Chapter 541   - Final Arc Part XIII

Sei could feel his muscles that were all bunched up slowly relaxing and his heart and blood that had all but turned into ice thaw and returned to its normal functions. Though his body was still and unmoving the whole time, his eyes were fully glued on the descending pair until they did a perfect landing just a few feet from where he was standing.

Seeing Juu unhook the clasps of the parachute from Davi and himself, Sei finally took a step forward. As he increased his pace to the pair before him, his hands were already lifted from his sides and finally they curled around Davi as he hugged his wife as hard as he could.

Clutching her back and hair, Sei shuddered hard as he released all the tension he had constrained so tightly since the moment she heard Scarlet Hill was under attacked. His fingers shaking as he slid them into her hair and curved them over her skull.

That moment he saw damned man pointing a gun in Davi’s head and dragging her so carelessly and fiercely, only the devil knew how much control Sei had to exercise. And those moments until now scared Sei to his bones. He could never bear it something bad happens!!

"My god, Davi..." he ġrȯȧnėd into her hair. His expressionless face a while ago was now drained of color because of how close he had been from losing her. One mistake and his wife would have been...

Sei buried his face into Davi’s hair, uncaring that it was messy and there were bits of leaf and dirt in it. All he cared for was that she was alive and breathing. Pulling himself away from her, he quickly did a scan of her from head to toe, making sure that she was relatively unhurt – other than the head wound that she sported.


He dragged his mouth feverishly over her face.

"Are you ok, darling? You feel any pain or dizziness?" Sei gently queried Davi as he noticed she was still a little disoriented. However, he was glad that even through her confusion, she knew to hang onto him as she instinctively recognised him.

"Sei...?" Davi looked up at him and blinked a few times. "Yeah, I am fine... I think... Just a little headache." Davi winced as she gingerly touched the slight wound at the side of her head.

Thankfully it had already stopped bleeding. Sei could only breathe out a sigh of relief at her response and pulled her in close for another tight hug. "Thank god!" he murmured.

After a few seconds, he knew he had to release her. There are other pressing matters that needed to be attended to. Juu had safely gotten off the plane with Davi. Now for Zaki to get off too!

Just as Sei tilted his head to look up, expecting Zaki to come sailing down in another red and yellow parachute, what greeted his eyes was something totally unexpected. Further off from where they were, the helicopter had exploded in a firework of flames and scraps of metal.


Sei’s eyes widened. For a moment, fear crept through his heart again as he had thought Zaki did not make it. However,

"Zaki..." he uttered and to his relief, he spied the red and yellow of a parachute descending amidst the mess of fire and helicopter parts. He released the breath he was holding and let out a small smile.

"Damn," he cursed under his breath. Zaki managed to get rid of his ultimate nemesis. He would have to congratulate the man once he landed.

But as the parachute continued on its descend, Sei noticed something off about the way Zaki’s posture as he hung from his chute. His initial relief suddenly did not seem so firm anymore and his heart gave a little tremble as he felt a little tense as he kept his eyes on Zaki.

When Zaki landed – or more like he literally crashed landed – everyone knew that there was something terribly wrong with him.

Zaki would execute nothing short of a perfect landing when coming down on a parachute. It was as simple and natural as breathing to him as he had done this so often that they could not keep track of the numbers. So this landing was definitely telling them there was something wrong!

As everyone rushed over to him, Sei naturally arrived first. What greeted his eyes had his blood run cold. Zaki was still breathing. But only bȧrėly. Even though Sei was no medical expert, he could tell that Zaki was dying due to all the blood loss and the extensive injuries that littered his body.

"Zaki!" Sei called out and Zaki forced his eyes to open and looked at him.

A small bitter smile curved on Zaki’s lips then a hoarse and weak voice came out of his lips. "I’m sorry Sei," he uttered and Sei frantically called out the medics.


After that fated night, Davi had eventually fallen into a coma due to the head injury she suffered from her fight against Three. Initially after her rescue she seemed fine due to all the adrenaline rushing through her system. Also, it extended after they found Zaki so heavily wounded, Davi had even attempted emergency first aid on him all the way until they arrived at the hospital. However, when the medical personnel took over, the overexertion and relief of the stress had taken away all the bolstering support which had allowed her to go on for that long. Davi collapsed in the emergency room right as Zaki was wheeled off.

As Sei and his men went back to the lab to check on the damages, they also met with more bad news.. Because of the massive fire that had destroyed everything and killed most of the important scientists who worked with Davi, the new scientist who had tried to continue the medication and treatment process had failed.
