sweat on his skin after the love making session that just ended. "It will be a bit lonely."

Well, Lilac couldn't resist it when Jedrek made a move on her while they were in their bedroom, since she had this weird insatiable desire for her mate.

Lilac took note that during her pregnancy, she tended to be more active than usual. Well, she wouldn't admit it and would gladly blame this on her pregnancy…

"Of course, there will be some helpers too," Jedrek said in his sleepy voice. He then turned around and planted a kiss on Lilac's forehead, snuggling into his mate's embrace. "Don't worry, it will not feel as lonely as you think after everything was settled."

Jedrek had thought about it carefully and considered all of Lilac's worries about this place even before she brought them up, since he knew that Lilac was quite a social type. She would love to be surrounded by people, making her the perfect queen for him.

It would be perfect if Lilac agreed to go back to their realm, but knowing the strong reason behind Lilac's refusal, Jedrek didn't want to push his luck. He was already lucky enough that Lilac was willing to take him back, after the worst nightmare that he forced her to go through, after the many horrid things that he had done to her.

If it was not now, then maybe one day Jedrek could convince Lilac and take her to the place where they belong to.

Meanwhile, Lilac hugged Jedrek's head, playing with his hair, while staring at her surroundings.

"I just realized something…" Lilac murmured.


"Why is it only this room that is quite clean than any other room?" Lilac remembered that there was no furniture in this big house and one could even say that this place was rather empty. "Who put this bed here?"

However, why was there a bed inside their room? And Lilac could see that this bed was very neat, as if someone intentionally put it here for them to have some rest.

On the other hand, upon hearing Lilac's question, Jedrek kept quiet. He didn't want to answer that, until Lilac realized it herself.

"Wait, don't tell me you have planned all of this?" She asked suspiciously.

The king laughed when he heard that and started to make his move again.

"No, I need to rest, I am pregnant," Lilac said in a stern voice, but the gleam of mischievousness in her eyes couldn't escape his eyes.

"I think my child is strong enough for another round."
