Chapter 537   - Final Arc Part IX

"What the hell do you want?" Zaki shouted out, as One was just too strong, and he was fighting without any restrictions nor intentions on holding back. From what Zaki had been observing, the way One fought was exactly the same as back then, like an emotionless killing machine.

There was no resemblance to a human being at all. "I can help you, if you stop this... Seven and Three included..." Zaki tried to go along the negotiation route, realizing that this fight might drag on longer that he expected. And he doesn’t have the luxury to be kept here by him.

Zaki was already worried to death about how the process was progressing in the sanatorium with Davi and the rest of the scientists. He had to go there and check on her!

But if he run away, this man would certainly follow him. And he couldn’t let this person of all creature to reach that place. It would be the same as bringing a deadly storm with him!

Zaki always knew that One was heartless. He knew what One was capable of. This person could kill anyone in cold blood without even batting an eyelash. No, he could not even be considered a person anymore. It would be more apt to call him a monster. But Zaki still wanted to try and reason things out with him. He was hoping that a little hint of humanity and conscience could bloom in One. But it seems that it was too much to ask because at that moment, he could see nothing but pure evil overflowing from his eyes.

"Haha. I see that your thought process and rationalisation is really like an idiotic human now too huh, Zero? Well, you’re the rejected product after all." He laughed scornfully as he shrugged his shoulders dismissively, as if mentally writing Zaki off his ’approved’ list. "Why would I need your permission, huh, Zero? When I can take that doctor away whenever I wanted?" One taunted Zaki.


"Don’t you dare –" Zaki’s voice suddenly turned murderous. Those words had immediately evaporated whatever control he had left. One had better not touch Davi!

"Listen Zero, I came to destroy everything you have." He said, suddenly flashing a beautiful and seemingly gentle smile. However, looking closely at the smile, anyone could tell that it belonged to a deranged and psychopathic killer.

"I’ll take everyone and everything away from you. All that you hold dear and close to your heart... I will..." One stopped talking and lifted his hand. He then closed his fist with only the thumb extended and moved to draw the thumb across his neck, telling Zaki wordlessly that he would kill everything and anyone he held dear.

Zaki’s eyes bled red and roared in rage as he lunged forward to attack him. And this time, Zaki’s ferocity increased to an unprecedented degree. How dare he!

When One did that wordless threat earlier, Zaki knew that he was not joking although there was a grin on One’s face. Thus, he felt as though ice actually forming in his veins when he perceived that threat. All that he held dear! Hinari! Sei and Davi. Shin and Sera. Yu Chen. Kyuu and Juu. At that moment, he suddenly realised that there were so many others that he had let into his heart over the years.

So many others that, if they were gone, would cause pain to his heart. Zaki could only smirk helplessly at himself. He couldn’t remember at what point that this cold, frozen heart of his had thawed and started beating like a normal one. It could feel love, happiness, sadness, and would also bleed for others now.


It was no wonder back in the lab, all of the experimental subjects were taught to be cold and detached from everyone and everything. They were indirectly taught that to have something you hold precious is to have a weakness that can be exploited by your enemies.

For a split second, Zaki wondered if he had done wrong. But the next moment, he shook his head and reorientate himself. He knew he only had gotten stronger and improved as he had more people he loved and there are important ones he needed to protect! He will not be shaken! He’d show to this heartless killer that having someone precious to protect wasn’t weakness, it would make even the weakest grow stronger. He’d show him he was wrong! He’d show him what a man with someone to protect could do!

"Over my dead body One. I’m not going to let the likes of you destroy my life!" Zaki yelled and before One realized it, a powerful blow sent him flying and crashing against the wall. "I have come along too far and taken much too long to get where I am today. I have also sacrificed so much more than you can imagine getting what I have gotten to allow you to just waltz in and mess it up just for your own crooked pŀėȧsurė!"

Zaki didn’t waste a moment and he attacked again. The thought that the peaceful life he had finally achieved after so many years of isolation, pushing others away, living on the edge of others’ lives, now crumbling down due to a madman’s caprice, suddenly awakened in him an incredible power which was initially a spark, now blazed like an inferno within him.

The thought that Davi could be harmed fueled his rage. He would never forgive himself if Sei’s life would be destroyed too – all because of him. He knew how Davi was Sei’s world. That young lad who grew into a magnificent specimen of a man, but who was literally a living block of ice, who initially had no feelings nor afforded any consideration for anyone else, and even for himself – this same Sei, is now such a loving husband, father and a wonderful friend.

Sei had saved him from that damned hell and had treated him and considered him his family. Zaki would be damned if Davi gets injured, or even get...
