Chapter 1090: Side story: one more round  

It had been two months since Hope returned to this realm to stay beside Kace again.

The two lovebirds looked amazing next to each other, but always left the other people uncomfortable, since they were to be fed up with the public displays of affection that the couple served them often.

Actually, Hope was a little bit annoyed with the way Kace was now treating her, but seeing the lycan looking all happy while fulfilling all of her wishes. And in the end, Hope couldn't say anything to reprimand him.

However, there was one thing that Hope knew very well that Kace really wanted, but she kept pretending to act like a fool, though in her heart, she knew he felt anxious and was about to go crazy.

Kace wanted a child badly.

That was very clear from the way how dearly he loved children. He would even bring up children vaguely every time they finished doing it.


This made Hope blush as she didn't know how to respond to him, thus she tried to act cool, though what she felt was the other way around.

Ugh. This was an embarrassing thing to talk aloud, but from what Hope knew, and with her knowledge on the shape shifter's gen, like the lycanthropes, she understood that they had a strong seed, which would get you pregnant easily.

However, it had been two weeks, but Hope didn't think she felt any signs of getting knocked up or whatsoever.

Hope wanted to ask him about this, but like what she thought earlier; it was an embarrassing thing to say out loud.

She just wanted to know whether it was a normal thing? Well, as far as she knew, you would start to show just when you are only a week pregnant and start to feel the signs of having another life inside your stomach in a few days only. This was because pregnancy for shifters only lasted for four months and a half, so it was relatively fast if you compared it with human's pregnancy.

But, until now Hope didn't feel anything!


What happened to her?! Or was something wrong?!

Was this because Hope was no longer a guardian angel and the mate bond being broken, hence there was no connection between them?

No. No. No.

Hope was pretty sure that was not the case. Maybe, all of this was only in her mind. Maybe, even Kace didn't think too much about this.

Maybe this was only her, who had high hopes for herself.

Well, since she didn't have a family of her own and you could say the same for Kace, thus she wanted to make her own little family as soon as she could...

The thought of having Kace's baby left Hope cringing, but that very thought also warmed her heart greatly.

Therefore, Hope went straight to the point this time...

"Why didn't I get pregnant yet?" She asked out of curiousity and impulsiveness just when both of them laid on their bed, under the soft gaze of the moonlight out there, which could be seen from behind the window glass.

"What?!" Kace almost got choked by his own saliva when he heard that and turned his head around very fast, too fast until he felt like he had snapped his own neck.

Hope blinked her eyes and asked him innocently, "Well, we have done it a few times already, but why didn't I get pregnant yet?"

Kace grimaced when he heard that and then stared at Hope timidly, who was lying beside him. "Why do you think that way?" He asked softly.

This time, it was Hope, who was confused. "I thought you wanted a child."

Kace's brows creased deeply. "Of course, I want one..." then he added carefully. "But, I don't think that I ever mentioned it to you..."

"No, you have never mentioned it before, but the way you would talk about children and how you usually treat them, showed me what you want..." Hope mumbled as she explained. "Actually, you did mention it once, but I don't think you remember it, since you only talked about it offhandedly."

Great! Kace totally forgot that he ever said something like that.

"Did I?" Kace asked in a soft- whisper like voice, which caressed Hope's ears gently. She then snuggled closer in Kace's arms and buried her face against his chest.

"Don't you want a child?" Hope asked again, her voice all muffled.

"Of course, I want a child," Kace said immediately, not letting Hope have another bad thought regarding their current topic again.

"But, why don't you let me?" Hope knew that this topic was a little bit sensitive and steamy, but she needed to know what was Kace's reason for this.

Kace looked hesitant when he had to answer her, but then he said the truth. "Because, I thought you were not ready."

Hope frowned and then looked at her mate questioningly. "Why do you think in that way?"

Kace shrugged his shoulders when he heard that question, "I don't know... maybe because you are too young to be a mother and you still need to enjoy your time..."

"I enjoy my time with you..." Hope flipped her body and now she used her elbows to support her upper body, so she could stare at Kace. "And I want this, not only for the two of us..."

Hope said her last sentence in a whispery voice that made the blues in Kace's eyes darken further.

And then there were no more words that needed to be shared between them when the soft glare of the moonlight became the witness of the passionate love that the two of them had for each other.


The light from the moon glistened on Hope and Kace's bare skin as they laid back on the balcony and let the wind caress their bodies.

Hope looked like a little kitten when she snuggled closer to Kace and nuzzled his neck. She yawned sleepily and was about to get up to walk toward their comfortable bed, but Kace held her back.

"Lay down," he said and wrapped her in his arms once again.

"Let's go back to the bed," Hope said, yet Kace shook his head.

"Stay still."


"To make sure that I got you pregnant," Kace grinned foolishly.

"What?" Hope chuckled when she heard that.

"Or maybe we can have another round." Kace wriggled his brows suggestively and Hope laughed out loud when she heard that.


"You have to check again, maybe that test kit is not working properly." Kace urged Hope to take another test early in the morning.

"Kace, stop it." Hope was annoyed because Kace was being beyond irrational. "We just did it last night."

"Oh, my seed is very potent. You must be pregnant by now." Kace didn't want to hear any refusal from his mate.

"I just did the test and the result said negative." Hope was not really worried about this, because it completely did not make sense if she indeed got pregnant by now.

"But, I bought a new one. Try this." Kace gave another test kit to Hope, which she threw away, while glaring at her mate.

"No. I need time to pee." Hope folded her arms defensively.

However, Kace came up with a brilliant idea. "Or, maybe we can try another round again."

"No, my body is in pain." Hope refused immediately his suggestion and got off the bed, before Kace could reach her.

"Come on, Hope. Just one round."

